Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

Roses Are Dead, Violets Die Too, I Still Don't Get It, But I Guess I'm Next Too?


"Are all of the teachers at this school this crazy?" I whispered to Draco in our next class.

"Most of them, yeah." Draco replied as Professor Trelawney came in babbling about 'Dark Forces' and junk.

Professor Trelawney turned towards me slowly as though she was slowly coming out of an exorcism (or going into one for all I know).

"Is this..normal...for her?" I whispered to Draco.

"Just wait, it looks like you're her latest victim."

"Pardon me?!"

Trelawney rushed up to my desk and looked at me with terrified eyes.

"Uhm...good morning?" I said cautiously.

"Oh have a great darkness within you! You mustn't let it overwhelm you and do not let anyone have hold of that Power! Don't listen to the things you hear but cannot see for you are in grave danger."

I blinked a few times and resisted the urge to laugh. "Uhm...sure..I'll be sure to avoid that stuff...yeah..." Well what the hell was I supposed to say to another loony teacher?

She shook her head furiously and looked at me once more like she had before. "N-no, child, you do not understand what you're tampering with. You are dealing with great evil, dear girl. Your Power can give Power to someone who can destroy us all. You must heed my warning for your life and soul is in the utmost danger!"

I think I felt my eye twitch a little bit. I didn't want to ask, but damn my curiousity. "Pardon me? What 'great evil' and 'someone who can destroy us all'?" Ugh, talk about FML.

Trelawney's hand flew to her heart dramatically as she staggered backwards a little bit.

"Bloody hell, Renee, I think you've just about killed her." Draco joked.

No, I think I just got her into a whole new story to tell...Damn... I thought. If I could just grab my Bucket List out of my bag without her noticing... But I couldn't, my bag was laying flat down on the ground and Trelawney was already getting into the hype of a new story to tell me. Great.

"Dear girl, how do you not know about him...?" She began.

"Him who?" Was this some inside joke I was the only one who didn't know about?

Trelawney put her hand on her mouth and whispered, "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named!"

I held back laughter once more, but let the smart-ass go. "If he's not supposed to be named, how the hell would I know who you're talking about?"

"T-the Dark Lord, child. Have you not heard of him?!"

I'm going to guess by my blank expression that that answer is clearly a 'no' you crazy old bat.

I really need to learn to keep that stupid notebook with me! I scolded myself as I listened to Professor Trelawney babble on about some dude who killed off a whole bunch of people like he was Hitler or something.

"...and only one person is said to have survived and..." And blah, blah, blah.

"Alright, alright, so what's this dude want with me?" Clearly he has it out for whoever's still alive (whom I tuned out).

"You, child, you have the Power He seeks."

"So why doesn't he just go after my idiot brothers? I mean just because we're the last three of the Uchiha bloodline, thanks to my oldest idiot brother of course--"

Professor Trelawney looked confused. "Uchiha bloodline? No, no, dear girl--"

Before she could continue, it was lunch. Now I truely know the meaning of 'saved by the bell'.

"I don't know how much more of that I could have handled." I said, pinching the bridge of my nose, as Draco and I walked to the Great Hall.

"Every year she predics someone to die. Last year was Potter's turn. Now it looks like she's picked on you." Draco replied, pulling me close.

"I tuned out half of what she said, what's the big deal with this guy that aparently wants this so-called Power I have and this one kid that aparently lived?"

Draco frowned. "The 'kid that aparently lived', is Potter." I have to share the spotlight with him? Pass. "I honestly have no clue what she was babbling about with this Power you have but aparently He wants it as much He wants Potter dead."

I had enough for one day, I was too whipped to even ask who this 'He' was.
♠ ♠ ♠
Poor Renee, but now that she's headed for lunch, what trouble is she going to stir up now..?
Comment and you shall be rewarded(:

P.s. I would like some help on something. I'm not sure when, but I'm thinking about starting a new story. I can't decide which one to do as I have two ideas. Let me know which you think is better (or which one you are more likely to read);;

Kidnapped at Midnight-- One girl, leading a normal life for sixteen years, gets kidnapped one night out of no where by people she doesn't know and wakes up to find out, oh, she's now in an arranged marriage to none other than Draco Malfoy. Well, this can't be well for the poor girl.


Daughter of Darkness-- Alice has grown up without her dad. She's heard several things about him (some good, some not so good..) and she gets this feeling he's close by just as her mom becomes ill. It's the middle of a war, and Alice wants to find her dad. So what does she do? She pulls one of her mom's old tricks and leaves to find him. Who's her dad? Draco Malfoy. Silly Alice, silly, silly Alice.