Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

Bitches&Hoes, Scary Dudes, and, Ha, Screw You Gryffindors!

Class is almost over, I thought. Just keep it going for a little bit more...

"You know what?! Fine! Be that way mom!" I yelled, grabbing my books in an angry daughter manner.

McGonagall signaled class over and I gave a glare to mom.

"Where do you think you're going, missy?!" She yelled.

I huffed and stormed towards the door. "I'm running away! Far far away and you'll never ever find me! You're so damn controlling I'm done!" For dramatic effect, I flung the door open and slammed it closed behind me, walking a little bit away so I could laugh my ass off as MiMi and Draco came out.

"You're insane." Draco said to me.

I shrugged. "But you love me."

"You know, after all that Sasuke's done to you, you're too good at acting like a bitchy daughter." Mia joked.

"What can I say, it's my natural born talent."


The day continued to slowly go on. Astronomy wasn't that bad--I've always had a fascination with the stars. I wanted to make a scene in DADA, but I think Moody would have been just mad enough to use some ancient spell to make me shut the fuck up and glue me to my seat.

As for History of Magic, I proved Mia wrong. Or..half wrong. I didn't skip, no I didn't. But I did fall asleep. This time I dreamed I beat Sasuke over the head with a frying pan. It was a good dream.

"Come on Renee, class is over." I heard Draco's voice say.

"Just five m-more minutes..." I replied tiredly.

As I was about to fall back asleep, I felt myself being lifted right out of my chair and opened my eyes a little to find Draco picking me up bridal style.

"Going to wake up now?" He said, smiling slightly.

I shook my head, closing my eyes, and fell back asleep in his arms smiling.


"Is our little Hell Angel a little tired?" I heard from in front of me.

I lifted my head from my arms to see Blaise. "If this Hell Angel doesn't get to go back to sleep there will be hell to pay." I replied, putting my head back on my arms just as Dumbledore started talking about some tournament thing that was going on.

"This year, Hogwarts will be home to the Tri-Wizard Tournament." Real original name whoever thought of that one. Let me guess, three wizards from three different schools are competing to get some trophy?

"I would like you all to welcome the visiting schools for this tournament, the lovely ladies from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic," I glanced up to see a bunch of prissy bitches prancing in. Oh, they were going to get it. Severely.

"Oi, if I were those ladies I would not sleep so snuggly with the look on Renee's face right now." Blaise said.

"If it's anything she hates more than her brothers, it's stuck-up, prissy bitches." Draco added.

"Bitches and hoes, boys. Prissy ass bitches and hoes." I replied, glaring at the whores.

I thought back to something I had come across in that stupid book I've been studying out of for the last month and took my wand out, pointing it to a couple of the girls from under the table and muttered, "Trinus," causing them to trip and fall on one another.

"Not so graceful now are 'ya, hoes?" I muttered as I slipped my wand back into my bag, and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Seems like that Weasley boy is in a bit of a trance over the girls." Blaise said, glancing at the Gryffindor table.

"They're not even pretty!" I growled through my teeth. "They're bitches and hoes!" And damn are they gonna get it from this bitchy hoe.

Draco chuckled and put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "Don't you worry, love, you're the only beautiful girl in my life."

"So those bitches and hoes aren't even pretty?" I looked up at him with my puppy eyes.

"Not one bit." He replied, kissing my forehead.

The next batch of people were from Durmstrang. I think it was in Russia? No wait, Bulgaria I believe. Hell if I know, I ain't paying attention now that I'm this close to my boyfriend. Pshtt, fuck that. Though I wish I hadn't looked up as they walked in.

A group of boys in winter jackets looking like they had just gotten out of the millitary came stomping in and damn were they scary! I had never seen a guy that made me feel like a little porcelain doll that was about to fall and break ever in my life.

"Feh, look at these show offs." Draco said, rolling his eyes.

I shrank back, "Are you fucking kidding me? They look homicidal! They look like they've killed before and can do it again without flinching just by squeezing your face in with one hand!"

Blaise laughed at that. "Well Malfoy, at least you don't need to worry about little Renee swooning over the Durmstrang boys."

"Oh heeeelllllll no!" I said. "Last time I checked, I quite enjoyed life and didn't feel like getting killed by some scary dude any time soon."

Then a thought came to me, the two schools coming in were an all girl's and and all boy's schools, are we like the only co-ed magic school or what here? Prissy hoes, scary dudes, and then us--hell I don't even know what to call us.

"This shit is bananas." I mumbled as Dumbledore continued on with the speech. Everyone began to complain when the main rule came up: you must be at least 17 to enter or no deal. Ha, fuck you all.

"What's the matter, Renee not feeling tired anymore?" Blaise teased me.

"After seeing those guys, not a fucking chance." I replied, jabbing at my dinner. "And with those hoes, I have shit to plan for them."

I looked up and over at the Gryffindor table and began to laugh hysterically. Draco and Blaise looked puzzled for a minute, then looked over and began laughing as well.

There sat Pansy Pug-Face Parkinson, annoying the living shit, out of all of the Gryffindors.

"You're such an evil little girl." Draco said, kissing my cheek.

"Oh, I know. I know." I replied with an evil grin upon my pale face.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had a lot more planned for this chapter instead of just making it this chunk, but I'm splitting it.
Lucky for you guys, I'm going to be updating again as soon as I post this. So you don't need to worry about what is to come. Hahaa.
Comment if you love Renee's wicked mind(: