Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

The Power of Boredom.


I groaned as I took my seat for third period and put my head on my arms on my desk. Gee, what was my death looking like today?

I heard Draco chuckle beside me.

"Hey! The least she could do is stop picking on my death for a day!" I said, poking his stomach. I held back giggles at the touch of his abs.

As I looked up, everyone entering the class did a double take on me. Even Draco.



"What did you do to your hair now?" He asked, holding back slight laughter.

I shrugged. "I got bored last period. This is the result of my boredom."

"But what exactly did you do?"

"I spiked it." I said simply. "And threw in some red on my bangs and a few spots in my hair. I'm getting better at the whole cosmo-magic thing."

"And by the looks of it, you pierced your lip too." Rose said from the table behind me.

"No actually, I saw Savanna doing that for her since she couldn't figure it out. Nice ring by the way." Jess said, sitting beside Rose.

"Savanna? Like Savanna Storm, Savanna?!" Rose was surprised.

"Well cha," I said, "a girl's gotta have some friends who know how to pull off the whole American punk-scene-emo thing here. And thanks; felt like at least keeping that simple."

Once everyone was seated, whispers going around about my sudden appearance change, Professor Trelawney walked in. Or whatever your definition of walking in after hitting the sherry.

She opened her mouth to speak, then saw me and shock ran across her face.

"Oh dear child," She began. Oh here we go, I thought. "The darkness is slowly possesing you!"

I sighed. "No, I got bored last period and did this." I said.

"Yes! Because the darkness inside of you is instructing you to do so!"

I looked over at Draco with a, 'see-what-the-fuck-I'm-talking-about-NOW?' look. He nodded.

Luckily for me, before Trelawney could start ranting and raving about my impending doom, Mia appeared at the door. Good thing or bad thing..?

"Excuse me, Professor?" She said ever so politely. Goody-two-shoes.

"Hm? Yes what is it Mia?" Trelawney said, turning to her. I sighed in relief.

"I need to see Renee Uchiha and Draco Malfoy right away." She said, something in her eyes glinting.

Trelawney seemed in a daze. "Yes, of course. Renee, Draco, you're excused."

Draco looked puzzled and went with it where I had a pretty good idea of what she just pulled. Draco and I grabbed our bags and left the classroom with Mia, heading down the hall into an empty classroom.

"What was that about?" Draco asked.

"I needed to tell you guys what I had found in the library about dark books and spells and such." Mia said, pulling something out of her bag.

"Compulsion." I said.

"What?" Draco and Mia said in unison and glaring at each other for it.

"You tried compulsion on Trelawney." I said to Mia.

"How'd you know?" She asked, a little surprised.

"Because I've been teaching myself how to do it for years. I'm quite good at it, but I only use it in emergencies because it screws with your eyes."

Mia winced. "What do you mean 'it screws with your eyes'?"

"I remember one time I pulled it on Deidara, figured I'd try with someone easy first, and after I had it my eyes started looking as though I was crying blood. If you use it too much you can go blind. And the way you did it, I'd say we'd barely have until a little before class ends before it wears off."

"Oh yeah? Well I'd love to see you pull it off." Mia teased me.

I raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?"

"No not seriously!"

I shrugged. "Don't care." I smirked and walked into the hall, grabbing the next kid to pass by who happened to be an unfortunate third year Gryffindor. This was going to be fun.

"Renne don't." Mia said.

"Too late." I bent down to the kid so we were eye level. "You're going to walk into Potions and tell Professor Snape that he's creepiest teacher you've ever known and you're glad that he never got the Defense Against the Dark Arts position."

The kid looked in a daze for a moment, but came back into reality, walked into Snape's class next door, and soon enough we heard, "150 POINTS FROM GRYFFINDOR!"

I smirked while Draco and Mia gaped at me. "Due to boredom one day."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ah the power of Renee's sheer boredom.
Comment if you love Renee's hair&&the power of Compulsion(:
Comment if you would have been like Mia gaping at Renee for what she just pulled(: