Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

That's Why I'm Still Banned From Starbucks.


I rolled over onto my back, my head throbbing. True, I can hold my liquor. But I also wake up the next morning with a severe hangover.

"You two look like hell." I heard.

I groaned and put the pillow over my head. "Renee isn't here, please leave a message after the beep. Beep."

"Come on NeeNee, time to wake up." Mia said, trying to pull me out of bed.

"Dude, hangover, noo." I replied, curling back under the blankets.

"So get some coffee."

I chuckled. "Ha, noo."

"Why not?"

"It makes me severely hyper. That's why I'm still banned from Starbucks."

"You seriously got banned from Starbucks?" Came Draco's hungover and tired voice.

"Yes, I seriously did." I replied, laughing. "So," I rolled over and looked at Mia with my hungover eyes, "where'd you run off to last night when we were poppin' shots?"

Mia's face turned red. She didn't have to answer. One word: James.

I broke out laughing, giving myself a headache.

"I saw this coming and I came prepared." Mia said, slightly laughing and throwing me a Coke.

"Dude, I love you forever." I replied, cracking it open and taking a huge fricken sip.

"Most people use coffee to dim a headache, you, of course, use Coke." Draco teased me.

"Of course. 'Open Coke, open happiness.' Totally right." I said, taking another sip.


"Renee, take off the sunglasses." Mia said to me.

"Like hell!" I rubbed my temples from my own yelling. Yeah, I'm stupid when I'm hungover.

"Wow, don't you look pathetic." Came Parkinson's annoying voice.

I cracked my knuckles and decked her in the nose...again. Hey, I can still hit pretty well when I'm hungover. Don't underestimate me.

"Renee, please don't go around decking people today." Mia teased me, slightly laughing.

"Than why the hell did you drag me out of bed?! Couldn't you just go make out with James or something?" I replied, sitting on the bench in the courtyard.

"Because." Mia replied, her cheeks slightly pink.

"Any sign of that imposter Heather on the map?" Draco asked, his voice rough.

Mia shook her head.

I chuckled. "Potter realize his map is gone yet?"

Mia shook her head again. "He's too preoccupied with the tournament and it's like the Heather doppleganger just...vanished. Speaking of which, Draco you are going to keep an eye on Renee over the Holidays, correct?"

"No shit." He replied, rubbing his temples.

"You know, you two are more fun when you're trashed." Mia teased us.

"Yeah, and we're bitches when we're hungover. Point?" I replied.

This was going to be a long and very hungover day...
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if it was a little on the lame side :/
But the next one will be better, promise!
But where could Imposter Heather have vanished to?
And who the hell is she anyways?
Comments make me smile and update(: