I Miss The Lips That Made Me Fly

New Friends.

The morning was the worst part of the day for Georgia Nickols, she was a night owl to say the least. Well, to be fair, it was exactly the 'it's morning' part that got to her, it was more of the 'waking up for school every morning at six' or the 'I look ugly when I wake up' part. But what teenage girl doesn't go through that, right?

This Wednesday morning wasn't any different.

She woke up to a blaring alarm in her ear and dragged herself to the bathroom to wash the dirt from her hair and body. The steaming water opened her pores and always made her feel invigorated for the day ahead. Slowly, she stepped out of the shower and looked in the mirror ahead of her at her naked body. She scrutinized every inch of herself before turning to the closet to grab a towel and a hair dryer. She wrapped the white towel around her slender body and turned on the dryer. The loud noise drowned out everything else just as she'd hoped. Georgia closed her eyes and shook her long, blonde curls in front of the hot air. When her hair was mostly dry, she turned off the machine and returned it to the closet behind her. She continued her morning routine until she was dressed in a form-fitting v-neck and a pair of incredibly short shorts. She applied a light amount of make-up and slipped on a pair of silver sandals her mom had bought her last week.

"Georgia, I left your breakfast on the table. Don't get into trouble today, Mom."

The heartfelt note her mom left every single morning perched on top of the key tree on the way out the door, Georgia wasn't exactly sure if her mom had ever even re-written it since she started to put it there three years ago. She glanced towards the kitchen table and saw a steaming plate of pancakes and sausage, a glass of orange juice to the right of it. Georgia walked lightly towards the plate of food and picked it up, she then headed to the kitchen and grabbed the trash can from under the counter, tossing all of her "breakfast" into it. Back to the table once again, she grabbed the juice and chugged it, leaving the glass dirty and empty on the table.

So, she headed off, grabbing her keys off the tree, into the sticky morning.

Georgia pulled up to her Central High School and pulled into the parking spot closest to the front doors. She sat there a second, not exactly ready to get out of the car, she grabbed hold of the wheel while the lyrics to Konstantine played over her radio.

Georgia Lynn Nickols, you can do this. New semester, new you. Just go rock it. C'mon.

She was awfully sick of needing to convince herself to go to school all the time anymore, she didn't understand it. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, she reached up and turned the key, cutting the engine and climbed out the door. As she got out, she grabbed her purse and backpack simultaneously. When she was out, she turned toward the rear of the car only to be face to face with her one goal of the day.

Alexander William Gaskarth.

"Hi." he said nonchalantly, a smirk tacked to his stupid lips.

"Hi." Georgia responded disgusted, she shook her head remembering her assignment.

"I'm Alex." he said, offering his hand out to shake her's.

Georgia looked down at her right hand, in which was her purse, then at her left, in which was her backpack and back up at him. He got the message and chuckled, putting his hand back in his front pocket.

"What's your name?" he edged on as she shut her door with her hip.

"Georgia." she said reluctantly.

"Like the state?" Alex said as she walked away.

"Um, no." Georgia repeated, she'd heard that joke one too many times for it to be funny.

"Oh. Well, what's your first class this morning?" Alex said trying to hold a conversation with a completely unwilling partner.

"I don't know, hold on," Georgia said as she swung her backpack over her shoulder, she reached into her purse pulling out a golden paper. She unfolded it and peered down for a second, "Chemistry."

Alex got a crazy look in his eyes and Georgia knew exactly what it meant, "Me too."

She smiled at him politely and turned the opposite way he was going the second they got in the front doors. She couldn't do this, she knew she couldn't do this. Even that small encounter had made her insecure. This was Alex Gaskarth they were talking about, the most popular and attractive guy at Central. There was no way he'd be interested in her. But he did start the conversation this morning, how did he even know who she was? Georgia's thoughts contradicted herself this way and that before she finally took a deep breath and headed towards her first class of second semester.

She was late. On the first day of second semester, what a good first impression. The only seat left in the whole class was in the second to last row back in the classroom, it was next to a very odd and skinny looking kid with black and pink hair. He wore a plain black shirt and a pair of what looked to Georgia like girl jeans. She tried to stop judging the poor lad more before actually getting to know him. She took a deep breath, began to make her way through rows and rows of students and finally plopped into her seat.

"Hi!" the boy next to her was shouting and flailing his arms around drastically, "Hi, hi, hi, hi!" he began bouncing up and down in his seat and Georgia could swear there was something wrong with him.

"Hi." she responded politely, not looking at him.

"My name's Jack, what's your name?" again the boy shouted, throwing his right hand out for her to shake.

"I'm Georgia, nice to meet you." she said in the same polite tone as she placed her hand in his and shook it gently.

Georgia felt a tap on the shoulder and she turned around slowly.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," said a sort of chubby kid with long, brown hair. He flipped it out of his eyes and continued, "Jack's known to be a chronic masturbator."

Georgia's mouth flew open and she had to stop herself from staring at the boy who'd said that. Slowly, she turned back to face Jack and he smiled up at her with a very innocent face, then both the boys began to laugh hysterically.

"No, okay.. I'm just kidding, I'm not a retard or a pervert, I promise. I'm Jack Barakat and it looks like I'll be your lab partner." he said with confidence, "And this is Rian Dawson." he said pointing to the kid in the row behind them.

Now that Georgia had turned all the way around she noticed another body located directly behind her, but this one had it's face planted in the table and somehow seemed to already be asleep. Snores were emitting quietly from beneath the scrawny arms around it's head.

"That's Alex," Rian said noticing that Georgia was staring at the motionless body, "I wouldn't even bother with him, if I were you."

Georgia turned around as quickly as possible, her blonde hair flying everywhere as she did. She closed her eyes tight and wished she could take Rian's advice.

"Who are you?" Jack asked leaning in closer.

"Georgia." she responded, keeping her eyes tightly closed.

"Like the state?" Jack repeated, his eyebrows furrowed in deep thought.

Georgia opened her eyes and looked at the obnoxious boy, she smiled sweetly, "Not exactly."
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't know if I like this chapter, but I have a feeling that the first few ones are going to have to be background / setting stuff up chapters. And I don't like writing them, but I don't really have an option. Y'know? 'Cause you guys have to get this background info. Anyway, it's either next chapter or the chapter afterwards that the real fun begins. I think in two chapters, but yeah. So, wait it out a bit and then tell me what you think.

I always try to draw out my fan-fics so people don't get bored with rushing the relationship and stuff, but then I think they get bored because there's no lovey-dovey stuff yet. So, idk. Commmments! <3

I'm going to the dentist. ):