The Twists and Turns of Love


“How did the show go?” Eric asked, finding his friends sitting at a table in the café.

“Great, actually,” Jared replied.

“Yeah, we might even have to kick you out because we have awesome replacements,” Tim teased.

“Replacements?” Eric asked, confused.

“Yeah, these two chicks, who know Tim from somewhere, played with us,” Luke explained.

“Where do you know them from anyways?”

“One of them was the girl I told you about and the other, her friend.”

“Oh yeah, the girl whose name you didn’t know.”

“At least I saw her again.”

That shut Eric up. He had hit him where he knew it hurt. But then again, he had started it with the whole not knowing her name thing, so, technically, he shouldn’t be the one angry.

They changed the subject to avoid any problems.

“Her friend was really good at singing and her looks-”

“I wanted to hear more about the other one, Tim’s girl,” Eric said, completely interrupting what Luke was saying.

“She’s not mine, you know.”

“Let’s hope she is someday,” he smiled, not conscious of exactly what he was saying.

Tim smiled and rolled his eyes.

“So, what’s her name?”


“And did you get her number or email or something?”

“Yup. Her number,” he said, waving a napkin in the air with a number scribbled on it. He just looked over the blurry numbers and smiled.

“Way to go.”

Getting a girl’s number is the most significant sign she’s into you, because you have to talk to her at the moment and they usually don’t ignore their phones. When they give you their email address, they like you but not enough, because they can ignore you a lot easier.

“Hey, when you call her, ask her friend if she wants to go out with me,” Luke said.

“Yeah, right. Claire will want to avoid you and then Sarah won’t go out with me,” Tim teased.

“He’s right. Let it go,” Eric said, faking a serious expression.

“Easy for you two to say, you both get the girls you want.”

“Really?” Eric asked, amused. If only he knew.

“Yeah, you’ve got Brandy, and now he’s got Sarah.”

“Brandy? Are you kidding me?”

And then, as if by magic, his phone started ringing. And guess who it was?

“Hey, Eric,” an annoying voice said on the other side.

“Hi Brandy,” Eric replied through gritted teeth.

“So, are you doing anything tomorrow night?”

Here we go again, Eric thought.

“Well, actually-”

And then he thought he could use the opportunity to tell her how he really felt about her. Although, out of respect for the other people wherever they were going, he wouldn’t make a scene and tell her how irritating she was and how far from liking her his feelings were.

“Where do you want to go?” he asked, suddenly in a bright tone.

“How about that frozen yogurt place near the mall?”

“Yeah, that sounds good.”

He wasn’t kidding when he said that. If he had to stand her through another entire meal, he didn’t know what he would do.

“I’m going to be around there so do you mind meeting up there around seven?”

This was going even better than planned! Now he didn’t even have to put up with her while driving there.

“Not at all. See you there.”

He hung up with a sense of relief. That would be the last time they would go out together.

“What did she want?” Tim asked, knowing how he disliked her.

“To go out. I’ll tell you the details later.”

He didn’t want to ruin the good moment they were having.


“Guess what?” Tim asked, with an unusually big smile.

Eric looked at his friend’s face and knew exactly what, or, who he was going to talk about.

“I’m going out with Sarah tomorrow night. The thing is, I need a favor. I was wondering if I could borrow your car?”

“Sure,” he agreed, he had no problem in lending it to him, since Tim always took good care of borrowed things. “But you’ll have to drive me somewhere before you go.”

“Thanks. Where are going?”

“On a date with Brandy.”

Tim let out a long whistle.

“Why are you still involved with that girl?”

“I finally have the guts to tell her I don’t like her in the least bit.”


“Yeah, but first I have to go for some frozen yogurt with her.”

“Sounds like fun,” Tim replied sarcastically.

“Well, at least one of us is going to be with our dream girl.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading. Enjoy!