I Miss The Lips That Made Me Fly

Making Plans.

"Wait, wait, wait. Char, calm down. I can't understand a word you're saying."

"Just- come- over- please-" the words came between tears and gasps for breath and were almost impossible for anyone, even Charlotte's best friend, to decipher.

"All right, I'll be there in like .2 seconds, okay?" Georgia's soothing voice came from the other side of the phone line and relaxed Charlotte just as it had since they were little, "Will you be all right until I get there?"

"Yeah.." Charlotte choked out before another waterfall of tears broke the dam.

"I'm really sorry, Char. Things will be fine." and with that Georgia hung up the phone, slipped her feet into flip flops and headed into the hot Arizona weather.

Georgia had lived next door to Charlotte since before the both of them were born, their parents had been friends far before they were friends and they had always been destined to spend their lives together. They were both gorgeous, tall and skinny. The epitome of beautiful Arizona girls and they both always stuck up for one another. That meant that Alex Gaskarth wasn't going to get away with what he did to Charlotte if Georgia could do anything about it. Seconds later, she had made it up the steps to Charlotte's front door and, without knocking, she headed in and upstairs to Charlotte's bedroom.

"Char, I'm here." Georgia's voice was soothing and as calm as ever from outside of Char's locked oak door. Knocking lightly, Georgia could hear small footsteps from the other side and stepped back for Char to open it.

"George! You have no idea how much it means that you would come over here for me on such short notice. You are such a great friend and I love you so much. I know that you were always here to listen to stories about me and Alex and you'd never even met him, but you loved to hear them anyway. And you loved him, but now that he broke my heart you're here for me and I'm just so thankful to have such a great friend as you.." Charlotte rambled on and on before Georgia finally took her into her room and told her to be quiet.

"Char, it's no big deal. I'm your best friend, that's what I'm here for." she stated it as if it was something so obvious someone who'd never met them would know, "So, tell me.." Georgia brought Charlotte back towards the bed and sat down on the small comforter. She slipped off her shoes once again and reached up to tie her blonde locks in a loose ponytail, "What exactly did he say?"

Charlotte reached up at the same time to tie her ruby, red hair into the same loose ponytail before she continued to speak, "He said 'I'm trying to save you from more hurt in the end, really. I'm doing this for you, just move on.'" she said in an obnoxious, mocking tone, using air quotes around what Alex had said earlier that day.

"What bullshit!" George shouted, "I'm sorry, but that's the lamest shit I've ever heard. 'I'm doing this for you,'" she said in the same mocking tone that Charlotte used, "Every girl knows that's a cop-out line."

"Georgey, you don't think I'm being ridiculous, do you? I mean, crying like I am." Char said as she wiped the tears from under her eyes, smearing the eyeliner across her face in the same motion.

Georgia chuckled at the hot mess that was her best friend in front of her, "Char, you are not being ridiculous. He broke your heart. But we both know you're hot shit and can get any guy you want, so in that sense.. yeah, you're being ridiculous." she said smiling and wiping her best friend's face clear of make-up.

Charlotte smiled slightly, she knew Georgia was trying to cheer her up, but at this point it wasn't too much help, "We were only together for a week though. I shouldn't care this much." Char said throwing her hands in the air in a defeated fashion.

"Hey, let's go to the Jack's party tomorrow night then. We can make you look hot as hell and hook you up with some sexy man. And Alex will come running back in a second." Georgia said with a smile gracing her perfectly proportioned face.

"Jack's party?!" Charlotte exclaimed in an 'Are you crazy?' tone of voice, "If it's Jack's party, Alex will definitely be there!"

That's when Georgia grabbed a hold of Charlotte's shaking shoulders, "That's the point, Char.. we're making him jealous. He has to be there to see you all over some super hot guy."

Char shook her head slightly, a few pieces of ginger hair falling out of her hairband. The tears had finally stopped and her normally pale skin had turned an off-red color, her freckles looking even more prominent than usual. She reached up quickly to rub her eyes again, smearing her eyeliner.. again. She tucked the fly-aways behind her ears and started to chuckle to herself. Georgia had thought for sure Charlotte had finally lost it, gone off the deep end, when she started to laugh after her huge meltdown. But just as quickly as the giggles came on, they had ended. Char looked up at Georgia with the most devilish smile she'd ever seen on her best friend.

"What?" Georgia said sheepishly, staring at Charlotte like she had no idea who she was.

"I just got an even better idea," Charlotte whispered, "I could never make him jealous. He's over me, that's obvious enough. So, instead of embarassing myself when I fail to make him jealous, how about you embarass him?" Georgia could hear the smile in Charlotte's voice.

"Wait, what? How..?" Georgia stuttered, she wasn't so sure she wanted to get into this.

"Just.. come on to him. Make him love you, make him want you and then when he thinks he's finally got you right where he wants you, dip out."

Georgia considered this for a while. Would he fall for it? Would he fall for her? She couldn't imagine herself being so heartless. She couldn't imagine Charlotte being this heartless for that matter. But she was here for her best friend through anything. And if this was what Char really wanted, what damage could it really do? Her thoughts were racing as she picked at her nails avoiding Charlotte's eyes from across the mattress.

"Fine, I'll do it." Georgia finally sighed and looked into her best friend's green eyes, "If that's what you really want."

"Oh, Georgey! You have no idea how much fun this will be!" Charlotte squeeled as she jumped into her best friend's arms.

'Yeah, so much fun.. breaking someone's heart, I can see it now..' Georgia thought, frowning over Charlotte's freckled shoulder. She wasn't quite as sure as her best friend, to say the least. And Georgia was not looking forward to the party tomorrow night anymore.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't know how well this story is gonna work out, but I'd like some feedback. So, if you happen to read this I'd like comments. Thanks. I find Alex Gaskarth really easy to write about even though I have absolutely no attraction to him.. weird, eh? Haha, I know. Anyway, we'll see how this story goes. I'm pretty sure it's going to be quite different from the other story I'm writing, so that'll be fun.

Oh, and Georgia and Charlotte have 2384398 nicknames for each other including: Georgey, George, Georgia, Char (which is pronounced more like Shar and less like Char), Charly (Sharly, not Charly) and Charlotte. So, don't get too confused. Haha.

Oh, and I might've mixed the two up a couple of times, I'm still trying to develop them seperately enough for them to be their own character, but they have to be developed together at the same time to show their bond. Because that'll be really important later on in the story. Okay, I hope you understand everything I just said.

Anyway, comment with what you love, what you hate. It's all good.

Off to bed now! :D

PS, now that I've started this story, I might forget a bit about Kennedy and Cambria, sooooo if you're an avid reader of 'And You Smiled The Whole Way Through It' help remind me to keep up with it, and if you like this one.. help remind me to keep up with this one. I don't want to forget anyone! Because I hate when stories I'm reading go unfinished.

Anyway, I'm rambling. G'night, Mibba! <3