The Twists and Turns of Love


“Where is he?” Tim said, redialing Eric’s number for the fifth time straight.

The other band members, Luke and Jared, searched frantically for a solution to the problem.

“Hey, Tim,” Sarah said, standing beside him accompanied by Claire.

“You came!”

“Um, yeah,” she said, grinning shyly, “This is my best friend, Claire.”

“I’m Tim,” he said smiling wide at her.

“Hi,” Claire said confidently, her breathtaking looks contrasting greatly with Sarah’s.

“You never told me your name,” Tim said, turning to Sarah.

“Oh, it’s Sarah,” she said staring down at her shoes.

He didn’t think even consider she could be the same Sarah from the note Eric had, because, well, he couldn’t think of anything else besides her when she look him in the eyes.

Her friend was amazingly pretty, but she lacked that mysterious air Sarah gave off.

“So, where’s Eric?” Claire asked, breaking the silence.

Sarah shot her a surprised look.

“Well, he’s going to be a little late,” Luke explained.

“What’s keeping him?”


“Oh, what a pity. Sarah was really looking forward to seeing him again.”

This time Sarah’s look towards Claire was hostile, but nobody noticed it because of Claire’s smiling response.

“So will he be here or not?” Sarah asked.

She seemed to really want to see him. How was it that Eric had never told Tim anything about them?

“We think not.”

“So who’s going to replace him?” Sarah asked with a worried expression.
“We don’t know yet,” Tim said, sighing deeply.

“What does he play?” Claire asked.

“Guitar and vocals, which sucks because he‘s the only one who can really sing.”

“It’s your lucky day. Sarah here knows how to play guitar and I sing,” Claire declared proudly, flashing them a bright smile.

On top of every virtue Sarah had, she played guitar too? Was she the perfect girl or what?, Tim thought, staring at her amazed.

“No… Claire! You know I haven’t played in years.”

“You can’t just forget how to do something that quickly.”


“Please, Sarah,” Tim said, “Please?”

“All right,” she replied, giving in. “ I’ll do it.”

Tim felt like hugging her for helping them out, but he knew it would be awkward.

“We’re on in five,” Jared announced.

“I’m so excited!” Claire squealed.

Sarah sat down and closed her eyes.

“Are you okay? Do you need some water or something?” Tim said, sitting beside her.

“I- I’m just nervous.”

“Hey, don’t worry, Claire will be there with you.”

“I think it’ll be better if you just did it without me.”

“If we could, we would, but we need you, Sarah.”

“Can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” Tim smiled.

“Um, I know this may sound really weird but does Eric have blue eyes?”
Why would she ask something like that? Didn’t she already know Eric?

“Yeah, but didn’t you already know him?”

“Well, um, I have to confess something. I wasn’t sure if the Eric I knew was the same Eric you were talking about.”

“So you just came hoping it would be him?” he asked, looking at her straight in the eye.

“Yeah. I was just trying my luck.”

Sarah wrung her hands nervously.

“I’m glad you did, or I would’ve never met you.”

“I’m glad I met you too,” she said, grinning, “Now let’s do this."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took so long. :) I know I'm always saying the same things, but seriously.
The italics mean it's the character's thoughts (in this case Tim) just in case that wasn't clear.
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