Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

Cute Ferrets, and Be Scared, I'm Smiling.


As I walked down the hall to find Draco, I sighed when I saw him and Potter getting into an argument. I knew it was because of the tournament since Potter somehow got picked. Everyone practically hates him now. It makes my days special.

"Well I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy." Potter spat as I turned the corner into the courtyard. "He's vile, and cruel. And you are pathetic." Potter turned to walk away and I shook my head seeing Draco pull out his wand.

I love him, but he's an idiot.

"Nobody talks about my father like that, Potter!"

Then Moody came into the picture, pointing his wand at Draco saying, "This'll teach you to curse someone when they're back's turned!"

There was a scream (likely from Draco, sadly) and I looked to find, my boyfriend as the most adorable little white ferret!

I dropped my books and ran over to him. "OhMyGod!" I said. "You are too cute!"

Moody and Potter gave me strange looks.

"What?" I spat at them, holding my little ferret Draco in my arms. "He's my boyfriend and he's just so cute as a little ferret! Now turn him back!"

"I wasn't done with him yet, Ms. Uchiha!" Moody said.

"I don't care! Turn him back!"

"You intercepted so, no!"

As Moody turned to walk away, McGonagall came up and started yelling at him. I rolled my eyes and saw Mia walking down the hall and ran over to her, little ferret Draco squirming in my arms.

"Oh you stop that. Mia!" I called for her.

Mia came over to me and started petting the little ferret in my arms. "Oh my god! Where did you get him? He's so cute!"

"Yeah..about that. It's Draco."

Mia jumped back about two feet. "Excuse me?"

"Long story. Potter and him and then Moody came into it, now he's a ferret, and cute as he is like this, I don't want to date a ferret. Do you know what a bitch it would be to make out with a ferret?"

I think Mia's eye twitched slightly. "...And you're telling me this because...?"

"Because I need you to turn him back! I know you're in those stupid advanced classes so turn him back. Please, for me?"

Mia groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Put him on the floor."

I grinned big and set Draco down. "Be a good little boy!" I told him, kissing his forehead.

"The things I do for you and your boyfriend..." She sighed. With a flick of her wand, Draco was back, sitting on the floor and somewhat glaring at the both of us.

"Welcome back, my little ferret boy." I teased him, bending slightly to pat his head.

"That's wasn't funny at all." He said, standing up.

Mia shrugged. "Well..."

"I wouldn't say something you'd regret, Richards."

"And I wouldn't say something you'd regret, Draco." I said, putting a hand on my hip. "She turned you back. You should be greatful you aren't a ferret still!"

" father will surely hear about this!"

"Hun, take it like a big boy." I teased him.


I yawned and sat up in my bed. Today's Hogsmeade, I thought with a smile. I looked to my sides, Rose and Jess were already gone. I shrugged and headed over to my closet.

Within a few minutes, I had a perfect outfit ready to go.

I smiled as I applied my eyeliner, ignoring the fact that my hair was almost pushing Mia's shade. Nothing could ruin today. Nothing.

I grabbed my bag and decended the stairs into the common room happily as ever and practically ran into Draco's arms smiling. I think I scared him a little bit.

"You're in a good mood this morning...who'd you kill last night?" He teased me.

I sighed and pouted. "Does it always have to involve death that makes me happy?"

"Most times, yes." I heard Mia's voice coming in.

"What the hell are you doing here? Aren't you like..scared you're going to be eaten?" I teased her.

"By Crabbe and Goyle, perhaps. And having my ears bleeding to death by Parkinson's voice, definetly." She replied, jumping on the couch.

"You should watch what you say, the bitch has pug-like hearing." I joked, sitting on Mia.

"Hey! Off!" She said, trying to shove me onto the floor.

"You two have a strange relationship." Draco said, standing in front of us watching amused.

Mia and I looked at each other, then back at him, and stuck our tongues out at him.


As the three of us walked down to the Great Hall together, I got a good look at Mia's outfit for today.

"See something you like?" She said.

"What the hell are you wearing?" I asked, curious to why those clothes looked familiar. And by familiar, I mean from a certain shop I hate.

"Clothes. Duhh?" Mia responded.

I sighed, then I took on more good look at her. "Dude, you're style is fucked up."


"Hollister, really? I knew that stuff looked familiar. I caught sight of it as I was running away from Hollister and into the sweet scents and screaming music of Hot Topic."

Mia stuck her tongue out at me and went to sit with her Hufflepuff friends, saying we'd meet up after breakfast.

"Should we be afraid if you're smiling?" Blaise asked me as Draco and I sat down.

"Haha, very funny Blaise." I said, pointing my fork at him.

"Everybody run, she's got a fork!" He continued to tease me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Who gave Renee a fork? Hahaa.
Comment as I update again?
HIII!!!! I'm lauren Kat's friends (or a.k.a mia) like the outfit-i made it!!!! XD
As you can see, I completely based Mia and Renee off of us.