I Miss The Lips That Made Me Fly

Green Eyes.

"Let's take a quick detour through the kitchen," Alex said with a wink. "I see you've managed to get yourself a drink before even making it through the front door, do you want some shots first or something?"

Georgia looked down at the bottle of Heineken in her hand. She thought for a moment, unable to recall who'd put it there and set it down on the counter in front of her, "Let's take some shots."

With a smirk, Alex went to the refrigerator and pulled out a tall bottle of Jaeger.

"Jaegar bombs anyone?" grabbing two red bulls from the fridge, he turned back to face Georgia who had already found the shot glasses and poured four. Alex raised his eyebrows quickly as if to say, 'Are you sure?'

Georgia nodded in response, stole and opened one of the Red Bulls in a smooth motion and tipped her head back. The Jaegar slid down her throat roughly, but the sweet energy drink chaser seemed to take her mind off of it. Alex stood in awe.

"Am I the only one taking shots tonight? Drink up." she said, laughing and sliding a full shot glass in his direction. He eyed her suspiciously and took the shot.

With another jerky head motion they had both downed their second Jaeger bombs and Georgia made her way to the refrigerator.

"I like Jaeger, I do. But I think tequila is more my game," with a wink and a sly smile she poured four more shots and grabbed limes out of the bottom drawer. "Now where do they keep the salt in here?"

The liquor had already lowered her inhibitions and Georgia's nerves about seducing the one and only Alex Gaskarth were subsiding. She looked through all of the cupboards she could reach and made Alex search the ones up top. Doing her best to not fall over in her six inch heels, Georgia spotted a salt shaker and brought it over to the rest of their supplies.

"Tequila shots? Already? You've barely been here five minutes. I'm impressed, Georgia." Alex chuckled.

She took Alex's large hand, and the warmth radiating from his skin made her hands infinitely more comfortable. She spread out his palm and using her tongue got the crook of his thumb wet. She poured the salt in the hole and handed him his shot. His mouth hung open as she licked her own hand and poured the salt in.

The duo counted to three and licked the salt from their hands, poured the burning liquor down their throats, and grabbed the limes. After sucking for a few seconds, Georgia's hands flew up to her mouth to wipe away the excess juices. Alex's bottom lip got stuck between his teeth and Georgia felt a charge between them. After another tequila shot Georgia grabbed her beer and they headed for the backyard.

"Generally we don't let people back here during parties, y'know, to avoid the cops and stuff. But I don't figure you'll be too loud." Alex said as he sat down on the bench in Jack's backyard.

"If you had your way with me, I would be." Georgia whispered.

"What was that?" Alex said, cocking his head, and chuckling a bit.

"Oh nothing, sorry." Georgia said, she could feel the blush traveling to her cheeks.

Taking a long swig from the beer in her hand she sat clumsily next to Alex, "So, tell me about yourself Mr. Gaskarth."

"I like girls and music, I hate the color green and school." he said shortly.

Georgia's head tilted to the side slightly when she realized he wouldn't say anything more. She turned towards him, silently urging him to say more.

"And I don't really like to talk about myself." he said quietly.

"Fair enough." Georgia said, laughing and putting her hands up defensively.

Georgia looked down at her skin, and he could feel the nape of her neck start to sweat, she looked around as her vision began to swirl and she could feel the affects of the tequila setting in. She was warm, and this Arizona heat was not helping. With a few stumbled steps she stood up and handed Alex her empty beer. She reached up to her bright, blonde curls and pulled them back into a loose ponytail.

"I'm drunk." she giggled, turning to face Alex.

"Lightweight." Alex joked back, standing to follow her as she, as gracefully as she could, made her way to the swing set near the fence.

"Wait," Georgia stopped suddenly. "Or, we could take more shots. And go on an adventure."

"More shots?" he questioned, setting the bottle down on the ground, and taking Georgia by the hand, "Then let's go."

Alex was already feeling a little bit tipsy, but he figured there was no way that more alcohol could hurt his situation.

When they arrived back in the kitchen, the small area had crowded with people. Still holding her hand tightly, Alex lead them through the crowd. As soon as she saw the big, white appliance, Georgia headed straight over, and popped open the door. The cool air spilled out around her and momentarily sobered her up. It felt divine. Quickly, however, she grabbed the liquor, the limes, and the salt from earlier and turned to face her partner.

When she turned back around, Alex was draped with two of his very best friends. Jack, to his right, was mumbling to himself about something. Alex was completely ignoring him, but Georgia overheard him mention something about 'throwing up' and then watched as he made a beeline for the bathroom. On Alex's left, was the much shorter, and much more depressed Rian. When Georgia gave Alex a confused look, he responded by mouthing the words 'Kara problems' and George responded with an understanding nod.

"Hey. If she's worth it, she'll show up, dude. Promise." she said quietly to Rian.

With a confused facial expression he cocked his head to look at Alex. They exchanged a small conversation through eye contact, leading Rian to turn on his heels and leave.

"Okay, so shots now." Georgia said as soon as they were alone.


Charlotte slid open her phone one more time: 3:58AM.

Looking around all she could see was the dingy, red loveseat she was sitting on, a bunch of strangers making drunken mistakes, and the half-empty bottle of Ciroc in her hands. Her black dress sat, hugging her body perfectly, but she was the only one playing with the hemline tonight. With a heavy sigh, she stood up and looked around the room once more, trying to find a familiar face. From across the room, she could see Jack curled up in a ball outside the bathroom, the door shut and a soft light emanating from inside.

"What are you doing?" Charlotte said as she approached the shivering mess.

"Trying not to puke, or die." Jack responded, without looking up.

"Have you see Georgia?" she asked coldly, with no questions about his health.

He looked up at Charlotte for a second and as he opened his mouth to answer a spew of chunks and debris came flying out instead. With a look of pure shock and horror, Charlotte ran towards the front door to avoid her sympathy puke.

As she walked through the front door, the fresh air cleared her mind immediately. She reached to pull her red curls into a messy bun and pulled out her phone to call Georgia again. She let it ring all the way through and after the recording there was a beep.

"Hey, George. Haven't seen you since we walked in the door, so I'm thinking you're with Alex. Which is cool, but I wanna leave so. I think I might just go, seeing as you'll probably be busy for a while."

Charlotte didn't know what else to say. Even though she had pressured Georgia into doing this, against her will even, she still felt a pang of jealousy every time she thought of the two of them together. Her stomach had sank enough times for the night, she grabbed tight around the neck of the vodka in her hands and started walking home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, I know it sucks. Judge me. I just really kind of hate this story now, I have no desire to write it except that I just want to finish one fucking fan fiction in my life. Anyway, I got them drunk you'll see what happens next chapter. It's probably not what you think, but it's also kinda funny. But I have no idea when it'll be posted, it might be a while, but I'll try to update quick. Not that anyone still reads this shit anyway.