Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

Oh Hot Damn, Happy Birthday to Me!

After the lunch incident, the day continued to go on smoothly. Weasle-bee fell in the lake as planned, nearly catching hypothermia to my pleasure, Granger's been crying because she is now an epic fail in all of her classes, Mia's been spending time with James, and by the looks of it, Parkinson is annoying the shit out of the Gryffindors.

"I'm rather surprised that Pansy hasn't bothered either of us today." Draco said suspiciously as we walked to Charms.

I shrugged. "Who knows, maybe she knows better by now."

"Or maybe your little Bucket List has made her leave us alone."

"Maybe." I suggested, slightly grinning. "Who knows, maybe she's torturing some poor, oh I dunno, Gryffindors with her hideous face and voice instead of us for once."

Draco chuckled. "You didn't."

"Ah, but I did." I admitted evilly. "For all we know a good handful of the Gryffindor students could be lining up to pitch themselves off of the Astronomy Tower as we speak." With any luck, I'm crossing my fingers, I thought.

"And you know what makes it so much better?" I asked, looking up at Draco now.


"It's Friday the Thirteenth. I can feel the spite of my inner bitch ready to be let loose to hear the cries and screams of innocent people." I said, putting my hands together and closing my eyes to make a dramatic effect.

"You truely are Hell's Little Angel, aren't you?" Draco teased me.

I shrugged, going back to my normal stance. "For all I know, I probably do have the spirit of a devious little Hell Angel inside of me. Probably something Itachi attempted when I was a little kid." I muttered the last part, remembering the time Itachi wanted to see if I was a "bouncy baby" like a bouncy ball.

"I think I'm begining to get a hint." Draco said slyly.

"Hm?" I arched an eyebrow as we entered an empty hall (since everyone in their right mind is too damn scared to come near me).

"I'm begining to think you're trying to get everyone to leave us alone so it can just be us for once." Draco said, making so I was cornered with my back against the wall.

I put a hand dramatically on my chest. "Whatever would make you think that?" I asked in such a fake voice.

"Hooking Richards up with Farro, torturing the Gryffindors with Pansy, making Potter and Weasle-bee argue, that's most of the people who never leave us alone." He said as though he had just cracked a murder case by stating all the evidence. "And I do know of your knack to ditch classes you don't care for much which just so happens to be Charms." Draco added, leaning closer to me.

"So you think you've got it all solved like a puzzle, eh?" I said, going along with the theme of the moment. "Well now you've got me right where you want me. So what are you gonna do about it?"

I grinned slyly and Draco smirked.

"I knew you were going to be my little Hell Angel the day you messed up my hair." Draco said, leaning in and kissing me.

Oh yes, happy birthday to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if it's short but I felt the need to stop there.
Use your imagination for those two for the next hour
Comment and you shall recieve(: