Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

Something Just Seems...Wrong Here.


I awoke peacefully that morning. Jess waved to me as she headed down to the common room, Rose was already gone, that just left me to get ready now.

I yawned and stood up to stretch a little bit, walking over to my mirror to see the morning's damage and nearly screamed-

My hair was no longer any shade of blonde but a light brown.

How the hell...? I thought. Then I looked closer at my eyes which seemed to be wavering from getting darker to getting towards an icy blue.

I rubbed my eyes, figuring since I just woke I was surely seeing things, and got ready for classes.

As I decended the stairs into the common room, I found a familiar pair of gray eyes looking right at me and I smiled.

"I didn't know hair dye wore off that quickly." Draco said as he hugged me.

"Neither did I. I think I'm going to have to have a talk with Deidara about the products he uses." I replied.

"You look cute with brown hair."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "You'd think I'd look with cherry red hair."

Draco raised an eyebrow. "Interesting thought actually.."

I sighed. "Alright, you'd think I'd look cute with purple hair." I teased him.

Draco made a face at that thought. "You'd look like a strange woodland creature, honestly."

"A strange woodland creature, seriously?" I said, laughing.

He shrugged. "Purple hair would not be your shade, love."

"Well it doesn't matter, it looks like it's going back to black anyways." I pouted at the thought.

"Think of it this way, with midnight black hair and bright blue eyes you'll be even more frightening to innocent souls."

"Oh thanks." Hm...that technically was a compliment for a girl like me.


As Draco and I walked into the Great Hall, a few eyes looked our way like usual. Then more did, probably due to my hair situation.

"Did I mention how in my last school I decked somebody for staring at me?" I said to Draco, but loud enough for most to hear. Everyone turned back to their breakfast almost instantly.

Mia looked over and waved, then her happy face fell, seeing my darkening hair as she came over.

"Holy crap, what's up with your hair?" She asked me.

"Thanks Mia, because every girl wants to hear that from her best friend." I said sarcastically.

"Sorry..but it's barely two shades lighter than my hair're getting your curls back."

I swear my eye twitched. Ihated detested the pain in the ass curls in my hair. Always. In the begining I used to have to straighten my hair nearly every day.

"C-curly?" I stuttered.

Mia nodded. Draco took a lock of my hair and began twirling it around his index finder.

"Strange...I've always known your hair to be trained well enough with a hot iron to be pin straight." He said.

"Same here. Ever since we were little kids she's used a hair straightener. Sure it's fried her hair," Mia gave me a dissaproving look, "but she always managed to fix it and keep it straight. What's up with it, lately?"

I shook my head. "No idea. It must be something with dye Deidara used. It must be frigging up my hair. I'm gonna have to yell at him for this."

Sasuke's POV.

"How long after she would have found the book would it take for the magic to start changing her?" I asked Sasori as him, Itachi, Deidara, and myself began looking for answers about Renee.

"Not long," Sasori replied. "probably a little over a month her hair will start to get darker and curl up," Like the she-bitch's that wants her, "a couple of weeks after--if even that--her eyes will begin to almost have a war over weather to grow darker or lighter,"

"What do you mean?" Deidara asked.

"I looks as though Renee's birth father has dark eyes," Like the wench that's trying to get to her, "and her mother had light blue eyes."

"What do you mean, had?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

"I can't find anything about her mother. Like she just...vanished."

"Vanished? Like dead?" Itachi said.

Sasori shook his head. "No, just, poof, gone. Like she dropped off of the face of the planet."

"Well, she couldn't have found the book yet, could she have?" I asked.

"For all we know she found it on her first day there. And for all we know, we're already losing her."

Renee's POV.

I dreaded going to Divinations. The way I looked, I just know that Professor Trelawney is going to predict my death, yet again.

"Do I have to go?" I whined as Draco practically dragged me to Divinations.

"Just because she predicts your death doesn't mean it's going to happen." He said, pushing my back forward slightly as I dragged my feet.

"So what? For all we know she could be in the middle of something when something explodes and something happens to me!" Yeah, 'cause that wouldn't be a vague death or anything.

And it wasn't just because Professor Trelawney is loony that I didn't want to go, I know something is definetly...wrong here. My hair only started acting up a while after I got that book, something isn't right here.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just realized I have totally screwed up my time frames here.
In the begining it started with Renee going to Hogwarts after Christmas Holidays and now her birthday in October.
I'm going to fix that now. Eh heh heh.
Comment on the current situation Renee is getting herself into as I fix my errors?