

It’s weird isn’t it, how much the cold weather can remind you of such journeys.
But one thing you need to remember is that cold weather comes to an end. As Spring rolls in. Uninvited of course.
The ice will come along, you’ll slip and slide and attempt to grip onto something to hold you up, but you still seem to fall. When you fall you’re met with cold, hard, painful ice. It sometimes smashes and little shards stick into your skin. That is of course, if you are unprepared.
The snow falls down hitting your skin, it’s cold but you like it. You make pretty, creative things with it. But them it dissolves and turns into horrible water. The rain washes it away.
The wind gushes and smacks you in the face. First you are shocked then just plain annoyed. Why does the wind have to be there? Why can’t it go away, right? You tumble backwards a little then fall on that horrid ice, there is nothing around to hold onto anymore. You’re still falling.

Have you ever brought a friend out with you in the cold weather?
You’re always the one in front of them, shouting at them to hurry up. But you always end up falling before they do. You ask for your friend to help you up.
Snowball fights - the ultimate activity in the winter. Building barriers often covers you while snowballs are being blasted around, but what happens when those walls break down? When that one person who really gets to you comes up with a handful of snowballs and crushes down your fort and attacks you with them, you’re defenceless. You have two choices, run away, but remember you’ll slip and fall or you coward away and bury your face in your arms. But the attacker wants this, they come prepared. Snow balls fights are evil. You always seem to get hit by snow balls that just appear out of nowhere or there is ten people onto you. You.
What do you feel when you get hit with a snowball? Most times, it’s sore right? It’s cold, sore, prickly, among other things. But you usually just go into shelter and warm up, wipe the snow off and you’re fine or sometimes it will leave a mark. It will sometimes have a hidden piece of glass or a stone.

Never let a snowball fight keep you from enjoying the snow. Enjoy it, because it will always be different. Things will come and go and you’ve got to be prepared. Or of course, stay at home, but you’ll miss out in all of the memories.
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I posted this on another site way back Christmas week. It had the message that no one should be alone on Christmas, as a member of my family died, leaving their wife. And if anyone was struggling with anything, seek help, talk to someone, anything that will make you feel better. It also had this video:

You should watch it.