I Miss The Lips That Made Me Fly

Slippery Inhibitions.

On the drive home, Georgia pulled out her cell phone. She slid it open and dialed the only number she’d bothered to memorize.

“Hello?” a gruff voice answered after a few rings.

“Um, hi.. Is Charlotte there?” Georgia stuttered, surprised by the masculine voice that greeted her ears.

“Yeah, hold on.” there was a slight shuffle on the line.

“Hello?” Charlotte’s familiar, high pitched voice filled the speaker.

“Hey, what’re you doing?” Georgia asked quietly, suspicion dripping off every word.

“Nothing, I’m just busy right now. Can I call you later?” Charlotte responded quickly and hung up before Georgia could even say anything.

A few choice expletives escaped under Georgia’s breath as she threw her phone into the passenger seat. She reached for the volume control on the radio and turned it up quickly. With The Hush Sound blaring from her speakers, she pulled onto her street. Quickly, she turned into her driveway and turned off her bright red Jetta.

She climbed out of her small car and entered the cool house, leaving the Arizona heat behind. Georgia slipped her flip flops off and set down her keys on the table just beside the door. She slid her hand up the cool, white wall and reached for the light switch, flicking it on after a few seconds.

As soon as the light filled the room she headed towards her living room, sliding her feet against the cool tile as she went. Again, she reached up to her cool walls and flipped another light switch. Light filled the entire room and illuminated the warm, mustard walls and the white loveseat against the far wall.

Every time Georgia entered her house she had a secret hope that something would be different. Maybe the color of the walls would be more appealing or a stranger would’ve taken up space on her couch, but nothing ever did. The house reeked of familiarity and Georgia let out a monotonous sigh.

She headed towards her bedroom in the back of the house. She moved slowly and dragged her toes through her white carpet. She pushed open her door and walked in quickly, sighing, she looked towards her closet and thought for a while about what she was going to wear to the party tonight. Georgia quickly ruffled through her closet, flipping through dresses and pulling one out every once and a while to hold it up against her body. Eventually, she settled on a form-fitting red number that was probably over-dressing, but would definitely catch some eyes.

Georgia headed to the bathroom down the hall and set the dress on the counter. She turned on the water in the shower and let it run while she undressed. She folded her clothing, set them on top of the toilet and climbed into the shower, pulling the door shut behind her. She let the cool water cover her body and through her hair. Again, Georgia took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Quickly she washed her hair, face, and exfoliated the rest of her body. She could almost feel the dirt and stress escape her pores. Soon her fingers began to prune and Georgia knew it was time to get out.

She looked in the mirror for a second before she heard her phone ring from her bedroom. She put a large, fluffy white towel around her slim figure and ran towards her room. She picked the phone and held it to her ear.

“Hello?” Georgia twisted her wet locks around in a bun atop her head.

“Georgia! Are you still going to the party?” Charlotte screamed from the other end of the line.

“Um, hello to you too Charlotte. Yeah, are you going still?” she responded as she headed back towards the bathroom.

“Well, yeah. I’m definitely going, wanna go together?” Charlotte sang.

“Oh, so we can be seen together now?” Georgia responded with more venom than she first intended.

“Look, I’m sorry about lunch today. We just had to make sure that he was interested, and he invited you right? That means he’s interested, so it doesn’t matter if we’re seen together now.” Charlotte’s words came out in a blur, but Georgia was always known for forgiving her best friend quickly.

“Okay, okay. Yeah, I’ll pick you up at around nine? All right?” Georgia responded with a slight chuckle.

“Okay, see you then! Love you, George. See ya’ in a bit!” Charlotte’s excitement was easy to hear through that one sentence and she ended it with a click in Georgia’s ear.

As soon as she had set the phone down, Georgia set to applying her make-up. She added a light layer of foundation, a soft line of eyeliner along her top lashes, and then applied a thick layer of mascara; she continued by coating her upper lid with sparkles and then began to blow dry her hair. Sooner than she expected she was dressed and ready to head out the door.


“Alex, dude. This is so awesome! Who knew I was so popular?” Jack shouted as he ran, literally, right into Alex’s lap, spilling his beer everywhere.

“Jack, who knew it was possible to be this drunk in a matter of twenty minutes?” Alex responded loudly, and pushed him towards the floor.

He continued to laugh, and Alex just rolled his eyes. This was another lameass Barakat party. There were no hot girls, and all Alex’s friends had the tolerance of twelve-year-old girls. He stood in the middle of his best friend’s living room staring at the front door waiting for someone interesting to walk in. A couple of freshmen girls walked in, they were both showing a little too much skin and he chuckled to himself as they tripped in the doorway. He’d almost lost hope when the door opened once more and in walked two girls, and at first he didn’t recognize them.

“Rian, Rian.” Alex tapped Rian’s shoulder as he drunkenly complained that Kara wasn’t in attendance at this party, Alex’s eyes never left the two girls, “Rian, who are those two?” he gestured towards the door.

They were both scantily clad, but he wasn’t complaining because these two were definitely not freshmen. One of them in black, and the other in red they were already surrounded by a group of guys drooling over them. They hadn’t gotten much more than ten feet in the front door and they both already had drinks in their hands.

“D-d-dude, that is Charloooootte. Youuu, s-ssir are so d-dumb.” Rian slurred.

“Yeah, I’m the dumb one.” Alex whispered as he pushed passed a large crowd and headed towards the front door.

He could hear multiple people say his name as he passed by them, but he couldn’t look away from the beautiful woman standing before him. Her bright red dress hugged her body in all the right ways, and her legs seemed to go on for days. Her blonde curls fell down her back perfectly. And her tanned skin seemed to glimmer under even the lackluster lighting of Jack’s living room.

“Hey Charlotte.” Alex said sweetly, as he came up and stood next to the beautiful vixen he’d been eyeing from across the room. She glared at him and Alex awkwardly shifted his line of sight to the right.

Seconds later, his eyes met up with her beautiful blue ones.

“Georgia, wow. I didn’t think you’d actually come.” He said, genuinely surprised that she was the girl his jaw had dropped for.

“Well, I did get a personal invitation from the most popular guy at our school.” she said, glancing back at Charlotte with a cheeky smile.

Charlotte, obviously irritated, rolled her eyes and walked away. Alex thought for a moment that this may not be the best idea on his part. As he took another swig from the beer in his hand, that thought seemed to get swallowed as well.

“So, Georgia.. Let’s go somewhere a little more quiet, what do you say?” Alex moved a little closer to Georgia and whispered in her ear.

The heat made her blush and she looked up to meet his warm brown eyes.

“Lead me anywhere, Mr. Gaskarth.” Georgia said quietly, letting Alex know exactly where her intentions lied.
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I bet no one is even reading these anymore, but I promised myself I'd finish them, so I'm going to. Regardless of how many readers, or lack thereof, I have. I guess, however, if you are still reading you should comment or something so I have a reason to update fast. Otherwise, no promises.