Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

I Said, Are You Gonna Be My Girl?

"Those bitches and hoes are the kind of bitches and hoes my bitches and hoes want to beat with frying pans!" I said as Draco and I headed up to my room after dinner.

"And I know Heather will go all ninja on their asses if she ever met them!" I added.

"True, but I highly doubt Mia would." Draco countered.

"Oh please, if those bitches and hoes came after he man she would beat any bitches and hoes in her way just to get to the bitchy hoe that did it!" Those girls were seriously pissing me off as you can see.

Dumbass bitches and hoes...Did I mention I tend to have a "potty mouth"?

I stopped in mid-sentence of my ranting and raving as we entered my room due to the sight of a large black box sitting itsself on my bed.

I blinked in confusion thinking, what the hell?

"Open it." Draco said, nudging me towards my bed.

"Is it gonna eat my face off? Because I quite like my face the way it is." I replied, sitting on the end of my bed.

"I highly doubt that, love," Draco replied, putting the box in my lap.

I smiled, rolling my eyes, and opened the box to find a gorgeous birthday present from Narcissa inside, letting out a little shriek of joy because it was all so pretty.

"Day-um, your mom has great taste." I said to Draco as I stood up and held the beautiful dress in front of me, taking a look in the mirror.

"She knows your style so well." Draco replied, smiling. "You're the daughter she never had."

"Remind me to thank her with every ounce of my being!" I said. "But I have like no where to wear it." I pouted.

"Don't be so sure about that." Draco said slyly.

I placed the dress carefully on my bed and looked at Draco with my, 'what-the-hell-are-you-talking-about-you-synyster-cutie?' look.

Draco smirked and handed me a crimson envelope saying, "Happy birthday, Renee."

I took the envelope, puzzled as fuck, and opened it as Draco looked at the other things his mom got me.

"Damn, I would love to see you walk in these." He said, holding up the black heels from the box.

"Damn, I would too." I replied with a laugh.

Inside the envelope was a card that was black outside with the words, 'You're Invited' in red on the front. I looked at the card strangely and opened it.

You are hearby invited to the Halloween Birthday Ball for Miss Renee Miki Uchiha on October 31st. The first line read.

I gaped at it in surprise and utter joy as I turned to Draco. "That's why she sent the dress." I said.

Draco nodded. "I convinced Dumbledore to have a Halloween Ball in your birthday's honour. Will I have the honour of you going with me?"

I bit my lip, feeling tears coming on, and tackle-hugged him on my bed saying "Of course!" followed by 'thank you' and 'I love you' over and over because no one had done so much for me.

Mia always threw me a huge party (and something told me she was in on this too), but never a Halloween Ball for my birthday.

"Make sure you save a little of this for Mia, it was her idea too." Draco said.

"I figured as much. She always throws me a party. Even the year I was sick as a dog, her and Heather came over and we watched horror flicks all night." What made it better was that Heather doesn't really like horror flicks. She got scared so much only making me feel so much better. Sorry hoe, but I love it when people get scared.

"Since the Tri-Wizard Tournament is going on, the Yule Ball will probably happen sometime in December so expect another dress and shoes and what-not from my mother as well."

"I figured as much. It's not like me to wear dresses unless need be and she knows that all too well."

"You know, I overheard Rose and Jessica talking about how they were spending the night in their friends' dorms. Would you by any chance have anything to do with that?" Draco asked me slyly.

I sat up as he pulled me onto his lap and shrugged. "I dunno...maybe I do, maybe I don't." I replied, smirking.

"Well Renee, you have been a bad girl today. A very bad, bad girl, Renee." Draco teased me.

"Well what are you going to do about it, hm?" I toyed with him.

Draco smirked and pinned me to my bed and kissed me. Happy fucking birthday to me, Renee! I thought.

It was a damn good hour or so or making-out (or so I hear around here, "snogging") with my boyfriend, before little miss buzz-kill burst through my door.

"RENEE MIKA UCHIHA!" Mia's voice said as she nearly kicked down my damn door. Come on, I'm a ninja and sometimes I can't even do that.

"Damn..." I muttered as one hell of a good night was just crashed.

"Renee! How the hell could you use your Bucket-List on me?!" Mia scolded me as Draco and I sat up.

"Well I had to! Noah's a complete douche-monkey and James is like your soulmate from Heaven!" I argued.

"Renee, Noah isn't a bad guy--"

"Actually, he is." Draco interjected. "He's the manwhore of the school, Mia."

"SEE! Even Draco can see it!" I continued to argue.

"Oh come on, Slytherins and Gryffindors haven't been able to stand each other for centuries--"

"Oh I hate him for a lot more reasons than just that, Mia." Draco said.

"Oh really? Why?" Mia argued with him, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Did you not hear me? He's the manwhore of Hogwarts!"

If I didn't stop this quickly, this was not going to end well for this fucked up trio.

As Renee and Draco continued to argue about Noah's manwhore-ity, I got irked enough. "SHUT UP! I practically screamed.

They shut up right away.

I sighed. "Thank you," I began. "Now that I have your attention, Mia," I smiled at her. "Thank you."

Mia looked puzzled. "...for what?"

"The party!"

"Ball, love. Ball." Draco corrected me.

"Same diff." I said. "When I found the dress and accesories Narcissa sent me, Draco told me about the p--Ball, for my birthday. Do you two know how much I love you?"

"A guy can only guess." Draco whispered in my ear.

Mia smiled big and ran over to me, hugging the life out of me. "You're welcome, NeeNee!"

"C-can't..b-breathe, MiMi!" I barely said.

She let me go and the three of us began talking about the Ball for the next couple of hours. In the back of my mind I was still irked;; I was having fun until she burst in!
♠ ♠ ♠
You can thank Jet for the chapter title and the story idea. Because if I had not listened to Jet's "Are You Gonna Be My Girl?" today, I probably would not have updated at all once again today due to writer's block.
Now I know my ideas though! Hahaa.
Comment if you would have smacked Mia for interrupting your celebration with Draco(: hahaa.