Love This Vampire

A New Begining

My name is Valerie and I'm a vampire. It happened about 300 years ago. I was ten, still young, and had a mother, father, and brother of six. They had died a week before from the plague, a deisese that had hit my town in England like a bomb. Nobody could survive it. Nobody except for me it seemed.

How I avoided the fate of the others, I'm not quiet sure of. I do think it was, beleive it or not, the love of my long gone family. Since they were of the first ot go, maybe they didn't want me to have the same fate as them. Or maybe it was just my luck.

I was not a vampire at the time, nor did I beleive in them. After my family had died, I didn't beleive in much. I had an open Invitation for death, hoping he would take it. When he didn't, it was a vampire who did. his name was Dolan. He was twenty-five, old enough to be my father. After I was turned, that's what he became to me. both of uswere never seen without one another and we watched out for each other no matter what.

We were out one night, just Dolan and I, walking around the town like we did every night. He held me close tohim, for it was a cold night, yet still late in the summer. Suddenly, Dolan turned around, still having his stron hand on his shoulder.

"What's wrong father?" I asked him. He pulled me closer into his warm grasp as he peered into the darkness with, what I know now much better eyesight than that of any human.

"I thought I heard footsteps." he replied. He took one more glance behind us an we walked on. Later, while we were standing in front of an old, worn out cavern to eat a late dinner, there was gun shot. This time, we both turned around.

A man stood on the cobble stone streets with a pistols shaking in his hands. I saw Dolans lips moving, but heard no words. I tried to call out his name, but all that came out was a gasp of breath. Pain suddenly flew through my chest . I looked down and placed my hand below my brest. Slowly, my skaing, dim-lit hand came up to my face, revealing crimson red blood.

The unknown man had shot me. I tried to scream, but only air came out. I franticly started to claw at Dolan and he finally faced me. I showed him my blood stained hand, then saw tears orming in his eyes and agian his lips moving in silence. I could hear noting, say nothing, but yet I was fully aware of the world taking motion around me.

Dolan's lips formed the words "I'm sorry" twice. Then he took me in his arms and bit the vein in my neck. I gasped, although I was already dieing. He then bit his own wrist and let the blood drip over my quivering lips and into my mouth. I collapsed on the floor in my own pool of blood, going through mortal death. Pain once agian went through my chest and I clentched my heart. My horror of losing my life and not finding peace was great and i knew Dolan sensed it.

Blood slowly stopped flowing through my veins and I thought it would never end. When it finally did, I sat up, breathing in the night air deeply, to see the world from my new point of veiw, as it was no longer dark. My stomach growled and I relized as I clentched it, I felt a hunger like no other.

"I need more." I whispered to Dolan. He laughed quietly.

"Soon, my daughter." he replied, helping me to my feet. "Soon."