Status: slowly active


I Hate Surprises

I cried on my knees next to a hospital bed holding Savanna’s snow white hand, S and I had been on a car accident. I only got a few bandages on my arms because of cuts, but she was lying there asleep with her blond hair scattered on the pillow. The beeping machine that measured her heart rate, which was normal for now, kept beeping as my cries turned into small sobs. She was so pale and bruised.

“Please, God, save her. I beg you,” I prayed between sobs while raising my head towards the ceiling, tears mixed with eyeliner traveled down my cheeks. “Please,” I said again before burying my head in the bed and crying harder than before.

“Beth?” Oliver’s voice called from behind me. I felt his hand on my shoulder consoling me, but I didn’t move. “Beth, get up,” I still didn’t. “Please, Beth, let’s go get you something to eat. You’ve been here all night and you’re probably starving. Come on, she’ll be fine. If anything happens to her the doctor will be here. You’re being too hard on yourself.”

“I’m being too hard on myself?” I said turning my head to face him, tears still clouding my vision. “It’s my fault, Bentley! This all happened because of me! She is going to die because of me! It’s my entire fault, Bentley! Nobody else can be blame! I was the one driving!” I shouted at him while standing up. “Dakota is going to die, and it’s all because of me!”

“Beth, what happened is not your fault, okay?” Ollie said pulling me into a hug. I cried into his chest, I couldn’t stop. “Listen to me, everything will be okay. If something bad happens it’s because it’s meant to happened, but let’s be positive for her. She will be fine.”

“You really think so, Bentley?” I said looking up at Oliver.

“Dakota is strong. She’ll make it somehow,” he said looking at Savanna’s pale figure lying on the bed.

Suddenly the beeping machine began beeping faster and a doctor and some nurses came rushing into the room. I let go of Oliver, but he grab me by the arm and started pulling me outside the room.

“We need to get out of here, Beth,” he said to me as he dragged me outside, but I fought against him.

“No! No! Don’t grab me, Bentley! She needs me! I need to be with her!” I shouted at him while trying to get his strong arms to let go of mine. “She needs me!” Tears were pouring out of my eyes as I screamed.

“Sweetie, you need to go outside. This is an emergency and no visitors can be inside,” a woman with a nurse outfit said to me calmly, helping Oliver drag me out of the room.

I kicked and screamed, begging them to let me go, but Oliver was strong enough to pick me up and carry me outside the room. The nurse quickly closed the door shut and locked it so I wouldn’t enter the room while the doctor was inside. Just as Ollie let me out of his grip, I ran and press myself against the window that let me see the doctor pushing hard on Savanna’s chest trying to keep her heart beating.

“Beth?” a shaky female voice said from behind me. “Oh, dear God!”

I turned around to see Alana standing less the two feet in front of me, her eyes red and puffy like mine and her skin as pale and S’s was.

“What are you doing here, Emily?” I said, my voice cracking. “Isn’t it enough for you to make us suffer at school? What else do you want from us? You wanted to see me cry, Emily? Well congratulations, you’ve seen everything you’ve always wanted to see. Now leave!”

“It was my fault, Beth. It was my fault!” A said crying her heart out. I turned to look at Oliver; his mouth was open in shock just like mine. "It was all me!"

“And cut!” the director yelled from her seat. “Perfect, guys! That’s a wrap, people! That was marvelous. Alana McCormick, those last lines were amazing! Congratulations to all of you, but especially to our birthday girl,” she said as everyone clapped for me. I just stood there and smiled.

“But you guys were also amazing, as always!” I said to all of the workers on set.

“Don’t be so nice, L. You are the one who was chosen as this year’s best drama actress!” S said while getting out of the bed she had been during the previous scene. Olivia and Marina, who had been watching the scene next to the director, agreed with her.

“Oh, shut up. You’re making me blush,” I said jokingly, making everyone laugh.

“You know, you should try comedy,” Oliver said to me. “You’ve always been so funny. I wonder why you’ve never try it before.”

“Phillips is right, Sanders,” Natasha, the director, said to me. She was a bit weird, since she always called people by their last name or full name. “If you want I could talk to the boss to see if you can guest star on ‘3 Dudes’ as Gabriel’s love interest or something! That would be a hilarious episode!”

“No!” all of my five friends shouted at Natasha with obvious anger showing on their faces, Gabriel was Alexander’s character.

“Oh, okay then. If you don’t like the idea I’ll just delete it from my mind,” Natasha said looking at my friends as if they were crazy. I just kept my mouth shut and stood there.

“Good!” all of them said and then turned their sight towards me to see me staring at the floor.

“L, why are you staring at the floor?” M asked me. “You are one weird muchacha.”

I just gave her a smile and replied, “I know I am, and you love me for that.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, gringa,” she responded with sarcasm. I loved how she inserted her Spanish words on sentences.

“Hey guys, Ollie told me that there was a surprised planned for me today!” I said before they could question me about what I had been thinking while staring at the floor. “So, what is it?”

“God, Leah! It’s a surprise! We can’t tell you!” Oliver said.

“But you guys know I hate not knowing!” I said to all of them desperately.

“Exactly! That’s why we decided to keep it a surprise! So you would have to desperately wait until tonight to see what we’ve got on our minds,” O said to me.

“Olivia Young, would you please tell me what it is?” I said to her, knowing she wouldn’t tell me.

“None of us will tell you, L. You’ll have to wait until tonight,” Savanna stated.

“Fuck you all!” I said angrily.

“Sure why not?” M said smirking. What a pervert.

“Marina! You’re so gross,” Olivia said with disgust written all over her face, she has always been the clean minded one that never cussed.

“She was the one who said she wanted to fuck us,” M replied.

“She’s got point there,” Alana told O.

“You girls are just too weird. Sometimes I wonder if your parents dropped you on your head when you were babies,” Oliver said.

“Shut up, Ollie,” S said, she obviously was getting tired of all this chitchat. “Leah,” she said grabbing a bag that was next to her on the floor and tossing it my way.

“What’s this?” I asked her curiously after catching the bag.

“It’s your outfit for tonight, you’ll like it. Go to your dressing room and be ready at eight thirty. The rest of us will be on our rooms getting ready,” Savanna said while turning around and heading to her dressing room, the rest of my friends walking to their own. “Oh, and I hope you enjoy being blindfolded,” she said turning around to face me with a grin spread across her face. I hate being blindfolded and she knew it.

I began making me way towards my dressing room. What exactly where they planning to do tonight? I guessed I had to wait and see. God, I hate surprises.
♠ ♠ ♠
hmm.. what do you think is the surprise?
tell me in the comment section!
you can also tell me if there is something you like or dislike about the story so i can improve it!
constructive criticism is appreciated :)