Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

I Must Confess, I'm In Love With My Own Sins.


Mia and I sat next to each other (because of McGonagall's knowing about and I gave her a side glance saying, 'we-gotta-bring-that-bitch-down-before-she-kicks-my-ass!' And Mia knows I can't stand getting my ass kicked.

Mama does the ass kicking 'round here.

"We have lunch after this so eat quickly and you and Draco can meet me in the library." Mia whispered to me as McGonagall began the lesson I wasn't even going to bother paying attention to anyways.

I nodded. As the minutes ticked by, I grew bored. When I'm bored, something bad always comes out of it.

So I innocently raised my hand to ask Professor McGonagall an innocent question.

"Yes Ms. Uchiha?" She sighed.

"Okay let's say I know someone who's a total douchemonkey, will that mean he can turn into a monkey with a really bad attitude?" I asked with an innocent smile.

Ignoring my question, McGonagall continued on. That irked me. But it was also keeping me occupied.

"Professor?" I asked again.

"What is it now, Ms. Uchiha?" McGonagall sighed once more.

Hm..what stupid thing to ask now...What would be something Naruto would say?

"If I think I know how to turn somebody into an animal, can I try it out on Weasley?" I asked. Mia smacked her forehead with her hand as every Slytherin in the class burst out in laughter.

McGonagall gave me a disapproving look and I shrugged, still smiling. If I can't annoy Sasuke, I'll work on some of my teachers.


"Are you planning on driving McGonagall loony for the remainder of the year?" Draco asked me as we walked to lunch.

"Most likely." I replied.

"Are you planning on kicking whoever's ass is supposidly Heather?" Mia asked, catching up to us.

"Most definetly." I replied, smirking.

"You know what song you remind me of?"

"What song, MiMi?"


I burst out laughing and Mia knew why. It was true, but I couldn't listen to that song the same way after watching Epic Movie.

"Who wants to play with Willy?" I barely said through my laughter.

"Oh my god! A talking beaver!" Mia said, also laughing hysterically.

And poor Draco was standing there like we had lost what was left of our damn minds.

"One weekend in the summer about two years ago." I told Draco, wiping a tear from my eye.

"I don't even want to know." He replied, ruffling my hair.

"Oh come on! How come he gets to screw with your hair?" Mia protested.

"I let you style it. I only let him mess with it because that's what I used to have to do to him." Now it was no fair because I could barely reach. 5' 3" VS. 5' 10", not happening for little midget me.

"I'll give you that. But if you ever screw up her hair so much that I have to fix it you better not sleep so snuggly!" Mia warned him.

I sighed. "Oh MiMi, have you not learned? Whatever you say as a 'no' to him he processes as a 'yes'."

"Okay, sort of like yourself?" Mia chatisized me.

I crossed my arms over my chest and looked down. "Shut up fool..." I muttered.

That night.

"I bet Heather or whoever it is tampered with stuff." I said to Draco.

"Well whoever it is clearly wants to get to you with that book like Richards said." He replied, pulling me onto his lap. "You know, you look cute in your pjs."

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Yeah--wait!"


"If whoever it is is being Heather here, what about the real Heather?" My eyes went wide as I grew worried for my friend.

Draco put a hand on my cheek and smiled gently at me. "I'm sure she's alright. Why don't you call Naruto?"

That was a good idea considering who knows if the fake Heather has the real Heather's phone.

I nodded and grabbed my phone off of the nightstand, calling Naruto's house. Only something I would do if it was a serious emergency.

"NeeNee-chan?" Naruto answered.

"Yeah Naruto, it's me. Is Heather there?" I asked him.

"Not at the moment. She's out with her boyfriend, why?"

I sighed, releaved. "Just wondering. Thanks, Naruto."

"Yeah, sure. You know, I haven't seen you around the village in a while. Sasuke still keeping you captive?" He joked.

"Eh heh, about that.."

"NeeNee-chan, is something the matter?"

Draco shook his head. "Nope, nope, nope. Everything's cool here! Just ah, just tell Heather I'll try to call her this weekend, 'kay?"

"Will do, NeeNee-chan!"

"Thanks Naruto. Bye!" Before he could get into anything, I hung up and put my phone back on the nightstand.

"See? She's fine. And this only proves that we were right all along." Draco said, running a hand through my hair.

" does."

"You know something? This is probably the first quiet moment we've had alone together in such a long time."

"It is, it is. No Sasuke,"

"No roommates,"

"No MiMi,"

"No classes in an hour,"

"Just us." We both smiled and Draco kissed me.

You know, I think I'm going to like being targeted and having to be protected my my smexy boyfriend. Waking up in his arms beats waking up to my phone's alarm.
♠ ♠ ♠
Phew! The real Heather is okie-dokey!
But things here are still inky-stinky >:(
Comment if you agree with Renee(:
Oh yes, and dearest Lauren (aka Mia) would enjoy some comments too.
She doesn't want to feel left out here.
Comment if you would love a friend like MiMi to get you out of the peanut butter jar(:
(the Peanut Butter Jar being ref. for sticky situations. hahaa)