Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

Every Inch of Me Is Like Whoa.

"So you haven't done any spells or anything out of the book since October?" Mia confirmed.

"Yeah, that's kind of what I just said." I replied.

"Than you should be safe as long as you stay as far away from that book as possible."

"That's slightly difficult."


I sighed and threw her my bag. "Well, open it."

Mia looked puzzled and opened my bag. "The hell?!" She said.

"It fricken follows me. It's worse than a stalker!"

"Heather." Draco said matter-of-factly.

"Seems logical," Mia began, "we've pretty much figured out that it's clearly not Heather so whoever it truely is must want Renee to have this book."

"This is why I have smart friends." I said. I got slightly bored and bit on my lip (the side without the ring) like I usually do, and, "Fucking ow!" I said, realizing I had bitten my lip.

"Bite your lip again?" Mia asked, coming over to look.

"Yeah but I think," I touched my lip and found it bleeding, "I think my fangs got sharper."

"How?" Draco asked as I got down to stand before both of them.

"I dunno.." I said, poking at my fangs and nearly cutting my fingers.

"Let me see." Mia said. I bared my teeth as though I was snarling and Mia's eyes went wide. That wasn't a good thing.

"MiMi...what trouble am I in now..?" I asked, taking a step back and suddenly feeling a little light-headed.

"How many spells do you know from that book?" Mia asked me.

"I..I don't know..." I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples. Everything was spinning, I could hear muttered voices in some weird language, and I dropped to my knees.

Mia's POV.

"Renee!" I said as she dropped.

Draco instantly went to her side, holding her in his arms, and trying to wake her up. "Renee? Renee can you hear me?" He said frantically.

"What in bloody hell is happening to her?" Draco snapped at me.

"I don't really know but it must be the Dark magic trying to influence her. I-I don't know...But the fangs and the light-headedness, I think she might...but she couldn't have..."

"She might or couldn't have what, Richards?!"

Renee's POV.

I could feel the bright lights on my eyes and my hand flew up to them to sheild my eyes. My eyes unstuck and I found myself in the Hospital Wing.

As my eyes focused, I could hear people talking.

"She's going to be okay, right?" Draco...?

"It's all my fault...I should have seen it coming..." MiMi feeling guilty for something not her fault at usual...

"She seems like she's going to be fine but she's...different." Different? What's that supposed to mean?

"What do you mean 'she's different'?" Draco almost snapped.

"She's lucky to have any humanity."

I shot up. "The hell?!" I yelled.

"Renee!" Mia nearly yelled, running over to me and tackling me in a hug.

"Ms. Uchiha, glad to see you're awake." Madam Pomfrey said.

"What the hell do you mean I'm lucky to have any humanity?!" I nearly yelled.

"NeeNee, you're more special than we thought you were." Mia said. Bad lying, hun. Bad lying.

"MiMi, you suck so badly at lying." I said.

"I'd say welcome back to the living, but that'd be partially a lie." Draco said, kissing my forehead.

"Excuse me?" Will someone please tell me about me?!

"You were lucky Ms. Richards and Mr. Malfoy were there with you or you may not have been so lucky," Madame Pomfrey began. "Something seems to have collided with the magic in your bloodline awakening what appears to be a vampire in you."

My jaw dropped.

"But you're not all vampire because of the magic." Mia said. "Some of it has been slipping through for a while now but it's got enough so that you feel the effects of being a vampire but not all of them."

"If it were one of your stories you'd be considered a dhampir." Draco whispered in my ear.

A...dhampir...? I thought. How did this even happen? What was going to happen now...?
♠ ♠ ♠
Dhampir- a half human, half vampire being with the features of a human but the strength, agility, stamina, and characteristics of a vampire.
Mostly true in this case other than I'm changing it a little. Renee is going to have a little more of the vampire in her.
Uh-oh..more trouble at Hogwarts!
What's Renee going to do now?
Will the bloodlust get to her or can she tame it?
I got the idea from watching Vampire Knight AMVs.
Sorry no two updates today but I was distracted earlier and updated now.
I'll update this weekend though!
Comment if you would suddenly have the urge to hunt down the fake Heather and rip her throat out
Comment if you would have thrown Renee's bag half-way across the room upon seeing the book in her bag like Mia did(:
(although Mia has the maturity not to. hahaa)