Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

Baby Can You Play With Fire?

Sunday Night.

Before heading to bed, I took one last look at myself in my mirror. I sighed seeing my hair now at a chocolate brown colour. Ignoring the hair situation, this weekend was pretty fun. Several snowball fights, hitting the "Golden Trio" on "accident", it was only strange that Heather was here.

I still didn't find that right. Surely Lady Tsunade would have more sense than to send her of all people here. I mean no offense to her, I love her and all, but why would Tsunade send her on a spying mission like this? She should have known she would have blabbed her mission to me.

That's how we work. We don't give a damn what people say, we'll tell each other our secrets in front of whoever. Well, most times.

I shook my head and climbed under my covers when something struck me--earlier today. I snickered, remembering what exactly happened. Well, at least the book was gone. Now I could just play it the way I want to the rest of the year. Take it and shove it book, take it and shove it.

Monday Morning.

I woke up with Jess that morning, waking up Rose in the process though she didn't mind. It was six in the morning and Jess was surprised; for more reasons than one.

"Two things, Renee; one, you're never up this early. And two; your hair..." Jess said.

I groaned. "What shade is it today?"

"Dead black." Rose chimed in. "No pun intended."

I furrowed my eyebrows and got up to look in the mirror. She was right, my hair was back to midnight black, falling to the center of my back in wavy curls, and my blue eyes stood out eerilly.

I smirked, I needed a change of scenery for myself.

"Hey Jessie?" I said, turning to her.

"What is it, Renee?" She replied, fixing her tie.

"You know how to cut hair, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Can you do mine quickly?"

"Sure, what were you thinking?"

"Hm...shorter than now but longer than a bob."

"Oh!" Rose said. "Something just past your shoulders than?"

"Yeah, and it gets thick when it's short so--"

"Thin it out?" Jess said, smiling lightly. I nodded. "Why not? Come on."

I smiled as her, Rose, and I went into the bathroom so she could cut up my hair. After she was finished, I loved how it looked now.

"I thinned it, layered it a little bit, and gave you a few whisps to make you look elegantly evil. What do you think?" Jess said.

"I think you have a future with those scissors." I replied, loving my hair and getting ready.

"You look so pretty, Renee." Rose said once I was dressed.

"Thank you, Rose." I replied, smiling at her.

Jess and Rose left just as I was finishing up and I went into my trunk to grab a new sketch book and got a surprise.

I gasped and my eye twitched slightly, seeing that god damn book in my trunk. "How the hell..?" I said. I furrowed my eyebrows and slammed my trunk's top down. Nothing will come in my way today, not even that stupid book which I plan to nuke later. Just nuke the hell out of it...

Draco's eyes went wide when he saw me come down. "Bloody hell, Renee. Your hair.." He said, playing with it.

"What do you think? I had Jess snip some if it."

"I love it. Though I think Richards and Uzumaki might have a heart attack."

I grinned and we walked to the Great Hall, meeting up with MiMi and Heather along the way, both of them having to do a double take when we came across them.

"R-Renee?!" Heather exclaimed.

"That's her boyfriend, those are her eyes and dhampir like figure, I'm gonna say it's NeeNee." Mia said.

"Hot damn, girl!" Heather yelled. Yeah, she always was one for doing things like that. But we love her anyways. "You look mad hot!"

"Let me guess, you woke up, your roommates told you about your hair turning black, and you had Jessica snip your hair?" Mia said mater-of-factly.

"As a matter of fact, yes. If my hair wants to play with fire, I'm just going to fight fire with better, bigger, hotter, more kick-ass, painful fire."

"Yeah, that's Renee in there." Mia teased me as we entered the Great Hall, nearly everyone doing a double-take when they saw me.

"Way to become an attention-whore, NeeNee!" Heather teased me.

"You know I don't prefer being in the lime light." I replied.

"Well now you could be confused with a dhampir here to suck out the souls of the innocent." Mia teased me as well.

"No, no, I'm quite sure that's Snape's job." I said, Mia laughing at our inside joke.

I know I'm one of his favourites, but he has the ability to make me almost piss myself some days because I think he's going to suck out what I have for a soul.

Now not only do I have one but two best friends at my sides and a damn good looking boyfriend, but heh, I look friggen hot. This was definetly, going to be a fun day.
♠ ♠ ♠
So Renee's now back in black!
But the book's back, dammit!
How'd that happen?
And again, why the hell, is Heather here?!
So many questions to be answered in updates thanks to your wonderful comments(:
Comment some more?