Status: probably permanently on hold

You Won't Come Back To Haunt Me

maybe for just tonight

If Zack was being honest, he'd say that he had no idea how he ended up here. He didn't know how he ended up in one of the model bedrooms of the spare house, pressed beneath Alex. If he was being even more honest, he'd say that the bed was not comfortable in the least, but that really didn't matter to him right now. All that mattered to him was Alex. The way his nails felt, lightly scraping up and down his bare chest. How he was biting and sucking at Zack's neck.

It was making him feel amazing all over. Every single nerve in his body felt as if it was on fire, and the contact wasn't enough. His hands trailed to the hem of Alex's shirt, his fingers leading the way, and he pulled it up, up, and over Alex's head. The contact stopped only long enough to pull it over Alex's head and shoulder, and then Alex went right back to work. He pressed close to Zack, creating a limited amount of friction between both of their crotches, and moving his hands along the top of Zack's jeans.

But he didn't go any further. Alex's hands just stayed there, toying idly with the button. Zack thrust his hips upwards, trying to withhold a whine, and silently begged for Alex to continue. Alex looked up at him, grinning mischievously, and worked his way up to Zack's ear with his teeth.

"Do you want more?" Alex muttered, tugging slightly on Zack's earlobe. A shiver rippled through him and his eyes closed as he nodded. "You want me to take these off?" Zack's nodding became far more rapid, as did his breathing. It sounded needy in his own mind, but Zack couldn't bring himself to care. He was needy.

Alex hummed in response and popped the button open, slowly sliding the zipper down. He moved down Zack's body and took off his pants with the same agonizingly slow pace and Zack was about to whine about going faster, but Alex cut him off before he began with a push at his crotch through his boxers. The palming elicited a moan from Zack, and he threw his head back, suddenly unable to watch Alex.

He stared up at the ceiling, counting the smudges and dots, just to calm himself down a little. He hadn't even gotten out of his boxers yet and he wanted Alex now. Alex hadn't even gotten out of his jeans! It really wasn't fair that Alex could get him like this that fast. It wasn't fair at all.

He was torn out of his thoughts by the sound of... giggling. Upon further investigation, he realized that he, himself, was the one laughing. Alex had been running his hands up his legs and, instead of getting harder, he was giggling. The nerves were standing on end from the tickling sensations running up and down his legs, and as Alex stared down at him in confusion, Zack felt a blush growing on his face and around his neck.

"Um. Tickles," he muttered, pushing the non-existent hair out of his face. It was a stupid word, really, and not exactly something that made him happy. The first time they were having completely sober sex, and they had to pause it because Alex accidentally tickled him.

Alex grinned and instead moved his fingers to the elastic on Zack's boxers, snapping it slightly (which, actually sort of hurt), and sliding it down his legs. Zack suddenly felt awkward and exposed, especially with Alex almost completely dressed on top of him. He didn't have time to dwell on that for too long, though, before he felt Alex's fingers tease at his opening.

"Hmmph," Zack muttered, choking back a moan and pushing himself up. Alex's eyes filled with confusion yet again and Zack pointed at Alex's pants, then grabbed and tugged at them with neediness.

He couldn't keep his hands steady enough to undo the impossible belt Alex was wearing, but when Alex swatted Zack's hands away, it seemed to take little to no effort. It bothered Zack, that he could be so calm while Zack was not. But the brunette was probably more... used to this than Zack was. Which probably frustrated him more, so the thoughts were pushed out of his head. In seconds, Alex is bare as well, and stepping closer. But he hesitates, and that second of hesitation is all Zack needs to completely psych himself out. Alex doesn't want this. He doesn't want any of this. He couldn't. Why would he?

But before he can move, Alex is in motion again. He bends down and rifles through the pockets of his jeans, the ones discarded only seconds ago. He returns to Zack with a bashful smile on his face and a bottle of lube in one hand, a condom in the other.

