Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

The Power of the Bucket List.

As Draco and Mia went to wait for me in the common room, I dug through my trunk and found my favourite little notebook of all: my crimson Bucket List.

I hugged the small notebook close before setting it down to get ready. Of course I was thinking about what to do while I was doing so.

Well of course my idiot brothers are going to be on there, I thought as I slipped on my skirt. Sorry MiMi, but you are not meant for Noah and I'm going to have butt in like always.

Before I put my flats on and did my eyeliner and hair, I decided to write a few names down right now. Since it's my notebook only I can view the contents of it. Literally. Anyone else who tries to read it sees nothing but blank pages. The only down side is it's charmed so I can only use it on my birthday.

"Let's see..." I muttered, opening to a blank page.

Pansy Parkinson is to leave Renee Uchiha and Draco Malfoy alone and only bother any Gryffindors. Especially the "Golden Trio".

Ron Weasley is to get in a bad fight with Harry Potter and fall into the freezing waters of the Black Lake.

Hermione Granger is to fail every exam she has coming next.

Rose Farrah and Jessica Brennon are to spend the entire night at their friends' dorm(s) instead of ours.

"I think that's a good start," I said to myself, "this way Parkinson will leave us alone, Weasle-bee and Potter will be apart, Granger will cry, and tonight I can be alone with Draco." I grinned evilly and finished getting ready for classes.


"So, who's on your little 'Bucket List' so far, love?" Draco asked me as we walked to Potions.

"Now if I told you it might not come true." I joked.

"NeeNee, it's a Bucket List, not birthday candles." Mia said, catching up with us from Transfigurations.

"It doesn't matter, I still don't like to tell people who's on my Bucket List." At the sound of yelling, all three of us turned to find Weasley and Potter arguing in the Courtyard. "Though it shouldn't be that hard to guess." I muttered, smirking.

Both boys stormed off in opposite directions and when I looked forward, I caught sight of Noah and glared and frowned. I think I just got another idea for my Bucket List.

As we sat in Potions (Draco on my right, Mia on my left next to one of her Hufflepuff friends), I took out my little crimson notebook and began scribbling.

Mia Richards is to not like Noah Morgans. Instead she is to realize James Farro is a better guy.

"Who's your latest victim?" Draco whispered to me as Snape entered the gloomy classroom.

"I told you, I can't tell you." I replied, grinning, as I put the notebook back in my bag. Sorry MiMi, but it's for your own good, I thought. Then another idea struck me and as soon as Snape turned his back, I whipped out my Bucket List once more.

Harry Potter is to do absolutely aweful in Potions class today and due to his fight he mouths off to Professor Snape, earning him two Saturday night detentions with Snape. Feeling accomplished, I put the notebook back in my bag once more and began to pay attention to class.

Within minutes of my writing down Potter's fate, it began. Whenever Snape told him to do something, he mouthed off and I smirked.

"I take it this is your doing?" Draco said quietly to me, smirking as well.

"Perhaps." I replied vaguely but obviously.

All throughout class Potter continued to mouth off, causing everyone to snicker and him getting his well earned two Saturday detentions. With that set, class was over.

As Draco, Mia, and I walked out of Potions, I saw Noah and decided to try something.

"Hey MiMi, isn't that Noah?" I asked.

Mia glanced at him and shrugged. "I think so. Why?"

Draco looked at me from the corner of his eye and raised an eyebrow. I merely smirked.

"Just curious. You know him?"

"No, and by the looks of it, why would I want to?"

"I can definetly see what you mean."

"On your own best friend, really?" Draco whispered to me.

I shrugged. "It was either that or we watch her make a complete idiot of herself with a total loser of a player." I whispered back.

I caught MiMi's cheeks flash a shade of pink and I looked up to see James sitting on one of the benches reading something.

"Phase two of Mia's Bucket." I whispered to Draco.

"Earth to MiMi." I said, waving my hand in front of her face.

"Huh, what? Oh, Renee. Sorry, spaced out." She covered.

"Yeah, right into Farro's eyes." Draco muttered sarcastically earning a jab in the side from my elbow.

"Why don't you go talk to him?" I suggested.

"N-no...I couldn't..." Mia replied shyly.

"If you don't, I will. And all I'm going to do is brag about you. So go, MiMi." I said, putting a hand on my hip.

"Alright, alright, jeezum..." Mia replied, smiling as she walked over to James.

"The power of the Bucket List." I said, looking up at Draco.

Draco chuckled and rolled his eyes at me. "You truely are Hell's Little Angel."

"Pshtt, damn straight I am!" I laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
There's still a couple more people on that list to come in the following chapter.
Btw, Rose&&Jessica are Renee's roommates (created by me), and Renee's getting rid of them for the night. Naught Renee, naughty. hahaa.
If it wasn't for JaspersGirl108, I would not have written this until tomorrow.
Now than, to see more power of the Bucket List, all you have to do is comment.
P.s. Another wicked Draco story I am in love with is It Had To Be You by thestarsandme.
I reccomend you read it if you like mine. It's a wicked story(;