Status: Everyone loves a good Reality Show Fic. <3

Love's a Bitch

Chapter Three

The tears streaming down my face weren't tears of pain from the punches and scratches that bitch dished it out. They were from anger. Why would she go there? Why would she go and flirt with Matt after knowing how much I like him? Why would you do that to the person you call your best friend? There are so many questions that I would like to ask her that I just couldn't. I couldn't bare to face her. Not right now. Not for a long time. There is no telling what I might do and who says any of the girls or Riki and Bengie will be around to help her. My best bet would be to keep my distance and the men I liked away from her.

I sat up in the middle of my bed, wiping the blood from my lip as I looked over at the dress hanging my closet door. It was my elimination dress. It wasn't anything to fancy. Just a simple, knee length, silky light green dress. I wasn't thrilled about putting it on. Sending guys home was going to be hard. Especially since I wasn't sure on who I wanted to go. We all had to make a decision together on who the fifth guys going home should be, but we couldn't even be in a room two seconds together before Cathleen started her shit. That wasn't my problem right now, though. My problem was picking out of the guys I've become fond of. Jyrki, Matt, Zoltan, Phil, and Tobin. Of course, Alex wasn't so bad, but he was so cocky. That was a total turn off in a way.

Zoltan was a very interesting person. He was one of the ones I clicked with automatically. He was so open and he loved to talk about his music which made me very happy. Jyrki, he's amazing. He has to be the total package. Everything you want in man, that's Jyrki. And the way he says his name sends chills all over my body and we'll just leave it at that. No sense in giving all my feels I get for that man away. Matt, he had an amazing smile and he never seemed to throw me into boredom. He kept me laughing at pretty much nothing. A man with a sense of humor is always amazing. Phil, he was so quiet, yet the way he kept throwing those glares at me - Jesus. That's all I can say. Tobin, where do I begin with him? I liked him, a lot. Until he opened him mouth and started talking to me a lot. Whoever his ex girlfriend was, she must have been pretty damn amazing. That's all he talked about. So, my choices where from Phil and Tobin. I was debating on those two. It was so fucking hard. I didn't want to have to send anyone home.

"Ames," Vienna pushed my bedroom door open and let herself in. She walked over and sat on the bed next to me. "You need to be getting ready. Elimination starts in fifteen minutes."

I sighed, crawling off the bed. I took the dress from the closet door and walked into the bathroom. I took a very quick shower, tried to tame my curly hair, applied some makeup, then threw the dress on. I checked over myself in the mirror, then walked back into my bedroom. Vienna was standing in front of my mirror on the back of my bedroom door, messing with her hair and smooth her little red dress out. I have to say, she looked amazing. I could name off a few guys that where going to fall out when they saw her.

"I put your heels on the bed. I didn't know if you had anything picked out so I did it for you." She said, turning around. "I think I shall be going to see if Gabbie and Cat is done. You going to be okay alone?"

"Of course."

She smiled, running from the room. I sat down on the edge of the bed, picking up one of the white heels and slipping it on. This was a accident waiting to happen. Myself, Vienna and Gabbie's daughter all in one room, together.

"Ames, baby, Vienna said the other girls are ready and she would like for you to accompany them out by the pool." Riki said, tapping lightly on the door.

I walked over, pulling the door open. Riki smiled at me. I hook my arm in his and let him lead me off to the other girls. Gabbie was the first I spotted on my way to the pool. She had on a bright yellow dress. It barely made it to mid-thigh. I shook my head, looking on. Cathleen was wearing a shorter purple dress. It was ridiculous. Vienna and myself were the only ones that actually dressed right and not like a slut.

"What are we doing out here?" Cat said, sitting back in her chair, sipping on her beer. "I mean, don't we have everything we need for elimination?"

"Yes, but there is another we have to get rid of and..."

I looked over at Vienna, ignoring everything Gabbie was saying to Cat. She looked spaced and depressed at the same time. This elimination was the worst part. We were the ones saying we were only here for friends, but we seemed to be taking it the hardest.

"So, what do you say?" Gabbie said, smiling.

Vienna shook her head, bringing herself back to reality. She just smiled at Gabbie, leaning forward like the rest of us.

"What was that?"

"I was thinking about sending Ivan home. What do you guys say?"

Both Vienna and myself shrugged. I hit it off pretty great with Ivan. He was sweet, such a gentlemen, but we had to agree on that fifth person. Vienna moved her hair from one shoulder, sitting back and began picking at her nails.

"I think we should have the bottom guys and let them try to convince us that they should stay. Out of two guys I'm sure one will be more of what we are looking for than the others."

"Says the one that doesn't even want to be here." Cat said, rolling her eyes. "Let me take care of this. I know who should go home. That's it, final decision."

She got up and walked back into the house with Gabbie following her. I look over at Vienna. She was shaking her head with a smile on her face. Cat wasn't going to bother her like she wanted to because Vienna was way ahead of her and knew what she was trying to do.

"Hey, you two." We looked over our shoulders. Lilyana was standing there, hands on her hips, attitude face on. She was dressed in this cute little blue dress. To bad she wasn't cute. "Mommy and Kitty want to start elimination and Kitty said she'll start without you two."

With that, she skipped off back into the house. If looks could kill, Vienna would have shot that little girl right in the back of the head at that moment. Little fucking devil.

We got up and walked inside, very slowly. We weren't ready. To us, we didn't have enough time to think it through. Vee was having a little bit more trouble than I, though. All of her eyes were simply amazing. All of them. None of them did anything wrong or made a bad impression. At least Tobin and Phil fucked up a little. It made something a little easier for me.

When Vienna and I walked into the foyer, Cat rolled her eyes, facing the guys that had lined up in front of her, Gabbie and Lily. I stood next to her, barely glancing at her before looking at the guys. Seeing their faces, oh, it just made it even harder if that was possible. Jyrki looked at me and smiled, winking at me before sliding his sunglasses up a little more. Matt stood there with the most serious look on his face. Phil kept looking around, but he'd occasionally smile at me. Tobin, he was off in Tobin land I'm afraid. I shook my head.

This whole process we had set up is we each pick one guy to save, but that wouldn't come until the actually challenges. For now, we were going to hand out 'Keys' that indicates that they can stick around for one more shot. We all looked at Cathleen. She liked to talk so damn much, she can start this shit. She sighed, making at face, then put a smile on her face.

"This is the first elimination and five of you have to go home. None of us are to thrilled about it, but it's the way the game works. We are going to call a few up at a time, give you guys the keys and the six or how ever many at the end will have a chance to redeem themselves and prove you have what it takes to stay. Cool?" The guys nodded, smiling. Cat looked back at the case with the keys in it. She picked three up and faced back towards the guys. "Benji, Lajon, and Eric aka Cat. Will you guys come forwards?" They stepped forward, smiling and looking quite confident. "Will you guys accept these keys and stay for another shot at me?"

They nodded too quickly, accepting the keys. Gabbie was next. She grabbed her three keys and stepped forward, Lilyana stepping forward with her like she was her shadow or something.

"Alex, Saller and Ryan. Come forward, please." Alex walked up to her so calmly, Ryan was trying to copy him and Saller was just too happy. He pretty much bounced up to her, making her smile. "Will you guys take these keys and stay for another shot at me?"

Saller answered by picking her up and twirling her around in his arms, squeezing her. Vienna and myself looked at each other and giggled. They guys walked back and took their places. I took a deep breath before grabbing my three keys and walked forward. I studied the guys for a while before I could even make myself begin to talk.

"Jyrki, Matt and Zoltan. Would you guys please walk forward?" I didn't have to ask twice. Jyrki almost took the other two out to get to me. I smiled at him, then looked at the other two. I placed the key around each of their necks, then stepped back and away. "Would you guys accept these keys and stay for another shot to win me over?"

Each nodded, making me smile. I kissed their cheeks and sent them back to their spots before walking back over to Cat. Vienna took a deep breath, taking threes keys and walking forwards. Riki stepped with her. They were attached to each other at the hip pretty much. He looks out for her like no other.