"I was being hopeful," he muttered, popping open the cap on the lube and leaning over Zack to peck his lips. "Are you ready?" His voice is somewhat hoarse as he coats a finger in the substance and lightly pressing just above Zack's opening. The blonde's breath catches in his throat and he nods, bracing himself.

It's... uncomfortable. There's no immediate oh my god feeling, and that somewhat worried Zack. Was there a chance that he wouldn't get that feeling from this? It wasn't to say that it was a bad feeling, though. Just uncomfortable. It wasn't like he was about to tell Alex to stop moving his finger around, though.

All at once, the oh my god feeling hit him. Alex had two fingers in and suddenly he brushed against something that made Zack gasp and cry "moremoremoremore" so quickly it didn't even sound like words. Alex's lips turned up into a grin and he brushed against the spot again, bringing a moan from Zack's lips.

"Alex... come on..." Zack muttered, squeezing his eyes shut.

"What d'you want?" Alex asked, and Zack could almost picture the smirk that was on his face. He was going to make Zack say it. He was really going to do that.

"Please, Alex. Just... just f-fuck me!"

Alex slid his fingers out, and Zack let out a deep whine in the back of his throat. Just like nearly every other sound he had made, it was completely unintentional. Alex just had that effect on him, and it drove Zack crazy. Alex's fingers dug into his hips, pulling him up slightly as he positioned himself, and he slid into Zack in one fluid motion.

Zack let out a strangled sob; one laced with both pain and surprise. Alex stayed where he was, but pressed his face into Zack's neck, waiting for him, it seemed. And Zack really appreciated that because this right now wasn't a pleasant feeling. Eventually, though, the pain subsided to a dull tinge and the younger boy nodded, grinding down as best he could. Alex got the hint and pulled back out, only to slide back in, slower than he had the first time, but still fast enough. As the thrusting went on, it started to feel better and better, and Alex started to move faster and faster. But it was still missing the...

"Oh!" Zack gasped as that familiar spot was hit again. He tore his eyes away from the ceiling, where he had been staring again so he had something to focus on besides the pain, and looked down at the older boy before him. He was grinning again and his eyes almost seemed darker, traces of lust obviously there. Their eyes didn't meet, though, instead Alex seemed pretty focused on what he was doing, as he angled his thrusts to hit that spot again and again.

The more he hit it, the louder Zack's moans became. He could feel himself coming close to release, and that feeling made his back arch upward. His hand reached down to wrap around his dick and he started pumping. There was no rhythm to it. His pumping didn't match with Alex's thrusts. In fact, it was pretty shaky. And there was so much going on at once, that it didn't take long before he was releasing all over his stomach. It was a little gross, but he couldn't bring himself as he fell back onto the uncomfortable bed, his chest heaving.

"God damn," Alex choked out as he continued to thrust. It took a few more times, but eventually he was releasing into the condom that Zack hadn't even noticed he put on. He stood there, his whole body trembling, as Zack worked on calming himself and slowing his breathing.

Finally, Alex pulled out. He fell onto the bed next to Zack and wrapped his arms around the younger boy, which made this whole experience even better. Zack snuggled into the side of the brunette and closed his eyes, even though he knew that sleep wasn't actually going to happen. Especially not with how worked up the two of them still were. They laid there in relative silence, without any unnecessary words filling the empty space, until Alex finally decided to break the silence.

"This bed is really uncomfortable."
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's been so long. ;~; Thanks to anyone that reads this, hopefully I'll be able to update more often? I still have no computer. /: And I'm going to Disneyland a week from Saturday (Leaving on the 16th), but we're driving there so I might be able to type some stuff up.... I have a lot of ideas! I'm just not sure if I'll be able to.

And here is my tumblr for anyone who's interested! For All Time Slash people, I made a new one. 'Cause I talk about a lot of different stuff on my real tumblr. I'm pretty sure it can get annoying. xD But this is strictly for mah stories. (: