Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

Don't You Know That You're Toxic?

"I worked fricken hard on that too!" I whined as I looked in the mirror seeing my red streaks gone.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll re-do it later." Mia said. Then she gasped, obviously stating she had an idea.

"What?" I said, trying to put in my lip ring again (and hoping the holes hadn't closed).

"You've still got all your spy gear, right?" I saw Draco arch an eyebrow as he laid lazilly on the bed.

"Tch, duhh. Why?" I replied, trying to figure out something to do with my hair.

"Tch, duhh! Spy on Heather with it! Your gear with your ninja skills should be enough to find out what she's up to!" Mia exclaimed excitedly and turning me around to face her.

"Not a half bad idea. But you know, back in the village there were teams of three. You two in?" I said.

Mia nodded furiously, obviously loving her own scheming. I taught her well. Draco shrugged and we took that as a yes. I sighed and went into my trunk to get my old ninja gear.

"Aha, and don't think you two are getting away so easily." I said, going into the bathroom to change, leaving them puzzled.

I came out, pointing my wand at the each of them, and giving them their own "ninja gear". Mia seemed alright with hers, but heh, well, I'm not sure he's a happy camper with my pick.

Mia took one look at his shirt and burst out laughing. "Ahaha! It's so true!" She said in between laughs at the words, 'I'm not antisocial, I just hate you' printed on the black shirt he was wearing.

Draco sneered at her then took one look at the dagger in his hand and smirked evilly.

"HEY! Weapons are only for emergency use only! I have kunai, MiMi has shuriken, and why I still don't know but I gave you the dagger." I said to Draco.

"Hey, what's this on the--did you seriously put the Hufflepuff crest where the Leaf Village one should be?" Mia said with the, 'do-you-really-get-that-fricken-bored?' look. I nodded and pointed my thumb towards Draco, who's headband bore the Slytherin crest.

"Mine has the Leaf Village symbol because this is the original one I got when I graduated. I even have my initals engraved on a corner." I said matter-of-factly.

Mia and Draco looked at me funny like I was mental (there goes the British in me again. I need to get out of London...) and I merely shrugged. "What? I get bored."

"What's with the sunglasses?" Draco asked.

"Heat and motion sensing sunglasses. That's one good reason how we whipped you at hide and seek." I answered, holding back laughter at the end.

"This shirt is cute, where'd you get it?" Mia asked me.

"A cute little shop called Closet-O'-MiMi." I replied with a goofy grin.

"I should have known..." Mia muttered as she tied her ninjaband around her neck much like Hinata does.

I shrugged and tied mine around my forehead. Yes, I'm one of the few girls that ties it around her forehead like the boys do. Draco sighed and tied his around his upper right forearm.

I grabbed my motocross jacket, threw it on, and pulled my glasses over my eyes. "Ready?" I asked. Suddenly I felt like Britney Spears in either the video for Toxic or Break the Ice.

Mia nodded, Draco sighed. We took that as a yes too and dragged him out. With help from Mia's invisibility charm, we made it out without anyone in the Slytherin Common room noticing us.

"We should split up." I said, handing both of them a communicator earpiece. "I'll take the west wing,"

"I've got the east," Mia said.

"And I'll take the north." Draco said.

I nodded. "Once you've finished investigating your wing, head to the Entrance Hall where we'll all meet up."

"And if we find something suspicious?" Mia asked.

"Anything suspicious from Heather to hell, even Potter, check in with the earpiece communicator." I replied.

Draco smirked. "This should be fun than."

"It is, believe me." I replied as we headed to our wings.

After about ten minutes, I hadn't come across anything suspicious. Everything seemed normal as they could be as I slipped in and out of the shadows, avoiding the few students that were around.

"You guys find anything?" I said into the earpiece.

"Not a thing. Not even Potter." Draco replied.

"MiMi, how about you?" I asked.

"I just found imposter Heather!" She whisper-yelled.

"Where?" Draco asked, almost eagerly.

"She just came sneaking out of the Transfig. corridor. I was lucky she didn't see me!"

"Where are you right now?" I asked her.

"I ducked into Ancient Runes just in time. Draco, she's heading your way." Mia replied.

Draco chuckled. Oh here we go, I thought.

"Draco, don't do anything stupid." I said cautiously.

"No promises on that one, love." He replied mischeviously.
♠ ♠ ♠
What's imposter Heather doing wandering the corridors so suspiciously...?
More trouble to come for the sneaky trio!
Comment if you think Draco's shirt speaks the truth(: