Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

Happy Birthday, Hell's Little Angel.

[About a month later]
October 12th; 11:47 p.m.

Dear diary,

For the last month I've been learning all sorts of things from this freakish book. Now I can make my eyes change colour on will (each colour making something happen), I can make things catch on fire, explode, levatate people with my eyes, sometimes I don't even need to use my wand!

I'm impressing all of my teachers, but Mia might be catching onto me.

Over the last month I have done several things to torture the Gryffindors. I put spiders in Weasley's bed twice (all being black widdows of course), turned Granger's books into children's books like Barbie books and such, and I didn't do it, but somehow Potter's name got called for the Tri-Wizard tournament.

I didn't do it, but it sure as hell made my day watching everyone hate him since he's under seventeen.

I don't know who the boy is, but I know there's a fifth year Hufflepuff boy that seems to really, and I mean really like MiMi. He's pretty cute for her too; light brown hair, baby blue eyes, and very shy from what I can see.

But MiMi seems to be completely oblivious to the boy and has her eyes on a total Gryffindor player. His name's Noah or something I think? I don't know. All I remember is that one time during Quidditch I almost knocked him off of his broom and he came right back at me and knocked me into one of the posts.

Draco did not like that.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you that I play Quidditch for Slytherin. I'm the Keeper--it's pretty amusing.

Well, I suppose I should get some sleep or I'm going to end being insomniatic again. That was not fun when I had it back home.

Speaking of back home, I wonder how big that vein in Sasuke's forhead has gotten now that he probably realizes I'm not coming home.



"Renee, wake up." I heard to my right.

"F-five more m-minutes..." I replied, not knowing nor caring who it was, very tiredly.

"NEENEE! Wake your chipmunk ass up!" A louder voice yelled on my other side causing me to fall onto whoever was on my right.

This morning was already starting pretty well--I woke up on my boyfriend.

"Good morning to you too, love." Draco said, helping me up.

I looked to my left and found MiMi grinning like an idiot and holding something behind her back.

"Uh...?" I said, rubbing my eyeliner smeared eyes.

"Do you seriously not remember what today is?" Mia asked me as though I was an idiot.

I blinked a couple of times and grabbed my cell phone off of my nightstand to see what the date was. Friday, October 13 7:12 a.m. it read.

"HOLY SHIT!" I yelled excitedly.

"Remember now?!" Mia yelled back excitedly as well.

"It's my fuckin' birthday!" Now it was me who was grinning like an idiot.

Draco wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. "Happy birthday my little Hell Angel."

I had always loved that nickname. I've had it since I was seven. And I've had Kat Karma since I was thirteen along with Mia's being Nikki Nightmare, and Heather's as Terra Temper. We got really bored one day.

"So, who's on your 'bucket list' this year?" Mia asked me.

I grinned evilly.

"What's a bucket list..?" Draco asked cautiously.

"Every year Renee has a list of people who have to endure whatever she puts them through until midnight. She even has a special notebook--not her black one with all her nasty plans--" I grinned like Cheshire Cat, "--but a crimson one where whoever's name she write's down has to obey whatever she tells them to do."

"You're bloody kidding, right?" Mia and I looked at each other. "You're not kidding..." Draco muttered.

"Not a chance, hun."

Before I got ready for classes (and possibly the best day ever), Mia practically demanded that I open her gift now.

"Sweetie, you know me too well." I said as I took the box wrapped in black paper with a crimson ribbon around it.

"I'm very aware of that." Mia replied, smiling big.

After I took off the ribbon (which Mia wanted me to wear in my hair today), I clawed apart the black paper to reveal a black box with the words, 'Happy Birfday NeeNee', written in blood red looking like dripping blood on it.

"You remembered the 'birfday' thing!" I said, laughing as MiMi did my hair.

"It's not that difficult to remember an 'f' instead of 't.h.'" Mia teased.

"You two sure have a strange friendship." Draco joked.

"And Renee sure has strange taste in guys..." Mia muttered, causing me to hold back my laughs.

I opened the box (which turned out to be a small jewlery box) and found one of Mia's homemade anklets. It was truely beautiful; small gold colour beads in between eight other larger ones between medium ones of the same colour.

"MiMi, I love it!" I said, giving her a hug. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome. I've been working on it for a while now." She replied, smiling.

"Well Richards, you do have a talent for making jewlery." Draco said, putting it around my right ankle.

"Thanks." Mia replied, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

I think today is going to be quite fun.
♠ ♠ ♠
What's fun for Renee is going to be rather painful to endure to others.
Who do you think is on Renee's 'bucket list' for the day..?
If you comment, I shall update once more today(: