Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

Big Time Busted; Now Save Me Before I Go Mental!

I knew today was going to be a good day when I had woken up. And so far, I was right. I kicked ass in the snowball fight, hit Granger (on accident but hey, it helped the good day), and had adjusted to the cold easily. Unfortunately, Mia had managed to stop the fight between Potter and Draco.

As we left Honeydukes, I inhaled the cold autumn air with love. Once I had adjusted myself to the temperature wherever I was, I usually don't mind it.

"Hang on so I can put my stuff in my bag, 'kay?" I said to Mia and Draco. They nodded and waited as I put my Bloody Pops and Acid Pops in my bag. I like strange candy, okay?

Unfortunately for me, my day just took a horrible turn for I slipped on a patch of ice and my bag was open, all of its contents spilling out onto the ground. I gasped when I saw the Book lying in the midst of everything else.

"Here, let me help you." Mia said as Draco helped me up.

"N-no, I've got it. It's my junk, I-I'll handle it.." I had to make sure she of all people didn't see the book because she'd figure it out right away.

I scrambled to my things trying to cover up the book with one of my old sketch books to slide it back in the bag.

"You know by the way you're acting, I'd almost think you were hiding something from us." Mia said with a laugh as she grabbed my Blood Pops and handed them to me.

"Oh get real Mia, why would I ever want to do that?" I covered quickly, not realizing my cardinal mistake.

Mia furrowed her eyebrows. "I don't know, but I do remember you calling me Mia the time you were covering because of my surprise party."

Way to go, Renee, my mind scolded me, when you're hiding something you're supposed to call her MiMi so she doesn't suspect anything! Diptard!

I hugged the Book under my sketch pad close to my chest as I faked a laugh. "Come on MiMi, that was like four or five years ago. You know I couldn't keep a secret if my life depended on it back then. Especially when it was a party."

"True...but, itsn't that sketch book of yours that you're so closely protecting full of your drawings from two years ago?" Damn, she was onto me.

I glanced down at the sketch book, not risking holding it up. "You know, you're right. I must've grabbed the wrong one this morning. Gah, I can be so stupid sometimes." I rolled my eyes out of faking stupidity and went to put the sketch book and the Book back in my bag when Mia grabbed my wrist.

"Renee Mika Uchiha, what are you hiding under that sketch pad?" Mia said.

"N-nothing; jeezum, you're making it seem like I killed someone and hid the body in an open area!"

Mia looked up at Draco who nodded. Shit, I am so fucked sideways right now, I thought.

"Sorry love, but it's for your own good." Draco said as he picked up bridal style, locking me in his arms.

"This is so not fair you guys!" I argued.

Mia picked up the Book and gasped. "Where did you get this?"

Draco set me down and I crossed my arms over my chest. "It's nothing, just give it back."

"Nothing? Renee, this isn't a book you should have! This is something that should be locked in a cage in the Restricted Section of the Library." Mia looked at me disapprovingly.

"It's just a stupid book, what's the big deal?" Besides the fact that I can hear some chick trying to tell me what to do and my hair is getting darker by the days, it's not that bad.

"Renee, this is a book that Dark Wizards would probably use to get to students to use them. How long have you had this thing?"

I shrugged. "I dunno...few days...a month..." I muttered.

"A MONTH?!" Mia yelled.

Draco turned me around so I faced him. "Renee, what in bloody hell were you thinking?"

"I...I don't know. I kept hearing this strange voice talking about some chick named Isabelle and how I should have this book or whatever and--"

"You've heard voices?" Mia asked.

"Correction hun, one voice." I replied. "And I don't even know who she is."

"You need to get that book back, Isab--Renee." I heard her again.

I rubbed my temples as a piece of 'Nightmare' came into my head.

"And I know you hear the voices,
(Calling from above)
And I know they may seem real,
(These signals of love)
But our life's made up of coices,
(Some without appeal)
They took for granted your soul,
And it's ours now to steal.

As your nightmare comes to life."

Right now, my life is pretty much the lyrics of 'Nightmare'. Yes, it is my fuckin' nightmare, M. Shadows.

"You hear it again, don't you?" Draco asked, calmly behind me.

"Get the book and run, Isabelle."

"For crying out loud my name isn't Isabelle!" I yelled into the nothingness. Was I going crazy? Or was I falling into a trap?

"Renee, you need to get rid of this book, now." Mia said, flipping through the pages disapprovingly.

"No!" I protested. "Without that Book I'd probably be blowing random shit up out of no where. You don't know what this book has done for my magic and for me!"

Third Person's POV.

"...You don't know what this book has done for my magic and for me!" Renee yelled at her best friend, her mood changing out of no where rapidly.

Draco and Mia looked at each other concerned for Renee. "Renee," Mia began cautiously, "we just don't want anything to happen to you. It's for--"

"For my own good? Yeah right. That's what Sasuke's said so many times before when he kept me from everything! That's what Itachi said when he killed our entire family! You don't know what it's like to be me, Mia! You never have and you never will!"

Mia and Draco knew something was definetly wrong with Renee. She's never lashed out at them like this. If anything, Mia and Draco knew her better than she knew herself.

Then Renee furiously shook her head and she dropped to her knees, crying now.

"Renee," Draco was at her side instantly with his arms around her. "Renee what's the matter? What's gotten into you?"

"I-I don't k-know..."

"You know the spells, Renee," The unknown voice spoke to her. "You can get the book and make those two leave you alone."

Mia quickly did a time stopping spell to give them a good ten minutes without anyone seeing what was happening.

"Destroy the book, Richards!" Draco practically yelled at Mia.

Mia nodded furiously and grabbed a pocket knife from Renee's bag (she has it for security), and stabbed the cover of the book. She then opened the book to the center, and stabbed the binding there as well.

"Don't you dare let her destroy the book, Isabelle!" The voice scolded Renee.

"Shut up!" Renee yelled towards the voice. "Hurry up Mia! I feel like I'm losing my mind! Help me before I lose myself!"

As Mia continued to stab random pages of the book, slowly Renee could feel the grasp lightening, but when Mia closed the book, she suddenly felt like she was under the Cruciatus Curse.

Renee screamed in pure agony as she clutched tightly to Draco. Mia had had enough and set the book aflame, levatating it and sending it to the bottom of the Black Lake. This was why she was in advanced classes.

With a couple of minutes left on the time stopping spell, Renee had calmed down and felt alright. A little dizzy, but alright.

Renee's POV.

"Renee?" I heard Mia say cautiously.

I blinked a couple of times and looked up at her. "W-what happened..?" I asked, feeling like I had a serious hangover.

Draco and MiMi looked at each other. "Nothing, you tripped and your stuff fell out of your back is all." Mia replied.

"Are you alright?" Draco asked me.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. I suppose the landing on my ass gave me a headache or something." I laughed, rubbing the back of my head.

Yet I couldn't help but really wonder, was that truely what happened...?
♠ ♠ ♠
Is it over yet, or is more shit to go down?
Is the book really destroyed, or it going to come back and kick everyone's ass?
And who the fuck is that damn voice?!
Comment if you want to stab that book too(: