Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

What the Hell?! You Can't Ground Me!

Mia gave me her signature, 'You're such an idiot sometimes.' look as Draco and I walked into Transfiguration, a couple minutes late. I stupidly forgot we had (or would have had) Charms with Mia. Great. I am so never hearing the end of this.

"Since the two of you find it cute to be late," Professor McGonagall began, "for today Renee you will sit next to Mia and Draco next to Blaise."

We both muttered 'okay', trying not to laugh or say something stupid because both Blaise and Mia damn well knew where we were if they had any common sense. Which Mia fucking has.

"I don't recall seeing either of you in Charms." Mia whispered to me as McGonagall began the lesson. "And now you're both late for Transfiguration? Huh, it's just too weird."

I rubbed the back of my neck saying, "Yeah...weird..."

Mia rolled her eyes. "Do you really think I'm that stupid?"

I looked at her and bit my lip trying not to laugh. "Is that a trick question?"

"You know, the shade of lipgloss Draco was suddenly wearing reminded me of the same on you had on earlier today." Mia said, tapping her index finger on her cheek.

Ah damn... I thought. I took a quick glance back at Draco and Blaise to find Blaise looking like he was about to burst out laughing and Draco finding my lipgloss on his lips. I turned back forward, putting a hand on my mouth so I wouldn't laugh.

MIa shook her head at me. "Skipping class to make-out with your boyfriend. Way to go, Renee."

I shrugged. "I'm afraid I don't see your point in the matter." I said matter-of-factly but knowing in the back of mind that I was so fucked up the ass it was not even funny.

Mia gaped at me."Are you freaking kidding me?"

"I hardly saw him at all for the last three years due to my imprisonment by my idiot brother; didn't you see this coming?"

"When you've pulled it the last six times, yes. I should have seen it coming since it's your birthday..." She trailed off and her face changed, putting something together.

"Ohmygod!" She said at once making it sound like one word. MiMi narrowed her eyes at me, "Please, please tell me Rose and Jessica aren't on that Bucket List."

I clicked my tongue on the roof of my mouth and began scribbling on the parchment before me. "Then I would be lying to you which I don't typically do."

"HAVEYOULOSTYOURDAMNMIND?!" Mia whisper-yelled all at once making it sound like one inaudible word; though being friends so long, I know exactly what she said.

"In a word, yes." I replied in a calm whisper. "You know damn well that I lost my mind several years ago. I know I still have a small fragment left somewhere which I choose to ignore because it's boring and the things I do are a lot funner."

"Dude! Your shenanigans aren't funny!"

"Okay two things to that; A. I never said what I do is funny, I said it was fun and to me. and 2. Did you seriously just say 'shenanigans'?"

"Shenanigans, yes. Whatever! The point is that it's wrong to skip classes just to make out with your boyfriend, Renee!" Mia said all mother-like.

I raised an eyebrow. "It was only one class, mom."

Mia crossed her arms over her chest. "I know you have Astronomy then DADA ending with History of Magic which I presume you will also be skipping."

"You don't know that!"

"Oh right, or falling asleep in."

I turned my head back forward and stuck my tongue out at Mia's motherly-ness.

"What are you gonna do, ground me?" I muttered.

"If that's what it takes, than yes. You're grounded for a week."

I turned back to her with my mouth open. "Are you shitting me?"

"No, I am not shitting you. Renee, you're grounded for a week." Mia stated matter-of-factly.

"What the hell?! You can't ground me! You're not my mom and I'm older than you! By two months and whatever days!"

"Girls, would you care to tell the class what seems to be so important?" McGonagall said to us.

I stood up with a hand on my hip. "Yeah, Mia here thinks she can ground me." I said, trying not to laugh as the rest of the class burst into laughter and McGonagall pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Renee, sit down." Mia said, also pinching the bridge of her nose.

"See! She thinks she's my mother!" I practically yelled to the entire class.

"Been a bad girl again, Renee?" Blaise shouted back.

"Renee you're embarassing yourself and me. Now sit down!" Mia said.

"So now I'm not only grounded and a bad girl, but I'm embarassing you?" I said loud enough for everyone to hear and laugh.

This time Mia stood up and we began arguing like mother and daughter. Why McGonagall wasn't giving us detentions or charming our mouths to zip shut, I don't quite know. But I think she was enjoying this as much as everyone else was.


"Ah come on, mom, you never let me have any fun!" I whined like a normal teenage girl who wasn't getting her way.

"Renee you can't go around doing whatever you want! You need to understand--"

"Understand my mom's a fun sucker!"

"Renee, knock it off! That's it, you're grounded for a month!"

"If you were a good mom you'd know I'd just sneak out anyways! Haven't you learned from watching Sasuke try to parent me? I mean, jeeze! Ugh!"

"Renee! Sit down and be quiet! We will discuss this later!"

"There's nothing to discuss! I'm running away from home and you can't stop me!"

"I knew it, it's that boyfriend of yours," Mia countered, looking at Draco now. "He always was a bad influence on you."

"Pshtt, he's the highlight of my life compared to your fun sucking!" I argued, sticking my tongue out behind Mia's back.

"No!" Mia said, turning back to me. "I forbid you to see him, ever again!"

"Oh my god!" I said in horror. "You're turning into Sasuke! Nasty! Well like hell, ma! He couldn't stop me for three years and you sure can't now!" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Ah come on, Mia," Blaise said, joining the fight. "We all know Draco can be a complete idiot a good lot of the time but--"

"Pick a side man!" Draco said, punching Blaise in the arm.

"I did, I'm more on Renee's side than--"

"It's both of those boys!" Mia exclaimed. "I knew it, your hanging out with boys has turned you into something that is no longer my little angel!" She finished, putting a hand dramatically to her chest.

"Blimey, I think Mia's got the right idea.." I heard Weasley mutter from the back.

"SHUT UP WEASLEY!" I yelled, causing him to flinch in terror.

For the remainder of class, Draco, Blaise, Mia, and I continued to argue as though we were an actual family, causing people to actually pick sides in all of this. I truely love my birthday and my friends.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know Lauren (whom I based Mia off of) would definetly do half of this. This chapter goes out to her and I know she's going to read it because I'm going to make her. Hahaa.
Who's on who's team right now? Hahaa.
Comment my twisted humor?