Status: This story belongs to troublemaker96 on Quizillia

Primitive Instincts

Meeting Vampires

R I V E R"What?!" i screamed, jerking away from him. Red eyes flashed in my mind and my breathing hitched, on the verge of hyperventilation.

"Let me finish." Embry pleaded. I couldn't even think a coherent thought so he took that as the go ahead. "They're different. They don't eat people. They only eat animal blood. They don't have red eyes, because they don't have any vampire blood in their system." he said, trying to make me understand. I let the information settle.

"That's not possible." i chocked out. "Vampires need human blood to live." i said, shaking my head back and forth.

"No they don't River. Don't myths say i can only change during a full moon?" he asked. I couldn't respond. I was still shaking my head back and forth. "River." i he said, grabbing my face in his hands, forcing me to look at him and listen. "Don't myths say i can only change during a full moon?" he asked, saying each word slowly enough for me to understand.

"Yes." i said, trying to collect my thoughts together.

"And does it need to be a full moon for me to change?" he asked, staring me in the eyes.

"No." i answered, finally beginning to understand. I still didn't trust the idea of good vampires though.

"Well vampires don't need human blood to survive. Okay? They're good. They helped us fight off a huge horde of newborn vampires a few years back. We have a pact. As long as they don't bite a human we can't attack them. Hell, Seth is close with them. Jake imprinted on one of the them! Even though she's only half." he said, almost as an after-thought.

"Okay okay i get it, vampires can be good. But...why are you sending me there?" i asked, putting my hand on top of his.

"Some of them have...powers. One of them can see the future. She said...she said the vampires...the bad ones...should be here in a matter of days." he said, holding my gaze, trying to communicate how much danger i was in without actually saying it.

"Oh....oh my god." i said, letting a sob hit me and pushing myself into Embry arms. "Y-you said you didn't know when the fight was. You said i d-didn't have to w-worry!" i sobbed, holding onto his shoulders and crying my heart out.

"I didn't want to worry you." he said, hugging me tightly.

"E-embry please don't fight them. P-p-pleaseeee." i sobbed, trying to fight down panic.

"I have to River. I have to keep you safe." he said. So i just stood there, wrapped in his arms, crying until the rain stopped, and the sun came out, shining down on a sad day in LaPush.


"Max!" i called as soon as i walked back through the door to Emily's house. "Max pack your things!! We're going to visit some..." I trailed off, looking back at Embry for assurance. "We're going to visit some friends!" i finished.

"Okay!" he called from somewhere in the house. I heard his little feet run down the hall and into his room.

I turned back around and reattached myself to Embry, trying not the think about what would happen in days to come.

"I love you." i said, wishing i would have said it more often or admitted it much sooner.

"I love you too." he said, rubbing my back.

"You told her?" i heard from behind me. I turned and saw Sam looking at Embry.

"Yes." he said. I could almost see a glimmer of pity behind Sam's eyes. He must have known what he was going through.

"Let's pack." Embry said, leading me up to my room. He began throwing everything into my suitcase, not bothering to fold anything. I just sat on the bed, looking at the place we had laid last night, me without a care in the world.

"Embry." i said, looking back at him. His movements were spastic and hurried, like he was trying not to think about what was going on. His only focus was getting the job done and getting me to safety. We didn't know if the fight would happen today, or tomorrow, or the day after that. But it would happen soon and...i could loose him. Just like that. "Embry." i cried, beginning to cry again.

He finally looked at me and stopped moving. We stared at each other for a second before he rushed over to me, pushing me back on the bed and kissing me with an urgency and passion i hadn't felt before. There was something instinctive about the way we moved, something almost primitive and wild.

He got up and shoved the dresser against the door, not wanting us to be disturbed, and we once against fell into the same kind of bliss and heat we had shared last night.


We didn't get to lay in bed after, we had to get up, get dressed, and continue to prepare. I knew Max should have been done packing by now so i helped Embry shove everything into my suitcase and zipped it up, watching as he moved the dresser back into place and opened he door, tugging up his sweats more.

I walked out and down the stairs, trying to keep as close to Embry as possible. I walked down the stairs to find Max watching TV, his raincoat on and his little suitcase right beside him. I was a little worried about taking him with me, but i would rather have him with me among good vampires than leave him alone with bad ones.

"Come on Max." i said, smiling a little as he pulled his hood up and ran over to Emily, giving her a giant hug.

"Thanks fowr helping me Aunt Emily." he said, seeming more calm than usual.

"Anytime buddy." she laughed. I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug, hoping she would be okay here.

"Thanks you Emily." i whispered. "For everything."

"It was nothing River. And I'll see you again. As soon as this fight is over you can come back and we'll talk over some coffee. I can't believe we haven't done that yet." she smiled. I knew she was trying to be casual with the word fight, but i could see the worry behind her eyes.

"Sure thing." i said, grabbing Embry's hand as he picked up Max and we walked out into the rain that had picked up once again. The sky just couldn't make up it's mind on what it wanted to do today.

"It's waining it's pouwing, the old man is snowring." Max began to sing, jumping to the middle of the seat when Embry sat him in the car. He put Max's and mine's suitcases in the backseat and then started the engine, reaching over Max's head to stroke my face.

"So who are they exactly?" i asked, seeing that Max was preoccupied with his power-ranger toy.

"The Cullens. They're kind of paired up i guess you could say. There's Carlisle and Esme, Alice and Jasper, Rose and Emmet, Edward and Bella, and Then Renesmee, who's Jake's imprint." he said. "She's Bella and Edwards kid, they had her when Bella was still human." he said, glancing at Max to make sure he wasn't listening.

"That's.....that's possible?" i asked, bewildered at the thought.

"Apparently." Embry shrugged, his hand never leaving my face.

The rest of the car ride was silent and filled with anticipation. I tried to just concentrate on Embry's hand, soaking up it's heat and comfort, but that knot of worry and doubt was still in the pit of my stomach, gnawing away at me.

After what seemed like forever, we pulled onto a dirt road, winding through the trees. It offered shelter from the rain until we emerged into the rounded drive-way of the most amazing house I'd ever seen.

"Who knew vampires could be so classy." i said to myself, looking up at the intimidating structure. I heard Embry laugh beside and turned a smile to him, not bothering to look away from him for a few minutes.

"Guys?" Max asked, looking between us.

"Yeah Max, we're going." i said, opening the door and pulling everything out. As soon as my door was open so was Embry's, and he was at my side, his hand wrapped around my waist and Max on his hip. I carried my suitcase up the steps and just stood there, waiting for whatever would come next.

I was honestly scared, petrified even. After all, vampires had killed my true parents. How could i not be scared? I trusted Embry of course and i knew that if he said these vampires were good, they were, but i still felt like throwing up.

"Embry are you sure they're," I lowered my voice. "safe?" i asked, beginning to get antsy.

"Yes River. I promise." he said. He leaned over and pressed a small kiss to my lips.

I pulled away and smiled, feeling a little comforted and a little more sure that these people would be all right, decent even.

Then the door swung open.
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