Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

I'm A Blunt Girl Somedays.

"Alright, so what'd you find in the library?" I asked Mia as I slid across the top of a desk to sit down.

"Well first, the lip ring is new." She said.

"So you've seen the hair before?" Draco asked her.

Mia nodded. "A couple of times. Once when she was blonde she spiked it and put turquoise streaks in, and once when she had black hair and she really spiked it with cherry red tips and a streak in her bangs. She experiments a lot."

I nodded and Draco pulled me onto his lap on the desk. "What's next than?" He teased me.

I shrugged, putting my index finder to my bottom lip. "I dunno...maybe cherry red with black tips?"

"Anyways," Mia said, making us focus on her again. "I was in the library looking for info on Dark Spell books, and yours just so happened to be ranked number one."

A dark cloud fell over my head (not literally or I would be pissed because it took me forever to get my hair right).

"You just know how to attract danger, don't you?" Draco whispered, putting his head on my shoulder.

"I'm dating you, aren't I?" I teased him.

"Ahem." And we turned our attention to Mia.

"Yes Professor Richards?" I said.

Mia shook her head and went back to what she was saying. "Well, you're book looks to be from the mid 1600's, possibly around the Salem Witch Trials,"

"Wicked!" I just had to say.

Mia rolled her eyes and sighed. "Like I was saying, it looks like it's possible for your book to have been in possesion of an actual Salem witch with an affinity for very strong dark magic. It didn't say much, but by the looks of it, when she was persecuted she sealed her soul--which was beyond dark--in that book and only witches with an affinity for dark magic have the power to use it. At a price."

My eye twitched. "What price..?"

Mia picked up a couple of papers and read off of them, "Let's see...posession, insanity, forgetting everything and well, 'turning to the dark side', hearing voices--typically whoever is either locked in the book and trying to get out or someone using the book to get to you--"

"Okay I get it! Jeezum.." Well, this wasn't going to end well for me, was it?

"If any of those effects have happened to the person, are they reversable?" Draco asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

"Some, yes. All, no." Mia replied.

"What some..?" I asked.

"In most cases posession, sometimes insanity, and occasionally the voice hearing."

I gulped. "You're saying this like it's not likely that the person would be okay.."

"Typically, it's not. If it's taken care of in the begining, the person is usually okay. But after a while, it's harder. The best way to not have anything happen is--"

"Is to not deal with the books or Dark magic at all. It's like sex." I said casually.

Mia and Draco gave me strange looks. What? I'm a blunt girl somedays.

"Moving on.." I said, trying to break the awkward moment.

Mia blinked back into reality and continued. "Well, when exactly did you get that book?"

"The first day of school at night when I couldn't sleep."

Mia gaped at me. "We're in November."

"Thank you for pointing out the obvious." I commented.

"When was the last time you actually used the book?"

"Sometime in mid October. Before Hogsmeade, I know that."

"Okay, than you should be fine. Are you still hearing that voice?"

"Nope. And thank god, she was getting to be a real pain in the ass."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if it wasn't that good;;
I was distracted by my aim.
Comment if you love Renee's commentary
and/or (prefferably and haha)
Comment if you love Mia's smarticle-ness(: