Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

Catch Me If You Can, Suckas!

Lucky for me, it was Snape who found us. Unlucky for us, he scares the hell out of Mia and myself. Though I know not to show it..much. In this situation, I pulled my "I'm innocent, I swear!" face and got away with it.

Now than, how to spend our idea? Hide and seek.

You can sense my boredom.

"Hide and Seek, really?" Mia said to my idea.

"Well, why not? The school's fricken huge, so...?" I replied.

Draco sighed. "Fine, I'm in."

I grinned like a little kid in a candy store. "Come on MiMi, play! Please?" I begged her with my puppy eyes.


Instantly, I put my finger to my nose practically yelling, "Not it!"

Mia did the same which left Draco completely confused.

"You have to find us!" I said.

"We should make the game a little bit more interesting though." Mia suggested.

"That we should." I added.

"Hm..whoever is found last..." Mia started.

Which won't be me, I thought.

"If you're found last," I said, pointing at Mia, "you have to ask James to my party-ball thing. Whatever."

Mia's jaw dropped. "Are you kidding me?!"

I crossed my arms over my chest and shook my head.

"Fine, but if he finds you last..." Mia grinned evilly.

Ah fuck... I thought.

"If you're found last, you need to be nice to Harry, Ron, and Hermione for a day."

My jaw dropped. I was at a loss for words. So I screamed bloody murder.


"Bad idea, Richards." Draco said to Mia.

"After hearing that," Mia began, trying to check to see if she was or wasn't deaf, "I think you're a bit right..."

"Thank you." I exhaled and calmed down.

"Than if you're found last, you have to do whatever Draco and I say for a day." Mia said, crossing her arms over her chest.

I raised an eyebrow. This could prove to be fun with Draco, but her..that scares me.. I thought.

"Fine, you're on. But," I added, turning to Draco, "if you should find neither of us before lunch and we make it to the Great Hall, you have to do whatever we say for a day."

Draco raised an eyebrow, probably thiking the same as I was, then shrugged. "Alright. You're both on."

"Oh, and we can't use magic to conceal ourselves and you can't use magic to find us." Mia added for insurance.

I gave her my 'good-idea-girl' look, and the game began.

"Catch me if you can suckas!" I said, running down the hall with Mia behind me.

We turned the corner together and dodged into an empty classroom and behind the teacher's desk to come up with a plan.

"I think we should split up. That way at least one of us will stay safe from anything and if one of us makes it into the Great Hall, we'll win." I said.

"You're right. But we should stay in contact." Mia replied.

"That's where these come in." I said, handing her an ear piece.

"What is this?"

"It's a communicator device. You put it in your ear so we can talk. It's like a walkie-talkie for your ear. Anytime you want to contact me, you press the button in the center and speak."

"Nice." She replied, putting hers in her ear.

"Thanks. I made 'em myself one time when Heather and I were sneaking out to go to a party down town. I have like four pairs of them in case they ever broke or anything. I thought I might need them so I brought them."

"Screw being a ninja, you should be a pro-spy!"

"Sometimes, I am, hun." I said with a laugh. "And since this is like a mission, we're going to need some spy gear. If we can't use magic to hide, we may as well use some gadgets."

"You're kidding me, right?"

"Hey, after living with Sasuke and Itachi, you need to learn how to handle yourself from anything." I pulled my wand out of the side of my boot and summoned my black breifcase where I kept everything.

"I reccomend changing into all black clothes with your magic." I peered over the desk and stood up, motioning that the coast was clear for Mia as we changed into black skinnies, black tank tops, and thin black sweaters that hugged us nicely.

"See the buckles on these belts?" Mia nodded. "Press the sides of it and you can pull it out to throw it somewhere and pull yourself up. Like if we get outside, latch it around a branch and pull yourself up."

"Where the hell do you think of this stuff?"

"I used to watch Totally Spies a lot as a little kid as you remember." I smiled, moving on to the next gadget. "I'm giving you the boots with the sticky heels when activated so you can pretty much walk on walls and ceilings. My boots are diamond tipped so they can cut through anything."

"You sure have a lot of time on your hands, don't you?"

"When Sasuke thinks I'm studying, I'm really coming up with this stuff." I replied. "And these are smoke beads. Throw them on the ground and they explode with whatever colour bead you have to make for a quick get away. It takes three minutes for the smoke to completely die down, but only after a minute and a half for someone to be able to see through the smoke. So that's how much time you'll have to get the hell away."

"Damn, you're good. I want the purple ones!"

I rolled my eyes and handed her a little bag of the purple beads, taking the red ones for myself.

"They can also act as a signaling device, so if one of us activates them and the other is within about..oh, five hundred yards, the other can see where you were and where Draco probably is."

"Nice. You need to teach me your spying skills."

"And you need to tutor me." We laughed.

"Ready?" Mia said.

I nodded. "Alright, let's show my boyfriend who's boss around here."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm turning a fun child's game into a spy mission.
I shall update again because I'm bored and want to finish this game.
Comment if you love Renee's gadgets(: