Playgrounds Are Fun

Chapter 4

Kaitlyn's P.O.V.

I asked Frank if he wanted to walk with me. [I really didn't want to go to school alone.] Thankfully, he agreed, but we had to go to his friend's house first.

I hope that Frank's friends won't judge me like my other 'friends' did. I don't think I can go through all that pain again.

Frank's P.O.V.

When we were walking to Mikey's house, I asked Kaitlyn about where she used to live.
"After my mom re-married, we moved 5 times. So used to live in Los Angeles, then we moved to Seattle, THEN we moved to Maine, THEN we moved to New York, and now I'm here." She looked a little sad.

"Are you okay?" Kaitlyn nodded. "You sure?" She nodded. "What's YOUR story?" she asked. "My parents divorced when I was younger. Then my mom got a boyfriend who hates my guts. He's the one who threw my guitar in the bushes yesterday. I really don't like him." i answered. "At least we have something in common now." said Kaitlyn.

I stood in front of Mikey's door after knocking a couple times, waiting for a response. The door opened, and I saw Gerard.

Gerard was this really interesting guy who made me feel...not like myself. He and Mikey were really close. So every time I went to their house, Gerard would always be around staring at me.

"Hey, Frankie!" said Gerard. "Hello Gerard. How's life treating YOU today?" I replied. "I'm Fine." He looked over at Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn was smiling.

That's what was so cool about Kaitlyn. She has such a cheerful personality. I think she could make someone who lost hope so happy that they can eventually go a little overboard and go crazy. Umm, never mind.

"This is Kaitlyn. She just moved into the house next to me." Kaitlyn smiled, waved, and continued looking around.

"Can you call Mikey? We need to go." I asked. "MIKEY!!! Frank is here." "COMING GERARD!!!" screamed Mikey.

Kaitlyn's P.O.V.

This really odd-looking guy opened the door. His beautiful voice came out of only one side of his mouth. It was cute, really. But I was sure I didn't like him in that way...yet.

Gerard is his name, and Mikey is his brother. When Mikey got out of the house, we walked to school. We entered the incredibly large campus. Suddenly, I started to feel like I was shrinking. The world around me started to spin. I couldn't breathe. Then everything turned black.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I couldn't update this for like,
a month or something.
But I couldn't think of stuff to write.
*cough*and I'm grounded*cough*

I feel infinite. =]
please comment!!