Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

Revenge, Biznitch!

As we were walking towards the Three Broomsticks, Draco and I caught side of James while Mia was talking and once we were close enough, I slipped my foot by her's causing her to trip, and James casually catch her.

"Oh, whoops. My bad." I said, giving Mia the, 'you-should-have-seen-that-one-coming' look. "Hey look, a distraction!" I said, pointing another way and pulling Draco away.

Draco shook his head as we spied on Mia and James talking.

"What?" I asked him.

"Do you really believe that she's going to get over a complete git like Noah for him because of your attempts to do so?"

"Well she better. 'Cause I'm spending some damn good time of mine to keep her away from douchemonkey Noah and with sweet little James." I answered, peering around the corner of the shop we were by to spy on MiMi and James.

I saw Mia flick her wand at her side and I knew I was screwed. I fell flat on my face like InuYasha whenever Kagome says 'sit boy' and the way my feet flew back, caused Draco to fall and land right on top of me.

"Whoops, my bad." Mia mimicked me from before.

"Oh it's gonna be your bad in a minute..." I grumbled as we got up.

"Renee, don't do something you're going to regret."

"Oh believe me, I won't be regretting this anytime soon." I replied, getting a big snowball ready in my hands.

I hid the large ball of snow behind my back waiting for the right moment when they were just close enough, walking up to them (they were being to sappy to even notice my presence), and grinning like Cheshire Cat.

"THIS IS REVENGE FOR EARLIER, BIZNITCH!" I yelled, throwing the large snowball at both of their faces. "That would be your cue to start running, MiMi."

"And this would be yours, Renee." I heard Draco say from behind me.

I slowly turned around to find him smirking with a good sized snowball in his hand. "I'll let you start." I said to MiMi as I prepared another snowball.

Mia gave James an apologetic look and said goodbye, then booked it. I followed her to avoid Draco's snowballs--he's the one with the best aim here so we're both fucked over.

I glanced over my shoulder to see Draco ready to fire. I ran up to MiMi, tagged her shoulder, and said, "Head's up dude!" ducking and letting her take the hit from the snowball, causing her to trip and fall on the ground.

I turned and threw my snowball at Draco, hitting his shoulder, and as I took off to run again, Mia grabbed my ankle and caused my to fall face down...again.

"Payback's a bitch, and so am I, hoe!" I said to her, taking another snowball and aiming it at her forehead. Once it hit her, she let go and I just barely had enough time to duck and run from Draco.

"Catch me if you can, blondie!" I called back to him.

Once I was far enough ahead of him, I climbed up a tree and hid on a branch to ambush Draco when he came by, using my magic to show more foot prints leading away from the tree in the snow.

I bit my lip to keep from laughing as he slowed down just under the tree I was hiding in. He looked all around but somehow knew I was here. Once he was under the branch perfectly, I jumped right on his back.

"Surprise!" I said, wrapping my legs around his sides and my arms around his neck.

"How in the hell...?" Draco replied, almost laughing.

"Did you forget how I graduated top of my class back in the ninja academy in the Leaf Village?" I grinned over his shoulder.

"No, and I also remember how you failed gym class back in your school in Oakhaven."

"Oh yeah, let's keep bringing that up." I said sarcastically and playfully. "My teacher hated me so I didn't bother doing the work. There was no point." I added matter-of-factly.

"Whatever you say, love." Draco replied, giving me a piggy-back ride to where Mia was.

"Awh, don't you two look cute." Mia said as I slid off of Draco's back.

"You know how your name is spelled M.I.A.?" Mia nodded. "That's what you're about to be is M.I.A." I teased her.

"Hey! That's not very nice!"

Draco looked at her like she was completely stupid. "And how nice is Renee known to be?"

"Hey!" I said, playfully punching his arm.

"I see what you're saying, she's wicked abusive." Mia teased me.

I raised and eyebrow and smirked. "I'll show you just how abusive I am, chicky." I bent down and picked up another snowball.

"Again!? Really?!" Mia said.

"HEY GUYS!" A familiar voice said to our left.

Mia, Draco, and I looked at each other in astonishment. Surely it couldn't be..could it?

The three of us looked over and found Heather running towards us, waving like a grand fool. Maybe it's best if she gets away from her brother for a while...

"Uhm, Heather," Mia said to her, "what are you doing here..?"

"Yeah, aren't you like, not a witch?" I added.

"I can think of something she is that rhymes with witch.." Draco muttered. Once more, I punched him in the arm.
♠ ♠ ♠
Because I'm really getting into this, I think I might update just one more time.
Just to figure out why the hell Heather's here.
Comment if you love Renee's evil mind(: