Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

Miss *** Still Lives, Hoes!

I was awake, but I refused to open my eyes in the hopes that I'd fall back asleep. Yet it was not allowed because I could sense someone was staring at me.

"Hun, you're not Edward Cullen so please stop creepily watching me sleep." I teased Draco.

There was a loud thud and I shot up to find Mia, who had just fallen off of Rose's bed.

"The hell?!" I said, looking down at her.

"M-morning!" She said, rubbing her head.

"Mia...what the hell are you doing here..?" I asked her.

"What am I doing here? Isn't this my dorm?"

I glanced at Draco then back her, puzzled. "No sweetie, you're in the Slytherin dorms."

Her eyes got big and just by the look on her face I knew she was going to scream. What did I do? I jumped her.

I landed on her stomach, taking a handful of blankets and covered her mouth with them.

"ShutupShutupShutupShutup!" I said together and quickly.

Mia continued to kick and squirm and scream her hardest and I resisted the urge to slap her across the face.

"Shut up if you wish to live fool!" I said, shaking her.

We both shut up at the sound of laughing behind me. I turned and found Draco, laughing his god damn ass off.

I turned back to MiMi who gave me the, 'please-kick-his-ass-for-me' look. I replied with a nod and while Draco was laughing, I jumped him this time.

I'm feisty in the morning.

"Beat him, NeeNee! Beat him!" Mia was cheering from the other side of my bed.

"I could sure use your help here miss six years of fucking MMA!" I called back, trying to make sure I was the one keeping him pinned down.

"Ha, ah, nahh." She replied. "You know, I should get back to my room. Get ready for classes ya know?"

"IT'S SATURDAY YOU DUMBSHIT!" I yelled at her.

"It is? Already? Wow! Well I should go catch up on my...uhm...I'm just gonna go! Bye!" And she ran out of the room, leaving me to fight my boyfriend.


I looked down and knew I was so fucked at the sight of Draco's signature smirk.

"Ah, fuck..." I muttered.


"Oh come on, Renee," Draco said as we walked towards the Great Hall.

"No! Bitch knows I hate to lose!" And bitch took six years of MMA! I could have fucking won if it wasn't for her! Grr.

"Renee, you guys have been friends since you were what, two?"

"Yes, and we still are. I just have a score to settle. That's how we wagon wheel. Speaking of which, she's probably going to want to kick my ass for the whole Bucket-List thing."

"I thought you two were okay from that..?"

"Aha, shows how little you know about us sometimes, hun. We distract each other. Then once we remember, we beat each other." I grinned up at him.

Draco shook his head. "You two have a bloody strange friendship."

"I'm quite aware of that. Now than, WHERE IS THAT LITTLE HOEBAG?!" I yelled the last part as we entered the great hall.

Mia's POV.

"...WHERE IS THAT LITTLE HOEBAG?!" I heard at the front of the Great Hall. I choked on my pumpkin juice, causing a couple of my friends to get concerned, and ducked under the table.

"Mia, what's going on?" Christine asked me.

"If you see Renee or Draco, I am soo not here!" I replied, peeping from under the table to find a very peeved Renee.

"I know why you'd want to avoice Malfoy," Colby began. "but isn't Renee your best friend?"

"Yes but she has a score to settle with me because by the look on her face, she got whipped by Draco and now she wants to beat my behind for it because I didn't help her with the six years of MMA that I have." I replied, scanning the isles for a very furious blonde.

Colby and Christine looked at each other puzzled, then returned back to their breakfast.

"Hey guys," I heard Renee's innocent voice say. She always was good at making it sound like she wasn't up to no good. "Do you know where I can find MiMi? We were supposed to hang out today."

I know I'm screwed if one of them even looks down because Renee can take a hint... I thought.

Draco then came over, looking a little panicked.

"Oh heeeellllll no." Renee said, seeing him.

"I see Parkinson regained her stupid senses?" Colby said.

Renee clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth. "Mia, you can come out from under the table. I have a certain ugly whore's ass to be whipping."

Puzzled and astounded, I popped my head out from under the table. "But, how'd you know I was there?"

"I know your perfume all too well, sweetie." Renee replied, cracking her knuckles.

"Are you gonna deck her again?" I asked Renee, now standing beside her.

"Yes, and a hell of a lot more than that." Renee replied, grinning like Cheshire Cat.

This was going to be a long day...

Renee's POV.

"Why do I have to be the bloody bait?!" Draco asked as Mia and I shoved him a little further down the hall.

"Because she latches herself to you like gum stuck to a shoe!" Mia and I replied in unison. We know each other so well.

"And believe me, I'm going to be right over there so when she comes by, I will pop out and whip her ass." No one messes with my man!

Less than a minute after I hid on the wall behind where Draco and Mia stood talking, Pug-Face Parkinson came up to them, glaring and Mia and ready to attach herself to my boyfriend. When I, of course, jumped out and grabbed a chunk of her hair, slamming her to the ground.

"How many mother fucking times do I have to tell you to stay the fuck away from my boyfriend you skanky little hoebag?!" I yelled down at her.

"Renee, don't kill the girl." Mia said.

"If I wanted to do that, I would have by now. I need someone to take my rage out on. Why not it be this whore?" I smiled back at Mia.

Parkinson stood up to me. The hoe's about five inches shorter than I am. This was going to be quick.

"You know what, I'll even let you have the first hit. But let me tell you this, it's going to be a four hit fight;; you hit me, I hit you, you hit the wall behind you, then you fucking hit the ground." I told her, cracking my knuckles once more for emphasis.

"Give me a break, I am not scared of you. You're just--"

Before she could finish, I decked her just like I had back on the train in the nose. The hit was hard enough that she collided with the wall and fell face first on the ground.

"Hm, never mind, it's a three hit fight. You won't really have a chance to hit me, now will you?"

"Renee, you're psychotic." Mia teased me.

"Hey, Miss Murder fucking lives hoes! Beware the blonde bitch!" I replied with laugh.
♠ ♠ ♠
I figured I'd put Mia's POV in here so we could get a handle on how she felt in this moment(:
Now that I think about it, I think It's Terror Time Again by Skycycle would be a pretty good song for Mia's POV for this chapter.
Comment if you would love to be in Renee's shoes during that bitch fight(: