Playgrounds Are Fun

Chapter 5

Kaitlyn's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes and looked around. I was on a bed, and everything in the room looked so plain. But I knew I wasn't in a hospital. A hospital wouldn't have posters of stuff from N.A.S.A on the wall. But then again, I'm not even sure if the school would have them.

"She'll be fine. I think she was just a bit too nervous today. She just needs to rest here for a while, and we'll call her parents." I don't know who said that, prehaps the school's nurse, but I know she was talking to Frank.

Frank walked in and saw me sitting up. "Are you okay? Don't stress out. It's ONLY the first day of school." I smiled.
But YOU don't know what it's like to be me.

2 weeks later...

Frank's P.O.V.

It's been 2 weeks since school started, and 2 weeks since I last spoke to Kaitlyn. As soon as I left her alone in the nurse's office, I think the "cool kids" took over and made her 'one of them.' It's simple really, the cool kids 'hang out' in the sun while talking to their friends, while they wait for another 'victim'. Usually that person is the kid who gets a lot of attention. And Kaitlyn had a bunch of attention when people found out she fainted on the first day of school. And it's been 2 weeks since PANSY, my guitar, has been damaged. It has a lot of scratches on it. But at least it still works.

Anyway, I've been going to Mikey and Gerard's house this past week just talking about music, new movies, and of course, girls. We were talking about how this one girl on the cheerleading squad,Kelly, was caught in the janitor's closet making out with the captain of the chess team. Gerard mentioned that he knew Pete, the captain of the chess team, and that he was a VERY good looking guy. We all felt sorry for Kelly since the cheerleading captain kicked her off the squad because it was 'bad for their image' or something. That was really wrong of them. I hope Kelly is okay, I really do.
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