The Twists and Turns of Love


After finding out his name, whenever Sarah heard someone calling an Eric on the street or even just the name on TV, she unconsciously looked over. It was like an impulse to find him.

Sometimes she wondered why she was putting herself through all of this. Couldn’t she just forget him once and for all? It would make her life so much easier.

“I’m going to go for a jog,” Sarah called out to Claire before leaving the house.

As everything rushed by her, she felt some kind of relief inside. Like she could just forget the things troubling her and just run forever.

All of a sudden, in a mere second, she tripped over something and fell headfirst to the ground. It had happened so fast, she barely had time to figure out what had happened.

Sarah stood up, studying the fresh scrapes on her knees. With this new addition, her legs were a mess of scabs, cuts and bruises. Some called it clumsiness, she called it bad luck. Either way, it wasn’t pretty.

She sat down at a bench nearby and breathed out heavily. All that running had gotten her tired. She spotted a small drugstore across the street where they would probably have water, and Band-Aids.

The place was a little run-down, and a bit strange, but Sarah entered anyways. A tattooed guy in his twenties welcomed her.

She grabbed a water bottle from a fridge but couldn’t see any disinfectant anywhere.

“Do you have any sterilizer or something?”

“There isn’t any more on the shelves? We may have some in stock. Let me go check,” he said, disappearing into the back.

Sarah stood there, cold bottle in hand, waiting for punk-rock guy.

She spotted a bulletin board with all types of want ads, event notifications and advertisements. A poster with a huge logo, which read Yesterday’s Fate in big block letters, caught Sarah’s eye.

It was a free concert they were holding at a park, with a line-up of unknown bands. The main act was the one called Yesterday’s Fate, which looked like it had some type of fan base to be the headliner.

“You like Yesterday’s Fate?” the cashier asked, returning with the disinfectant in hand.

“I’ve never heard of them, really,” she said, pulling out some crumpled dollar bills.

“They’re great,” a guy behind her put in, grinning.

She hadn’t even noticed he had entered the place.

“Hey Tim, how’s it going?” the cashier waved.

They said all the routine how-are-you’s and such, while she just stood in the middle. He still had her bottle of disinfectant in his hand and didn’t look like he was going to let it go anytime soon.

“He’s in the band,” Cashier Guy explained.


“You should come watch us,” Tim invited her.

“Um, okay.”

“How’s Eric doing?” Cashier Guy asked Tim.

Sarah blinked. Had he said Eric? Could it be her Eric?

“He’s doing fine. Just a little bit crazy over some girl.”

“Well, that’s a new thing. It’s usually the other way around.”

“Yeah, I have to admit it is weird.”

“Would this Eric’s last name happen to be Baker?” Sarah asked, risking looking like a stalker.

“Yeah,” Tim said, “You know him?”

“Well, sort of.”

“I don’t remember him talking to me about you,” Tim pondered.

“I have to go,” Sarah said, glimpsing the time on her phone.

“But you’ll come, right?” Tim asked.

“Yeah. See you there.”


“Sarah, can you give me your number?”

“Sure thing, Linda. Wait, I had written it out to put it in your locker. Didn’t you get it?”

“No, I didn’t.”

“It was here with my papers somewhere. I guess it must have fallen. I’ll rewrite in a second.”


“I’m going to a concert, want to come?” Sarah asked Claire, while gazing at her closet, wondering what to wear.

“A concert?” she asked, turning her gaze from the computer screen, where a nice, neat essay filled the screen.

“Not just any concert. Eric’s band is playing.”

“Eric as in Bike Guy?” she asked, sitting up quickly.


“But how-”

“It was really coincidence,” Sarah said, laying down on her mattress, “His friend, which is also in the band, and may I add, cute, was in the same store as me and he knew the cashier and well we started talking and he invited me.”

“Ooh, he likes you,” Claire teased.

“Please come? Please?”

“If you’re going to start begging, it looks like I won’t have a choice.”

“Come, let’s pick our outfits together.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took so long, but, I don't want to sound rude, but I have a life too...