‹ Prequel: Don't Hold Your Breath
Status: I may only be able to update once a week D: If that . . . stupid school >.<

You're The Only One

You Don't Realize What You Put Me Through

"Whats going on?" Brendon asked again after Pete had left. 

I was still frozen in shock, but my eye's moved up to meet his gaze. 

"Ryaaaaaaaan!" he drug out the 'a' in my name. "Whats wrong?you look like you've seen a ghost." he said with a slight smirk. 

"I-I-" was all I could manage.

I wasn't too sure what happened myself. Did he really just kiss me? I wasn't just imagining things was I? No. Probably not. I'm not that insane. 

So my only question was why? Pete wasn't … gay, was he? 

Okay, so that's two questions. Still… 

Oh no, Pete doesn't like me does he? 

Something in the pit of my stomach told me he did. 

"I- um," I slowly stood up, regaining composure. "I-If I tell you, will you pr-promise not to over react? Or get angry… or… jealous…" I said inching towards the door. I decided to block it with my body in case Brendon tried to run after him. 

"Jealous? Ryan what did he do? He's not trying to kill me is he?!" he said, eyes widening. 

"Jesus Bren, will you quit with that ridiculous idea of yours? Pete is not trying to kill you." I told him. 

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. You'll see. Just tell me. I'm dying over here." he begged.


"Yes I promise! Just tell me already!" he exclaimed, getting impatient.  

"Okay, uh, fine. He, uh, kissed me." I mumbled the last part in hope he wouldn't hear me. 

His eyes widened. Damn it. Plan fail. 

"What?! He kissed you?! As in, on the lips, swapping spit, kissing?!?!" he seemed livid. "That dick-head is sooo dead!" Brendon was red. And just as I predicted, he stormed towards me, heading for the door. He tried to push passed me, ignoring my protests.

"Bren- Br-Bren… BRENDON!" I exclaimed when he wouldn't acknowledge me. Despite the fact that he was stronger then me, I had managed to hold my ground, not letting him out if the apartment. 

Finally he just gave up. 

"Will you move!?" he demanded, frustrated. 

"Brendon, you promised you wouldn't over-react." I reminded him calmly. 

"Over-react?! I am NOT over-reacting! You're… you're… under-reacting!!!" he exclaimed. 


He cut me off with a loud frustrated groan. He then collapsed on the couch, folding his arms over his chest. 

"I knew it. I knew he was out to get me. He probably only did that to get to me. Ass-hole." he grumbled. 

"What?" I asked. "What does this have to do with you?" 

"Hes trying to steal you away from me! That way I'll be more vulnerable, and probably kill myself, saving him the dirty work himself!" 

God my boyfriend is insane. 

"I'm going to go talk to Pete." I informed him opening the door. "Stay here with Jon, and talk to him about his problems, I'll be back in a little bit." 

"But Jon already told me what happened! He-" 

"Tell me later Bren, I have to sort this out. Please behave." I said half way out the door. He stood up and walked over to me.

"Ryan, can I please come? I don't trust him." Brendon begged, unleashing his puppy dog eyes on me. 

"Sorry Bren, after the little performance you gave just now, I don't think I could trust you not to kill Pete. Just stay put with Jon, and I'll be back soon. I just want to make sure he's okay. He is my friend after all. He's not plotting my death." I gave him a teasing smirk. 

His eyes narrowed. "Ha-ha." he said sarcastically. 

"I'm kidding. I love you Bren." I said pecking his lips before heading down the hall. 


Pete's POV

What the hell is wrong with me? Why couldn't I just have gone and told him how I felt like Patrick told me to? Why did I have to kiss him? Why did I have to screw things up? Why am I such an idiot?!

He probably hates me now. 

And so does Brendon. 

Wait, who am I kidding, Brendon's hated me since high-school. 

The feeling's mutual. 

But I guess the only reason I hate him is because he stole Ryan from me… 

Yeah, so, I've been in love with Ryan since before Brendon even moved here. But then, I was convinced Ryan was straight. I had always hoped that we'd end up with the story tale ending. We'd both come out to each other, then wed fall in love, never-minding how our parents felt about the situation, and live happily ever after. 

But Brendon had that instead. He stole it from me. That should have been me.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Hopefully it was Pat. I needed to talk to someone about this. 

I opened the door, then almost shut it again when I saw who was standing behind it. 

Just the person I wanted to see.


"Hey Pete. Can I come in?" he asked casually. 

Maybe I didn't ruin things after all…

"Sure." I said, stepping aside, allowing him entrance. 

He came in and sat on the couch. There was an agonizing awkward silence before he finally spoke. 

"Pete, about what happened…" he trailed off, probably finding the right was to phrase it. 

"I know." I said. "You don't have to explain it. It was stupid." I said sitting down on the chair across from him. 

"Why?" he asked. "Why did you do it?" I looked at him like he was missing something obvious. 

"Are you seriously asking that? Ryan, I've been in love with you since before high-school." I mumbled. 

His eyes widened. 

"What?" he asked dumbfounded.  "H-High-school?" 

"Why do you think I hated Brendon so much when he moved here? The very first day… I saw the way he looked at you when you two walked on campus together. I didn't think he'd stand a chance though, I mean you were popular, 'straight'," I said using air quotes. "and just Ryan. When you two started hanging out, the jealousy and anger got worse, and I couldn't stand to be around you. As time went on, and you two got together, I thought I'd be able to move on. But I didn't. It wasn't until you left that I was able to clear my mind a little bit. I didn't have to see you, and Brendon barely left his house, so I didn't have to deal with that either… but when you came back, and you needed my help… as much as I hated Brendon, I couldn't stand to see you suffer like that. As years went on, I tried to move on, but instead I grew more attached. I tried to be happy for you guys when you moved in together, but instead I was secretly hoping something would go wrong and I'd have another chance…" I stopped when I realized I had TMI'd a bit. 

I glanced up at him, (I wouldn't have been able to make that speech looking him in the eye.) and he was looking at me with sorry eyes. 

"I'm sorry." he mumbled. "But I can't-" 

"I know." I cut him off. "I didn't mean to kiss you. I'm not an idiot. I just meant to tell you the truth, how I felt. Then somehow, I just… I don't know. I don't even know what the point of me telling you was. It was Patrick's idea." I explained. 

"Okay." he nodded. He stood up. "I'm really sorry Pete. I wish there was something I could do. But… I love Brendon, and I always will…" Even though I knew it, I still wanted to vomit hearing him say it. "I should go. I-" he paused. "I hope you're still willing to be my friend, even though I know you want more. I'm sorry." He then walked out the door. 

Leaving me to go home back to his boyfriend. 

Just like always. 

But I will change that. 

I've waited ten years. I can't wait anymore. 

I'll make that boy mine, if it's the last thing I do. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Brendon's crazy. But we love him anyways.

Hmmmmm what's Pete up to?

Also, Jons problem has to do with why he was acting so weird. ;D and he's not cheating just so you know.

This chapter is dedicated to harlequinxlovers, who gave me this idea. :D Thank you! :3 *claps*

Happy late night reading. :x