Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

Now You Really Don't Wanna Piss Me Off.

Sasuke's POV.

"Sasuke open the damn door!" I heard Heather call from the porch. I sighed and opened the door, glaring at her.

"What?" I said.

She huffed. "Well, I see someone hasn't taken their happy pills this morning. Where's Renee?"

She didn't know? So much for best friends forever.

"Out." I went to shut the door on her when she stopped it.

"Where, out?" She asked.

"A magic school in London." Deidara said, coming into the room. Is everybody here that stupid?

"Pardon me?" Heather said, stunned and clearly getting annoyed. Huh, the annoying is getting annoyed. Ironic.

"Goodbye Uzumaki." I said, closing the door (and locking it) on her.

"Ah Sasuke-chan, that wasn't very nice of you." Deidara said, sprawling out across the couch.

I narrowed my eyes at him. Maybe Renee had a slightly good idea by leaving. But what trouble could she possibly be in now...?

Renee's POV.

"I'm sure Richards will find something to reverse it." Draco said as we walked to Potions.

"Yeah, but what the hell am I supposed to do in the mean time, rip peoples' throats out out of random?" Tempting, actually.

"You heard her, you won't start feeling the full effect until the moon spell when the moon rises tonight."

"I know, but do you know how difficult it is to stop biting my lip cold turkey? Ugh, figures, I wanted to be a vampire all my life just so I could kill off my brothers, I get my wish, and my wish bites my ass."

A sudden disgusting scent filled my nose and I snarled. Well, this was going to be a long day.

"What is it?" Draco asked.

"Parkinson." I hissed. On the upside to all of this, I could know when she's coming and kill her in under twenty seconds. This could be fun.

"Well look who it is, the Gothic ninja girl." Parkinson said.

I smirked. "You should watch your tongue, Pug-face. This time I can break a lot more than just your ugly ass nose."

She flinched but quickly regained her posture, thinking of a comeback. I bared my fangs and pinned her to the wall by her throat with my right hand and it's nails digging into her throat.

"What the hell?!" She tried to yell.

I bared my fangs at her in a sadistic smile. "That's vampire girl to you now, so back off bitches unless suicidal." I had a good enough grip around her throat that I literally threw her across the hall, cracking my knuckles after.

Parkinson and her two fugly friends (yes fugly for fucking ugly) got up and ran away as fast as their nasty chicken legs could take them.

"Yeah you better run, bitches!" I yelled after them.

"I'm hoping Richards finds that reversal before you rip my throat out." Draco said, leading me away towards Potions.

"Tch, now you really don't wanna piss me off." I muttered.

Ugh, why does crazy shit happen to me?

Mia's POV.

I flipped through each page, book by book, looking for something about how to reverse what happened to Renee. I figured since she wasn't actually bitten by a vampire and turned that the curse could be lifted and reversed.

I just hope I'm right.

Actually, I just hope she doesn't kill anyone before I figure anything out...

Oh shit, I thought, oh Malfoy, please don't piss her off...And please don't let her near any Gryffindors...

"Oh, hello there Mia." I heard near me.

I looked up and saw Hermione. "Oh, hi Hermione. What are you doing here?"

"Just looking for some light reading." I looked at the books in her hands; light reading to her was the thickest books from the library apparently. "What are you doing? I always seem to run into you here lately."

"Oh you now, just catching up on my studies for my advanced classes." And for Renee's sake and humanity.

"Vampires, huh? What class is that for?" She said, looking at one of my books.

"Oh uhm, advanced Potions. We're learning about vampire blood and the effects of it." Other than the fact that that wasn't schedualed until the end of the year.

"Sounds fun. Well, I should be off." She waved and headed out. I let out a sigh of relief.

I turned back to the book in front of me and gasped, I was right, there was a reversal!

Draco's POV.

This was going to be a long class since Renee and Potter were already having a glaring contest before Snape would walk in.

I glanced at Renee through the corner of my eye and saw her eyes turning a shade of crimson. Bloody hell, I thought.

"Renee," I said, trying to turn her attention away from Potter.

"What?" She almost snapped, still not letting her glare down.

"Your eyes are turning crimson." I whispered to her.

"Funny, I don't care." She said sarcastically.

Richards you better hurry the hell up because I'm losing my girlfriend piece by piece...
♠ ♠ ♠
Today I decided to give you a chunkle of the four main's POVs today.
Who enjoyed that? Hahaa.
Ah, and the idea of;;
I bared my fangs at her in a sadistic smile. "That's vampire girl to you now, so back off bitches unless suicidal." I had a good enough grip around her throat that I literally threw her across the hall, cracking my knuckles after.
I give credit to lizzbizz(:
And towards the end in Draco's POV I was listening to the second opening of Death Note and felt I just had to throw some of that anger in there(:

Comment if you want Mia to run into the middle of Snape's class with the reversal for Renee just before she rips out Potter's throat and watch what happens(: