Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

Frightening, Yet Lovable to Some.

"Are you sure he'll believe you?" Draco asked me.

"If you hush up, than yeah." I replied, dialing Sasuke's number on my phone.

One ring...two rings...three rings...

"Sasame?" Bleck. Stop calling me that, seriously. "When are you coming home?"

"About that..Mia and I haven't seen each other in forever so would it be okay if I spent a couple more days here?" Since you don't know that she goes back to Hogwarts today and we're about to leave for the train station.

Sasuke was silent for a moment and finally sighed which told me it was a yes. "Fine. But I want you back home in two days at two. Got me?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I answered, completely ignoring everything after 'fine' as I finished gathering my things.

"Was that an 'of course. I'll be home at two', yeah, yeah, yeah, or a, 'whatever. I'll do whatever I feel like', yeah, yeah, yeah?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Did I mention I love to tick him off?

"Two days, two o'clock. Do you understand, Sasame?" I shuddered at the name, again.

"Yes, I have to go. You're wasting my precious time with Mia." Which was sort of true. Other than the fact that she was Hufflepuff and I already knew I'd be a Slytherin. Did I mention I'm also in London right now? I wonder how Sasuke will react to seeing that on the cell phone bill.

"Alright. Bye, Sasame." Screw goodbyes, I just hung up.

"Ugh, I thought he'd never shut up!" I said, sliding my Voyager back into my pocket.

"It'll be pretty funny when he finds out you've been in London." Draco said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"It'll be even funnier when he finds out I'm not only at Hogwarts, but I've been seeing you behind his back for the last three years." I replied, an evil grin playing upon my face.


Platform 9 ¾ was bustling with people all around as everyone was hurrying to the train. I caught sight of a few people and it appeared that Draco was looking at them too because he chuckled to himself.

"That Potter and his friends?" I said.

"Of course. The Weasley's, the Granger know-it-all, and Potter himself." The Golden Trio from what I've heard from Mia.

The youngest looking Weasley boy looked our way and went pale as he tried to get Potter's attention.

"I think you bloody scared Weasley." Draco said, laughing to himself.

"I love doing that to people." I replied, looking at my outfit which was all from Hot Topic. Black destroyed skinny jeans, black and red converses, a black v-neck t-shirt with roses and chains printed on it, my black sweater with faux fur lining my hood, and the Slytherin necklace Draco gave me last Christmas.

I think the fact of my dirty blonde hair (which I asked Deidara to dye for me since it's naturally black) with black underneath (natural yet I had it dyed), a red hair extension on my right, and piercing blue eyes lined in onyx eyeliner could also frighten him slightly.

Potter and Granger looked our way and looked taken back by me as well. They began muttering things and another evil grin played upon my pale face.

"Wanna see how I can really scare people?" I said to Draco, a plan forming in my twisted mind.

"This I must see." Draco replied, smirking as we walked up to the Golden Trio of Losers.

"Hello, my name's Renee." I said, flashing my pearly white fangs. Yes, fangs. My teeth were really bad as a little kid and after I got my braces taken off I had legit fangs.

Weasley looked like he was trying to hold back from screaming like a little girl, Granger tried to fake smile, and Potter looked strangely at me, then glared at Draco as he put his arm around my shoulders.

"What's the matter Weasley, scared of my girlfriend?" Draco played.

"Your bloody...girlfriend?!" The Weasley boy said, still scared. I was in this to make him scream even a little bit.

"Yeah," I replied, sweetly and evilly as I could. "For the last three years. My stupid older brother wouldn't let me come to school because he's so overprotective of his only little sister." I batted my eyelashes, flashing my fangs again.

"You're Harry Potter, aren't you?" I added, pointing a perfectly manicured claw-like, black painted, nail towards him.

"Er...yes, I am..." He replied, seeming a little frightened. Hm, perhaps my new target should be him since Weasley already seems like he could soil himself.

"I've heard so much about you." I played as my little black cat, Akiza, hopped onto my head.

"She has a black ironic..." The Granger girl muttered to herself.

"Oh yes, her name's Akiza. She doesn't bite...with most people." I replied. Akiza took one look at the three and hissed her scariest hiss, causing Weasley to tell his friends he'd meet them inside. Good girl, Akiza. Good girl.

"That's what you said two weeks ago, Renee." Draco said. "Then you bit your brother."

"He was looking through my diary! What'd you expect me to do?" I answered.

"Renee?" A female voice called from behind me. "Renee, is that you?"

I turned around to see a curly haired brunette girl behind me and smiled as big as I could. "MiMi!" I shouted back.

"NeeNee!" She called, running to hug me.

"Mia, you know her?" Potter said, gulping.

Mia nodded, taking Akiza in her arms. "We've been friends since I can remember. We're practically sisters!"

"And we have so much catching up to do!" I added.

"Come on, let's go sit inside." Mia said, leading Draco and I in.

"You know," Draco said to me as we looked for a compartment. "You're pretty frightening, yet so bloody lovable."

"I know, being scary is one of my favourite qualities." I said, laughing to myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'd like to thank FightinTheUrge2LuvU for being my first commentor(:
Anyone who reads this, feel free to comment(:
Anyone that loved this chapter, feel free to comment(: