Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

Run Biznitch, RUN!

"And one more thing that might be useful are these," I said, handing Mia a pair of sunglasses before we headed out.


"Heat and motion sensing sunglasses. That way even if you can't see him, the glasses can."

"I am never doubting your talents again, chikita."

"You really shouldn't." I smirked and peered out the door, giving Mia the signal to go.

Mia and I ran towards opposite ends of the hallway, splitting up and hiding anywhere we found safe. I didn't know where Mia was, until whenever she would decide to contact me.

I found myself on the west side of the school, near the courtyard.

Aha! I'm near the Great Hall! I thought, remembering that I wasn't far from the Hall.

Then I sensed someone near me and turned on my glasses to find Draco just around the corner from where I was and booked it the opposite way.

Damn! I was close too!

Mia's POV.

I looked around and recognized the East Wing of school instantly. Crap! The Great Hall's on the West Side dammit! I thought.

I searched the area with the sunglasses and found it to be clear and ran down the hall past Transfigurations when I saw Draco near. I panicked and hid in the broom closet, using the boots to stick myself to the ceiling when I heard Draco near.

It was a good idea too, considering he looked in. Lucky for me, I was up. Stupid blonde boy. Haha.

Renee's POV.

Somehow I ended up all the way on the opposite end of my target. Now I found myself not far from the Greenhouses and I cursed under my breath.

Some people passed me and gave me strange looks. "What, you never see a girl play a high stakes game of hide and seek before? Move along fools!"

Once they scurried along, I kept running and found myself in the Girl's Bathroom. Closing the door (and locking it) behind me, I slid down a wall to catch my breath.

"Running from someone?" A squeaky voice said.

At first I was a little frightened at who was in here, then I remembered, it's only Moaning Myrtle.

"I'm playing a game with my friends." I answered her as she appeared before me.

She looked taken back. "What game?"

I chuckled. "Call it a high stakes Hide and Seek. How far am I from the Great Hall?"

"Not very, actually. Just a few hallways and you're there."

"Thank you." I replied, pulling down my glasses and booking it out of there.

Mia's POV.

I scanned the area I was in to find myself by Ancient Runes and headed into the empty class to call on Renee.

"Renee? You there?" I said into the ear piece's mic.

"Yeah, where are you?" She replied.

"Ancient Runes. How far are you from the Great Hall?"

"Not very. I just left the Girl's Bathroom and I'm passing the admin room I think."

"Stay there. You're not far from Potions and I know Snape's not there so we'll meet up in his class."

"Got it."

Renee's POV.

I scanned the area for any sign of Draco before I proceded to Potions. Coast was clear.

As I came to the Potions class door, I heard Mia's heels clicking on the floor. I took a couple of steps forward and was grabbed from behind.

"Ha, got you, love." I heard Draco's voice behind me.

Mia stopped dead in her tracks when she saw that Draco had caught me.

"RUN BIZNITCH RUN!" I yelled at her. "He's got me so he can't get you without letting me go and getting to the Great Hall! Run biznitch, run!"

Mia nodded furiously before taking off, dodging Draco's attempt at grabbing her while he had a grip around my waist.

"RUN BITCH! RUN!" I yelled after her.

Draco looked at me, then to the running Mia and let go of me to chase her. As soon as he was far enough ahead, I ran too, pulling the move Alice used in New Moon and diving right over his shoulder and booking it in front of him now.

"Run Mia!" I called after her. "I'll distract him!"

She wasn't that far when I tripped and caught by Draco.

"God forbid if you ever play this game with little kids." Draco said, laughing at me.

"I don't reccomend them to." As I stood up, I took out three of my red beads and slammed them on the ground, running towards the Great Hall.

"You'll never take me alive, sucker!" I yelled back at Draco.

Mia's POV.

I kept running when I heard an explosion behind me. She used the beads, I thought.

"Behind you, hoe!" Renee called from behind me.

I skidded into the Great Hall, just in time for lunch, with Renee behind me, and Draco looking defeated coming in last.

Renee and I high-fived and stuck out tongues out at Draco.

"You just got whipped by two bad-ass hoes!" Renee teased him.

"I am never playing hide and seek with you again, Renee." I teased her.

"Couldn't blame you." She replied, panting from loss of breath.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bad-ass bitches always win(;
Third update for the day, I'm done for now.
I figured switching back and forth between Mia and Renee's POVs would have been fun to see what would happen to the both of them.
Comment if you would have wanted to played with them(: