Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

And As the Light In You Went Dark, I Saw You Turn to Shadow.

Third Person's POV.

Snape would walk in any second now. And Renee would be bound to pounce at any second. You could feel the tension in the air, you could see Draco's face continue to grow paler and paler with worry, when was Mia going to show up and save the day?

"Renee..." Draco said cautiously, slowly moving his hand toward this beautiful monster. What happened to the sweet and evil Renee that was once inside of that body?

Renee growled, literally growled, and bared her fangs at Harry Potter. This was surely not going to end well for someone.

Harry slowly reached for his wand, bad mistake.

Renee's eyes were now completely crimson as she took on the looks of a true vampire. Her claw-like nails were now actual claws, she was even paler than before (if that's even inhumanly possible), her eyes were a bloody crimson, and that's just what she was out for: blood. Run Harry, run!

Renee lunged at him, pinning him by his throat to the floor, snapping and snarling at him. Draco ran over trying to calm her down (and hoping he wouldn't be her next snack).

"Renee!" He said, trying to pull her off but her new found vampiric strength was too much for him. "Renee stop, Potter isn't worth it!" I'm going to smack myself for sounding like those losers later, Draco thought.

Just as Renee slammed Harry's head against the floor and possibly already broke one of his arms, Snape came creepily gliding in. Even his eye twitched a little at the sight before him.

Everyone in the class was huddled away from the scene as Draco explained quite frantically to Snape what was happening.

Harry tried to push Renee off but her vampire abilities were too much for him to handle.

Footsteps came closer to the room as Mia burst through the door, mortified at the sight she was now witnessing.

"The hell happened?!" She yelled at Draco.

Somehow, even Snape didn't have a comment for this.

"I don't know!" Draco yelled back at her. "Just fix it!"

Mia reached into her pocket and threw Draco Renee's favourite pocket knife. Draco was confused. "What in bloody hell am I s'posed to do with this?!"

"Slit the palm of your hand or something!" Mia said.


Mia sighed. "Your blood will not only distract Renee away from...away from killing Harry, but, "the blood of the true love will send the demon back from wence it came"!"

"If you're wrong--"

"I'm not wrong! Just do it you blonde idiot!" Mia would regret saying that later.

Draco sighed and made a large slit on the palm of his hand, his blood nearly pouring out.

Something in Renee shifted. She released Harry and was more focused on the new scent that filled her nose. It was sweet, alluring, and she had to have it.

"See? It's like luring a shark with a bloody piece of meat!" Mia said.

Draco gaped at her. If this works, I'm going to kill her for making me bait, he thought.

Renee stood, her crimson eyes concealed behind her onyx hair and her nose filled with the scent of Draco's blood as she turned and faced him.

"She won't kill you," Mia began, "once she recognizes your blood, the pureness of you guys' love will send the darkness in her away!"

"You better be right, Richards." Draco snapped.

Renee looked at him, her crimson eyes only focused on one thing: his blood.

Renee's POV.

Focus on the Potter boy! A voice scolded me.

You must ignore it, Renee! Another urged me.

I felt dizzy and something snapped in me. Not the bad kind of snapped, it felt like something had finally released its grip on me.

A gasp escaped my lips and I felt myself falling back. What had I missed...?

I woke up in the Hospital Wing...again. This is not my day, is it? I thought.

"She's awake!" A familiar voice said by my side. The lights seemed to have dimmed and I saw Mia by my side with Draco standing behind her.

"How do you feel?" Draco asked, his voice was rough.

"Fine...I think..." I replied. "What the hell happened?"

The corner of Draco's mouth twitched like he was about to smile and Mia sighed. "You...uh..." She tried to say.

"You did a number on Potter." Draco said.

"I what?" I said.

"It's a long story, but all that matters is that you're okay and back to Renee again." Mia said, trying to smile.

"Okay, in this puzzle, there's a few giant pieces that I'm missing here. Explain, now." This was seriously irking me.

"Do you remember anything from today?" Draco asked me.

I thought back, "Yeah, I remember getting bored and changing my look," And where the hell was my lip ring? "And...wait, didn't I like turn into a vampire girl or something?"

"Sort of." Mia replied. "It was just the Darkness overwhelming you. It got bad enough that in Potions you apparently went after Harry."

Okay, maybe this is why my friends call me violent.

"Love, you broke his arm, gave him a concussion, and he has claw marks all over his face, arms and neck." Draco replied, holding back how happy he truely was.

"Holy shit...I did all that...?" I barely said.

Mia and Draco nodded. "But I found something in Library and got there just in time before you, well, killed him."

This is why I have smart friends.

"So...I'm gonna be okay now?" I asked.

Mia nodded. "Looks that way."

"What was it that saved me anyways?"

Mia looked up and Draco. "Your boyfriend's love and his blood."

From now on, I think I'm gonna try being a vegetarian. But come on, why does this shit happen to me?
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter title creds go to Apocalyptica and Lacey Mosley's song: Broken Pieces.
I love that song(:
So now Renee's all better,
But how are those judgey students of Hogwarts gonna take it..?
How much more trouble can she possibly get into? You must be wondering.
I will tell you now, oh so much more.

And, make sure you comment for MiMi because without her, Renee would have gone on a killing spree! *gasp!*