Status: R.I.P. The Rev.

Can't Help Me Wish That I Was There, Where I Love to Be

Say What?

“I just need to pick up something, but I should be there in about five or ten minutes, k?”, I said to my friend Haven, then hung up my phone and dropped it into my bag. I walked into the post office, asked if there was anything for me or Haven, and was handed a letter. Without looking at who it was from, I stuffed it into my bag and left.

Ten minutes later, I was at the venue we were supposed to be setting up for Atreyu. Haven was waiting in the lobby, and I walked over to her, waving the letter. "It's for you!", I sang.

Haven took the envelope from my hand and studied it. While she was looking at it, I started putting up some Atreyu posters in the lobby. 

"So, Friday.", she said. “Apparently our next stop is Anaheim, California.”

I smiled widely at the thought of going to California. I'd always wanted to go there. I begged Haven to open the letter now, so we'd know who we'd be designing the venue for. But she said she didn't want to open it, and stuffed it into her back pocket.


The next day-the day of the Atreyu show-I got up bright and early and headed to Haven's apartment. Since I was starving, the first thing I did when I got there was raid her refridgerator. Haven excused herself to go get read or some shit, so I decided to watch tv. 
But while Haven was getting ready, I found the letter from the House of Blues, and after that I couldn't concentrate on the tv.

As soon as Haven reappeared in the living room, I shoved the letter in her face. "Open it, Haven. Please.", I begged. "I'm dying to know who we're designing for next!"

“Tomorrow, Friday, I’ll open it. Okay? I’ve just been busy." 

I groaned. This was torturing me, and Haven obviously knew that. "Fine, but if you don't open it tomorrow, I will."

Haven just laughed. "Okay, Friday.", she said. "Now let's go to that Atreyu show!"


"THAT. WAS. SICK!", I screamed as I burst through the door of Haven's apartment. Was it obvious yet that I spent a lot of time here? 

The Atreyu show was amazing, as I just stated. The set up crew tried to convince us to watch backstage with them, but me and Haven jumped into the pit. We started a mosh, and after the show we got to meet the band, who signed our new t-shirts! All in all, it was a damn good night.

“I know! Seriously, that was one of the BEST concerts I have been to by far!”, Haven agreed. She walked into her room to put up her Atreyu t-shirt, then sat down on her couch.

"You gonna spend the night?", she asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Ehh, sure. Why not?"

"What about your cat?"

"Huh? Oh, Pantera? She should be fine.", I said. And yes, I have a cat named Pantera. Can you tell I don't do much dating?

I noticed Haven staring at the letter from the House of Blues. Slowly, she reached down and picked it up. I smiled at her, silently encouraging her to open the letter now. Cuz I wanted to know what it said, dammit! Haven opened the envelope, slid out the letter, and read it to herself.

After about a minute, she looked up at me and said, “Friday, how would you like to assist me in a venue design for Avenged Sevenfold?”

The Avenged Sevenfold? As in my favorite band of all time? "FUCKING YES!", I yelled, pumping my fist into the air.

Haven put the letter back on the table, laughing, and walked away. I snatched up the paper and read the letter at least three times. I still couldn't believe we were going to California to design a venue for Avenged Sevenfold. This was totally my dream come true. I'd been in love with these guys since I was fourteen, but none more so than Zacky Vengeance. That man was so sexy it was unbelievable, I swear.

And I knew Haven had a thing for one Mr. Synyster Gates. So who knew? Maybe we'd get something more out of this than a chance to design a new venue, if you know what I mean. 
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This is my first chapter :)
hope you enjoy!