Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

I Didn't Like Your Pug-Face Anyway.

"How'd Sasuke ever let you get away?" Mia asked me once the three of us had a compartment.

I laughed at the thought, so did Draco. "Let her get away? Bloody git doesn't even know she's here." Draco said.

"You did not!" Ah, I saw this coming.

"Okay, okay, let me explain!" I said, calming the laughter.

"This I have got to hear." Mia replied, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Okay, so I kind of told him that Heather was having this New Year's party that you were going to also since he can't stand Heather because of Naruto. He almost didn't let me go until I said I was going to be sleeping over at your house just after midnight," I began.

Mia pinched the bridge of her nose. "She was with you, wasn't she?"

"Well she sure as bloody hell wasn't with you, now was she?"

"As I was saying," I interjected before they could argue further. "I was actually in London with Draco and his family."

"YOU WERE IN LONDON?!?!" Mia shouted.

"Hush up! Jeezum...okay, so I called Sasuke today saying I wanted to spend a couple of extra days with you since I hardly get to see you anymore and he believed it."

"Because he didn't know classes start again today..." Mia muttered.

"Pretty much. He said he wanted me home in two days at two o'clock." I held back my laughter, thinking of how utterly stupid my brother is most times.

"But you're really going to be at Hogwarts." Mia said.

"Pretty much." I grinned slyly.

"And what exactly is Sasuke going to do when he finds out you're at Hogwarts? With Draco Malfoy, never-the-less, whom I take it he still hates?"

"With a burning fiery passion." Draco added, quoting what I had told him once and smirking.

"When he finds out, I'm going to take a picture of his face, and write a book with that picture being the cover."

"The book being called...?"

"1,001 ways to piss off my brother." I answered, smiling big.

"Of course..." Mia said under her breath.

It was then that we heard it; a voice so high-pitched enough to make anyone's ears bleed internally.

"DRAKEY!!" The three of us cringed at the voice, Draco and Mia knowing the retched voice anywhere.

"I don't think any mental facility is strong enough to hold her..." Mia commented.

"I don't think there's any bloody knife sharp enough to kill me just to keep me away from her..." Draco said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

I cocked my head to the right and grinned evilly. I shuddered and felt the sudden urge to throw up when I saw it at our door.

How can someone have a face so...repulsing? With a nasty voice to match?

'Pansy Parkinson.' Mia mouthed to me, eye near twitching.

"Richards." The 'female' said towards MiMi.

"Parkinson." Mia returned.

"Drakey, what are you doing here? And who's...she?"

I could feel my blood boiling. Some of it probably leaking out of my eyes and ears from the sight and voice too close to me.

"She," Draco began, glaring at the girl. "Is my girlfriend of three years. Her name is Renee." He finished, holding up our intertwined hands.

The demon seed's eye twitched. "But she's not even pretty!"

I laughed hysterically. "I'm not even pretty?" I said, speaking perfect English in a voice that would make any guy's knees turn to jell-o. "Excuse me miss, but I do believe there's a padded cell with your name engraved on the door. And I think it's about time you have your tonsils removed, your voice is absolutely...hideous."

The Parkinson demon gasped. "Give me a break. You're just a--"

I stood up and got right in the girl's face. "Dare finish that, and you will not like what I have to say back."

"Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

"Do you know what the five fingers said to the face?"


"This." I said, decking her good right in the center of her face, probably breaking her nose. Several claps, whistles and cheers were heard from people around us.

"How dare you!" She said, clutching her now blood gushing nose.

I shrugged putting a hand on my perfect hip. "I didn't like your pug-face anyways. You know, there is such thing as cosmetic surgery, I suggest you try it out sometime when they let you out of the wacky-shack."

I slammed the door shut and returned to my seat next to Draco and in front of Mia, who both looked astounded and overjoyed.

"That's the NeeNee I remember!" MiMi said, high-fiving me.

"You're going to cause a lot of trouble this year, aren't you, love?" Draco said, putting his arm around my waist and pulling me close.

"Well if it wasn't for me there probably wouldn't be much to any trouble in the world." I replied matter-of-factly.

"That's true. Back when we were little kids, she decked a guy in the face for making fun of the way my teeth were before I got braces. She nearly put the kid in a coma if three teachers and six upper-class-men hadn't pried her off!" MiMi said, causing me to smirk evilly at that memory.

"And how old were you two?" Draco asked, seeming amused by my...abusiveness.

"Hm...about six or seven I believe." MiMi replied.

"Six or seven and you almost put a guy in a coma?" Draco directed towards me.

"Hey! Lissa was there! She helped me too!" I argued, thinking of my other best friend.

"Yeah, after you broke the guy's nose, arm, and gave him a black eye. Liss just made the other eye black and broke his wrist. Did I mention the guy was thirteen?"

"Vicious little girl, weren't you?" Draco teased me.

"Still are to this day if someone pisses me off." I grinned slyly.
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I'd like to thank JaspersGirl108 for being my latest commentor(:
And the characters Mia and Heather are actually my friends Lauren and Raina whom you all should know rather well by now. Hahaa.
And this is most definetly something I would do(: Hahaa.
Oh, and Lissa would be my other friend, Lisa(: