Status: It's just a working progress I hope it's ok.

Black Ribbon Academy

Vampires, Succubus, Incubus, Angels, Devils, werewolves aren't all just part of an imaginary world. They go to school just like everyone one else...well sort of. Everyone who attends Black Ribbon Academy lives on on a remote island. Elora Wulffrith gets sent to this particular school to see if she is even fit to be part of the functioning world. She's a half bread wolf who doesn't even look like her other family members or there wolf forms. Why are there so many freaks in this school?! Why are people getting beaten up in the school halls?! Why doesn't she seem fazed by any of the odd things happening around her?!


(Some pictures changed...)

Elora Wulffrith : the half bread wolf -- Elora's Wolf Form
Riley Wulffrith : Elora's mom
Kyo Wulffrith : Wulffrith Alpha -- Kyo's wolf form
Mary : The dragon -- Mary's dragon form
Kye : the devil
Valentine : the Berserker
Brian: the vampire
Eddy: The incubus
Xeno : The human Telekinetic
Alec : The dark angel
Malic : the wolf -- Malic's wolf form
James : the vampire
Deric : Imp
Brandon : the ice woman's son
Mana : The nymph
Tara : The Succubus
Jasmin : born cupid
Sara : Part Medusa
Emma : half pure angel


Mr.Omen : the gnome principle
Ms. Johnson : the vampire Math teacher
Mr. Feria : Part rabbit Art teacher
Mr. Doubt : Juggernaut P.E. Teacher
Ms. Kaidens : part cat English teacher
Mr. Alakay - devil Biology teacher
Mr. Ickes : devil Demon History teacher
Ms. Siren : the angel Ancient World History teacher