Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

Sneaking Out: Night One.

As I sat at the kitchen table contemplating weather or not to knock Sasuke out and go to Hogwarts on my own after the Holidays (which started today), I pretended to be studying my magic when I heard it. The name I never wanted to be called in my entire life.

"Sasame!" I heard Sasuke call. I cringed at the name. He's always called me that because he thought I'd be just like him. Not a chance, pal.

I groaned as I got up from the table and walked into the living room, arms crossed over my chest.


"I want you to stay home for the end of the summer this year." Sasuke said matter-of-factly.

My eye twitched. I wanted to yell 'like hell, bro!' but then he'd be onto me. "W-why...?"

"Because we're family. I want this family to spend the end of the summer together before everything gets crazy again." Excuse me while I gag.

"But I told Heather I'd go to her Sommer Solstice party like I have been for the last few years! Mia's going to be there too and I haven't seen her in forever! And we've been friends forever!" I argued. Jeeze, who does he think he is, dad? Oh that's right, Itachi killed him off when I was a little kid. I didn't have the best childhood.

"Besides, do you really think I want to risk staying here and losing more of my sanity?" I added as Tobi ran in to watch Hannah Montana and I gave Sasuke the, 'good example much?' look.

Sasuke looked from Tobi to me a couple of times before sighing. "Fine. You can go to the party. But I want you home at eleven."

"You're kidding me, right?" He was kidding, right? Sasuke was expressionless. That meant no. "Dude, it's a Summer Solstice party. We're all supposed to celebrate the summer out around the Full Moon dancing with the spirits of summer's past." Yeah that's all bullshit. But hey, he doesn't know! And what he doesn't know, won't kill my boyfriend.

Mia had always been my friend. Since I can remember and we've never fought. Sasuke probably didn't want me going over to Heather's because of her brother--Naruto Uzumaki.

Sasuke sighed once more. "Fine, as long as you're not at Heather's..." He muttered.

"I won't be at Heather's after midnight, I promise." I also won't be at Mia's either.


My right eye opened first once I heard the final door close. I sat up slowly in my bed, being sure not to ruffle any of my blankets, and stepped onto the hard wood floor with ease.

I tip toed to my door, silently cracking it open to peer for my brothers and/or anyone that tattle tale me out if they saw me. Once I saw that the coast was clear, I closed my door, and headed to my window.

Slowly and quietly as I could, I pushed the window up. Now the trick was to get away.

I looked down and frowned. If I fell, I'd land on a large, thorned rose bush, planted by my stupid brother. I wouldn't have to be sneaking out, if it wasn't for my stupid brother. I wouldn't even have to freaking be here, if it wasn't for my stupid brother.

I shook my head and stepped onto the thin ledge. Didn't I mention that my room was on the second floor, thanks to my stupid brother? And my room was also between both of my brothers' rooms, thanks to my stupid brother.

Once both feet were on the ledge, I reached up to the branch above me and pulled myself up, closing the window with my feet.

I pulled myself onto the branch, hoping I didn't fall. All I had to do now was get my broomstick and I was good as gold.

I had one of the fastest broomsticks around. Some say ever made. I had a Lightning Bolt 3000, which guarantied my escape.

Once I had pulled myself up onto the thick branch (which Sasuke was too retarded to cut down), I knew I was just about good to go. When I was scared shitless.

"Took you long enough, love." I heard to my right, nearly falling off of the branch.

I turned to Draco and gave him my meanest death glare that would scare anyone...but him of course.

"Thanks for nearly blowing my freaking cover!" I whisper-yelled at him.

"Oh, hush. Can you get away on for the end of the summer?"

"Pshtt, barely." I replied as Draco helped me onto the rooftop.

"What do you mean 'barely'?"

"Sasuke said I couldn't go anywhere this week but I told him I had already told Heather I'd go to her party and sleep over at Mia's afterwards."

"Heather? Heather Uzumaki?"

"Yeah. He made me promise I wouldn't be at Heather's after midnight. Which is true. Thought I also don't plan to be at Mia's either."

"And they both know?"

I nodded. "You know, Mia doesn't like you very much."

Draco shrugged. "She's a Hufflepuff, what can she do?"

"That's just mean." I played.

"You know I'm only kidding, love."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"So, just how much does your brother hate me?" I could tell that signature smirk was playing on Draco's face.

"Oh so very much." And I loved so much that he did.

"And how much do you enjoy to piss him off?"

"It's one of my life's goals." I smiled at the thoughts of pissing Sasuke off daily.

"Than tell Sasuke you and Mia needed more time together since you hardly see each other and come to school after the summer's over."

I wasn't sure who was more evil here, me or my boyfriend. But I loved it all, and he had a great plan, too.

"I could use the escape...and he would buy the idea of Mia and I spending time together..." I pondered.

"What do you say?"

"I'm in. You know, I should write a book."


"1,001 ways to piss off my brother."

"The way everyone knows your brother, it would be a best seller."
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter two!
Who likes this plan of Renee sneaking to Hogwarts and junk? Hahaa.
What's Sasuke gonna do when (or if...) he finds out?
Who would buy Renee's book?