The Twists and Turns of Love


“I met the most wonderful girl today,” Tim said, sitting beside Eric.

“Yeah? What’s her name?” Eric asked, flipping through

A blank look shadowed his face.

“I- I don’t know.”

Eric laughed.

“Looks like we are after two mystery girls.”

“Except she’s coming to our concert.”

“Yeah? Good for you. At least one of us will get a happy ending.”

“I hope so.”


“I’m getting a ride from David, want to come?” Tim asked Eric at the door.

“No, thanks. I’ll take a cab or something.”

It was the day of the concert and he only had a half hour to find his lucky guitar pick. He hadn’t told Tim that because he didn’t believe in that type of things and would have rushed him out the door. But he did. And every time they had performed, and he had his pick, no one had messed up in the least bit.

Where had he left it? A tiny pick could be in any part of the house. It could have fallen behind the bookcase or it could be hidden between other things. It was a difficult search.

He kept turning the house inside-out until he got a text from Tim saying that if he didn’t leave at that moment, he wouldn’t make it. So he left, without the pick, sensing something would go wrong.


“Can’t this car go any faster?” Eric yelled frantically, staring out the window at the long line of cars in the freeway.

“We’re stuck in traffic; I can’t move at all. Unless you want me to crash into the next’s car’s bumper, we’re stuck here.”

Eric sighed. They had been there around fifteen minutes, and his patience was worn thin. And on top of that, his phone didn’t have coverage. So his band mates would know nothing until he got there, probably late.

He stared at the empty backseat of the neighboring car. He knew something like that would happen.

And then, for no reason at all, he remembered Linda’s face. It seemed to be constantly flashing through his mind since he had seen her. He wondered where she was, what she was doing and, most importantly, if he would ever see her again. Things like that, that weren’t up to him, always bothered Eric because you never really know how something will turn out unless you do it yourself. And for that reason, he never deposited too much confidence in anyone, it only left room for betrayal.


Half an hour later, he was still there. Well, maybe a mile closer to his destination, which seemed to be as far away as China at that moment.

At least he had been able to text Tim that he was running late. At least he had that. Maybe the show could go on without him, although deep down he knew it couldn’t because he did the main vocals, and all the other guys in the band had terrible voices. Maybe some sort of miracle would happen.

His life at that moment seemed to be in the hands of fate. First, with Sarah. He would only see her again if it was meant to be. Something told him he just had to get to know her, but it was one of those things you don’t decide. And now there was this. He didn’t know how the band would handle this sudden problem. He had always loved music, and if this went wrong, his dream would be put to an end.

Unconsciously, he crossed his fingers tightly, and, after realizing how dumb it was, undid them.

Please, please let everything go well, Eric repeated over and over in his head, although he knew it didn’t help at all either.

He shoved his hands in his pockets and shut his eyelids. He felt something inside the fabric of his jeans and pulled out his lucky pick.

A wide smile shone on his face. Maybe everything would be alright after all.
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Sorry this took a while; I've been extremely busy lately. And I'm sorry it's so short. But thanks for reading anyways. You seriously are awesome in my eyes.