Brothers of the Music

Friends And Fans

Frank Iero and Pete Wentz were best friends ever since they met each other at a playground. They both were on a swing and some kid comes in and tries to get on Frank’s swing seat. The two fought, so Frank pushed the bully until the poor thing fell to the ground at ran to his mommy.

Since then they became really good friends.

Together they became the “kings” of their school. Some guys think they were the “bad boys”. They wouldn’t really annoy anyone or break the rules, but they had this sort of gangster atmosphere around them. But if one of the students would bully some kid, Pete and Frank would step up for that person.

Apparently they had series of secret fan clubs (mostly girl fan clubs. I’m not saying there are some boy fan clubs, but, you never know). Even though they had these fans, they didn’t brag about it. They just ignored them.

They weren’t the smartest in class, but whenever they would pair up for a project, they would have the most creative ideas. Once, they had to make an invention that can help save the earth. Instead, they made a song together.

Both of them loved music alright. That was the reason why they had so many fans. They would just sing and play the guitar on the stairs or in the cafeteria. And they were really good at it. They would let someone join them once in a while. People would consider that someone very lucky. Especially if that person was a girl.

Sometimes they would play on stage for a school program. You would often hear screams before and after their performance.

Today however, was different. Just as Frank met up with Pete at the hallway, Pete’s face looks sad.

“I don’t know why this has to happen,” he said.