Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

The Floodgates Are Breaking And Pouring Out.

This is not going to go well for him, I thought, feeling panic seering in the pit of my stomach. Without even thinking, I took off running for my blonde idiot.

"Renee," Mia's voice came crackling from the earpiece communicator. Shit, I'm almost out of range.

"I'm going after Draco, if anything happens, I'll set off one of my explosion beads." I said back, just in time before I was completely out of range. Hopefully she got it all.

I ran like a bat out of hell before I came across "Heather." I gulped. This was not good for me.

"Renee, I haven't seen you around school in so long. What are you wearing?" She said, trying to play it casual.

"Don't you recognize it?" I said, narrowing my eyes slightly at her. She shook her head. "It's my old ninja outfit from the village, you of all people should know--you were on my squad. Team 7 just like our brothers."

Her eye twitched sightly. "Y-yeah, I knew that...I was uh..just playing around with you. Come on Renee, lighten up!"

"Yeah, where's Draco?" In a second, I was about ready to pounce.

Imposter Heather shrugged. "I dunno. I would have figured he'd be with you."

Something didn't sound right about that. Literally. Heather Levine Uzumaki has a straight up American accent, that sounded a little British to me.

"Heather, your hair getting darker? And your eyes?" I said, ready to take a step back.

" must just be the winter. You know how my hair likes to do that."

"No, no I don't. Because both you and Naruto's hair is always that freaking bright blonde." I cut my eyes at her and she did the same to me. "Now I'm going to ask you again, where, is, Draco?"

She smirked evilly and I reached for a kunai, throwing it at her and throwing down three of my black beads, making smoke erupt everywhere and making it impossible to see. I ran right past "Heather" to where Draco last was.

"Where are you?" I heard Mia asked panicked over the earpiece.

"Uhh...outside of Potions."

"I'll be right there."

"Hurry, I dunno how long it'll be before that psycho comes back for me and I only have a couple more kunais!"

Slowly and quietly, I cracked open the door to Potions and gasped. I ran in to find Draco out cold on the floor.

"Damn, damn, dammit!" I said at his side. "Come on, wake up Draco! Wake up before that psychopath finds us and kills us!" I said frantically and shaking him.

Two sets of footsteps were heard from both entrances of the room; one walking calmly and a good distance away, the other running and almost there. With any luck, that was MiMi.

One of the doors bursted open and in ran Mia, letting a sigh of relief escape me.

"Psycho, almost here, he's out cold, help!" I said panicked to her. Mia shut the door behind her, locking it, and running to the other, locking it as well.

"So it really isn't Heather?" Mia asked.

"Not unless she's gone completely mental!" Mia gave me a look and I sighed. "I'm spending to much time in London and with my British boyfriend, I know. But help!"

The footsteps grew closer and Mia drew her wand, muttering some incantation, and I soon found myself in Draco's room on the floor.

"Thank you for being so smarticle." I said to Mia.

"You're welcome. But now that she knows that we know her dirty little secret, you know she's only going to try to split us up."

"I know. But I'm not going to let her stop me. I've got things to do and I'm not going to let her stop me." I said, standing up and heading for the door.

"Where are you going?" Mia asked me.

"To snatch something useful from a certain Gryffindor." I replied, vanishing. Yeah, I've been studying magic too here.

[[Fifteen Minutes Later]]

I opened the door, yawning, and stepped in, sliding down the door as I closed it behind me.

"Well, I don't see any blood on you or a sack with a body in it, so nobody's dead..." Mia said.

I shook my head and threw her none other than the Maurader's Map.

"How the...but how'd he...and how'd you...and this is...?" She stuttered.

I nodded and walked over to her as she held the map and pointed my wand at it. "I solomnly swear that I am up to no good." The map began revealing itsself and Mia was surprised.

"Open it. This is how we're going to keep track of Heather or find out whoever Heather really is." I said, looking over her shoulder at the map.

"You can see whoever is wherever on this map." I said.

"How did you know Harry had this?" Mia asked.

"I just know things. Go with it." I replied. "See? There's Dumbledore, pacing. McGonagall patrolling, Trelawney probably having one of her episodes, whoa whoa whoa," There was a strange name on the map.

"What's it say?" Mia asked me.

"I can't read it, but that's where us and imposter Heather were. So that must be who is really is. Only...the name isn't visible."

"But when you use a polyjuice potion, you would still show up on something like this as the person you're trying to be." Mia stated.

"Than obviously she isn't using a polyjuice potion, now is she?" Draco said, sitting up.

"Obviously not..." I said as we all witnessed the mysterious name vanishing into thin air.
♠ ♠ ♠
Seriously, how much trouble can they get in?
Updating again tomorrow;;
Thank you all so much for the wonderful comments!
They make my day(:
Comment if you can't wait for the impending trouble as the plot really begins to unravel now...

*SPOILER ALERT!* I can inform you right now, some crazy shit is going down after the Holidays...And in the next chapter, I'm jumping to December. Sorry for the skipping around but I need to get this done! Hahaa.