She didn't look up from her keys for the longest time. As I said, this was going to be harder on her than the rest of us because of the simple fact, all of her guys are amazing. Riki rubbed her back, whispering something to her that made her smile and laugh. She finally looked up, biting her lip.

"James, Chris and..." She studied the guys, swallowing hard, moving back an forth on her feet. She took a deep breath, letting a few tears slip. Riki quickly got her back on track. "And Sheep. Please some forward." They guys did, quickly. Brandan was the first there, taking her hand in his, kissing it. She just gave him a weak smile before slipping the key over his neck, then doing the same to the others. "Will you guys stay here and fight for another shot at me?"

They nodded, each kissing her cheeks before walking off. Now, the hard part. There was eight guys left and only three keys. I looked over at Gabbie and Cat. They didn't seem so stressed. Riki and Bengie stepped in front of us.

"Each girl have a guy they want to vote out." Bengie said, motioning for the remaining guys to step forward. "They will tell you why you are leaving, don't worry about that and even if you don't think it's a good reason, you deal with it and walk out of here like a man. Don't raise your voice or hands at them, okay?"

They guys nodded, looking over at us. Cat walked forward, smiling with a key in her hand.

"Rob, you weren't all that interesting to me. All you did is talk about your band mates and just...really stupid stuff that I could care less about. You're shot has ended. Please, step over to the side." As Rob stomped off by the door, she smiled at Kenneth, holding the key out. "Would you please take this, my love?"

Of course, he said yes. Next was Vienna's turn. She stepped forward, shaking pretty badly. She held a key tightly in her hand.

"Brian, I don't want to send you home. I really don't because you and I clashed, but it seemed to me like the others tried a little harder than you did." A few tears fell from her eyes. "Please, don't hate me, but I'm going to have to send you home."

He smiled, walking over to her and wrapped his arms around her, holding on to her until she calmed. He took the key from her and walked over to Johnny, giving it to him before walking off to the door where Rob was waiting. I stepped forward, taking a key with me.

"Okay, I'm going to start off with the person that deserves to stay here and that happens to be Phil." Tobin's mouth fell open as Phil walked over to be, taking me into his arms before taking the key. I looked at Tobin. "Now, I didn't want to do this. I wanted you to stay, but we have a problem."

"And what might that be?" Attitude dripping from his voice.

"You talk about your ex girlfriend so fucking much. I've never had to spend a half an hour in my life listening to bullshit like you kept dishing out. So, with that Tobin, your shot at me has e..."

He lunged for me, but didn't get to me. Ivan threw himself in front of me. Riki and Bengie grabbed my arms and pulled me back. I looked at Vienna, raising my brow. Fucking fights get on my nerves. Especially when you can't see them. Riki and Bengie finally pulled Ivan back, leaving Tobin sitting on the floor, glaring up at him. Ivan threw the first punch meant he would be the fifth one we would send home. Riki and Bengie escorted both guys outside while we got back to what we were doing. Gabbie stepped forwards. Frankie was the only one left. She smiled at him, looking down at her hands.

"Frankie, I think you are a really sweet, nice, loving guy, but you just aren't what I'm looking for." He nodded, obviously understanding. "You will make some girl really happy one day, but today, it's just not me. You're shot has ended."

She hugged him before letting him walk away. Myself and the other girls stepped forward, standing next to Gabbie.

"Normally, we'd be having a drink or something after this, but since none of us were fully prepared for any of this, we didn't get a chance to set the drinks up." I said, shrugging my shoulders. "Buuut I've got another idea." Oh, they seemed like they were all ears. I giggled. "Let's go out and have some fun."

The room got pretty loud with the guys cheers. We all ran off back to our rooms to get ready for a night out. No kids, no one telling me what to do. Tonight was going to be tons of fun after one fucking stressful day.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sure there are typo's considering I'm falling asleep while writing this.
Tell me where they are...?
Sorry for the shortness. It was supposed to turn out longer, but this works.
Love, please.