Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

He's the Reason For the Teardrops On My Guitar.

After a long night of fun, I said goodbye to my friends and Draco and headed back to my room so I could sleep 'till noon tomorrow. Until I looked in the mirror before I changed.

I sighed. I looked like I had on my eighth birthday. That was the first time I met Sasuke and it was hell on earth, but it was fun.

There I stood, in front of Itachi facing an eleven year old Sasuke who had just graduated from the Academy.

"Why do you keep staring at me? You're creeping me out." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "What'd Itachi do to you to get you in that thing?"

I looked down at the dress I was wearing and glared at Sasuke. "What's it to you, anyways?"

"Well aren't you two just cute siblings!" Deidara said as he entered the room.

Sasuke and I glared at him.

"Don't try to steal my thunder, okay? Why are you even here?"

"Because it's my little sister's birthday." He replied, his onyx eyes becoming soft.

I looked so much like I had back then. The only difference was that the dress was longer, silver up top, strapless, and I wasn't eight. And Sasuke wasn't here to actually pretend to care.

Was my coming here a mistake? Should I have stayed and been tortured by Sasuke for the next four years? He was my brother afterall, idiot he may be, he was still one of the only two blood related family I had.

And he was definetly going to have my head the next time he sees me. I sighed once more shaking my head, and put on my black pj bottoms with a red cami and wiped all the make-up off of my face, but re-doing my eyeliner of course.

I flopped on my bed and looked at my nightstand. There stood my two favourite pictures--at my eighth birthday party with Sasuke and I glaring at each other and Itachi smiling like a huge idiot behind us, and me on Draco's lap in front of his fireplace on New Year's eve when we were twelve.

Something about those three boys made me want to see a therapist regularly.

November 18th.

I brushed my hair as fast as I could since I was running late..again. I was dressed with my eyeliner on and I just wanted to get this mess to settle down instead of looking like I was just struck with lightning.

I grabbed my bag and ran out the door. Times like these makes me wonder why I had failed gym.

As I ran, I remembered how the second task was coming up soon and how Heather still didn't seem to know Rose was on her case.

I shook my head as I booked it through the halls, just trying to make it to DADA on time. Moody wasn't going to be a happy camper when I came running through the door.

It was 7:43 which meant I had two minutes to get to class and I was at least four minutes away. I furrowed my eyebrows and kicked in my inner ninja. I had only graduated a few years ago, may as well use some of that now.

My pace sped up with the final seconds ticking away and I could see that stupid door in view. I smirked and jumped through the door (attempting to do a cartwheel and remembering I couldn't do one at the last second) and landed flat on my ass.

"I'm here!" I yelled, standing up and shaking off the pain on my ass.

All eyes came on me and I smiled and laughed. "Don't even tell me I'm late because I know that clock just turned 7:45!"

Moody raised an eyebrow. "Very well. Take your seat Miss Uchiha."

I grinned and sat down next to Draco.

"How come you didn't fricken wake me up?" I asked him.

"Because I wasn't feeling suicidal today." He responded, taking my hand in his under the desk.

"Point taken." I said, remembering how I can eat your hand off if it gets too close to me in the morning. I'm like a fox--sneaky and bitchy if you piss me off.

"How's Rose coming along on the Heather case?" Draco asked me.

I sighed. "Nothing yet. But I'm begining to think it's not really Heather."

"How so? Last time I checked, the Heather Uzumaki I remember--and I remember her quite well--was always wearing those neon coloures and grinning like an idiot just like he brother."

We both shuddered.

"Yeah but that's the thing, I know her attitude and sometimes it's like she doesn't even remember the old days when we used to be juvenile delinquents tearing up the village with our shenanigans."

"I'll give you that, because even I know how bad you were then."

"Feel the love."

"So you don't think Sasuke has anything to do with it?"

I shook my head. "No, like I said before if he wanted me home he would have torn up the school, clubbed me over the head, thrown me in a sack, and dragged me home. And of all people, Lady Tsunade would not have sent Heather. So something might have happened to her..."

I continued pondering when something struck me.

"Lady Tsunade wasn't even in this! It has to be someone disguised as Heather to get to me or you or MiMi or something!"

"I think you're on to something, love."

I probably am, but I'm really hoping I'm wrong and Heather's just being stupid...
♠ ♠ ♠
So many of you make me want to update!
My three most recent smiles comes from;;

Thank you guys for saying such comments to make me smile and want to update!!
This one goes out to you three(:

And now we're starting to get into the plot (thanks to Lauren for giving it to me haha). You guys must've been onto something because now Renee and Draco are catching onto what might be up with Heather's appearance!
More trouble is stirring at Hogwarts,
But what's to come..?

Comments make me smile and update(: