Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

It's Terror Time Again.

"I take it by the look on your face, someone's going to feel the rath of Renee?" Draco asked me as we sat down.

"Just keep your eyes on the "Golden Trio" and the bitches and hoes of Beaubaxtons." I replied, smirking.

"You know, you were scary enough blonde. I can only imagine what's in store for them now." Blaise commented.

"Well, now what I'm back in black, it's terror time again."

As if on cue, Weasley went to take a drink of his pumpin juice and it exploded all over him and the Granger girl beside him.

The boys looked at me and I only pointed forward. One of the Beaubaxtons bitches, Fleur I believe her name was, slipped in the juice on the floor and landed smack on her face.

I got looks again, and pointed straight ahead once more to reveal Potter "accidently" flipping his plate to land all over him. Syrup is such on mess on clothes.

Everyone at the Slytherin table was laughing hysterically as Weasley was getting laughed at by two girls--one in French and the other British, Potter was sticky in syrup, and just to add a little flare on things,as miss Cho Chang (I call her whore) walked by Potter, he "accidently" threw his hands back, causing syrup and God knows what else to go flying all over miss Whore.

Everyone as Hufflepuff was gasping from watching or trying to stay out of it where every Ravenclaw was trying their hardest to ignore it, but a few couldn't resist to look over.

"I don't know how you do it, but you always manage to make someone's life complete hell without anyone even seeing it coming." Draco said, kissing me.

Mia's POV.

"Does this happen every morning?" Heather asked me, still laughing.

I sighed. "Whenever Renee's in one of her moods, yes."

Besides the current situation, two things were on my mind; was the magic somehow still affecting Renee? And why the hell is Heather here...?

"You know, I've seen Renee do some pretty nasty shit to people back in the Village, well, Sasuke mostly, but this has to take the cake." Heather said.

"Oh no, this is Renee playing nice. You haven't even seen the worst of what she can do." I replied, laughing a little bit.

Heather gaped at me. "This is nice?"

"Are we still talking about the same Renee we both know?" Was she stupid? How does she not remember everything Renee's done?

Heather's face twitched a little bit. "Y-yeah, come on MiMi, I was just playing with you."


Something definetly wasn't right here and it wasn't just Renee running a muck on the Gryffindors...

Renee's POV.

"So, you excited?" Mia asked me as we walked to Transfigurations.

"Pshtt, 'course I am!" I replied, happily.

"For what?" Heather said, appearing out of no where.

Mia and I put a hand to our chests to make sure there was still beating in there. "Don't, fricken, do that!" We said in unison.

"Do you even know why she's here?" Mia whispered to me.

"No clue. But something smells fishy and Parkinson's not around so it's not that." I replied, making Mia laugh a little.

"You know Heather," Mia said to her. "Renee's fine here. She's got me and Draco and Blaise and the teachers to all protect her. I'm sure if Sasuke wanted her home that badly he would have busted down the walls and dragged her home."

"Yeah, I mean if he wanted me back that badly, he would have came here, clubbed me, thrown me in a sack, and dragged me back to the village where I'd awake locked in my room with steel bars on the windows." I added.

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" Heather asked.

Mia and I looked at each other, clearly saying 'uh, kind of.' with our eyes. But we turned back to her denying it.

I don't often get the feeling that something's not right, but I have it seriously right now. Something is far from being okay here. First the book, then my hair, then Mia destroys the book, then my hair again, then Heather shows up just as I find the book again?

Something isn't right here, and I know Mia knows it too.
♠ ♠ ♠
Something's fishy at Hogwarts.
But what's going on?
Any ideas from you lovely commentors?
Heather and Mia have known Renee forever, Heather wouldn't just completely forget all the evil things Renee's done.
How'd the book get back mysteriously as Heather shows up at Hogwarts?
Hell, how is she even there? Isn't Hogwarts protected so no "muggle" can see it?
Something's bad here, and these guys need to get to the bottom of it before any more shit happens!