Sequel: Minutes to Midnight.
Status: OFFICIALLY over with 59 chapters! :D

A Homeschooled Witch, Living with the Akatsuki, Sneaking Around with Draco Malfoy.

Heading Home For the Holidays.

The Next Morning.

I continued packing as Draco took a shower and Mia was telling me about her night with James. Sorry sweetie, but I think I'm winning this.

"...and he walked me back to my dorm and kissed me goodnight! Oh you were right, NeeNee, he is my soulmate!" She said all sappy-like. Oh fuck, I thought, she's gonna go completely goo-goo when I tell her my story...

"So, where'd you and Draco disappear to last night? Don't tell me you have another hickey." Mia teased me.

I shook my head and hid my smile.

"You're not telling me something..." She said.

I looked up at her, my eyes glimmering and held out my hand with the gorgeous emerald ring on it. Her eyes lit up like a little kid on christmas morning and she almost looked like she could cry.

"OHMYGOD RENEE!" She exclaimed. "Is this what I think it is?!"

"Sort of." I looked at the ring again as I spoke. "It's not exactly an engagement ring, but more like promising each other that in a few years we will get engaged and we will get married."

Mia's eyes were huge and tear filled. In a matter of seconds the entire school would be flooded with her damn tears.

"Holy shizz that ring is gorgeo--you two totally did it last night, didn't you?" Mia knew me all too well.

"Yeah, we totally did." I replied with a goofy grin. Best night of my life, in more ways than one.

"Since you two are like, half engaged, I can't exacltly be mad at that. And you two have been together for what, four years?" I nodded and kept packing. "You guys are just so perfect for each other."

"And you and James are too." I cocked my head and smiled at her.

"I take it by the screaming and 'awhs' out here that you told her?" Draco said, drying his hair with his towel.

I nodded and I could tell MiMi was resisting the urge to tackle him in a hug because it would not have good results.

"I am totally planning your wedding!" Mia nearly yelling, thrusting her hand in the air.

Draco and I looked at each other, about ready to laugh. "Great, so my best friend and your mom are going to be in charge of our future wedding. We are so screwed..." I joked.

"We're probably going to have about a thousand people at least and doves flyling everywhere for all we know." Draco added.

"No, no, for Renee's sake it would be crows." Mia said.

I gaped at her. "Yeah 'cause that's totally what we need is crows pecking the shit out of everyone."

She shrugged and jumped off the bed, going to the door. "I gotta go, James is taking me to the train station!" Her cheeks turned red as she skipped out the door.

"Match made in Heaven." I said, closing my trunk.

"True, but they lack in comparison to us." Draco said, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind me. I kissed him and got dressed, not caring if he saw me or not considering last night.

"Damn do I love your hips." I heard him say from the bed.

I laughed to myself and finished getting dressed. Once I was finished with my eyeliner, we were set to go.

Walking hand in hand, we still managed to turn some heads and I still managed to make Weasley want to piss himself.

"He's such a pussy." I said as we walked onto the train.

Draco shrugged. "They're all bloody gits if you ask me."

"Yes Draco, thank you for stating the obvious." I teased him.

"Uh-oh, if he's stating the obvious than who just got insulted?" Came Rose's voice from behind me.

"The usual, I presume. The 'Golden Trio', correct?" Jess said, walking up behind Rose.

"Who else?" I said.

A couple of minutes later we had found the compartment with Mia and James in it. They looked too cute together.

"Of course, your shirt is green." Mia commented.

"And of course the one under it is Avenged Sevenfold." I added.

James put his arm around Mia's shoulders and pulled her close to him. They looked about as cute as two newborn kittens to me. That's friggen cute.

"They look so adorable!" I whispered in Draco's ear.

Draco chuckled and pulled me close to him. I put my headphones in my ears and soon enough fell asleep to Blue Bird by Ikimonogakari. It's a sweet little song and I've always loved it.

I awoke to a gentle shaking and a kiss on the forehead and looked up to see Draco. "We'll be at the station in about half an hour." He whispered to me. I smiled and put my iPod back in my pocket.

"Oh Renee, your locket is so pretty. I forgot to tell you that yesterday." Mia said.

"Thank you." I smiled. "But check this out!" I clicked open the little locket so it started playing Clair de Lune.

"Clair de Lune!" Mia exclaimed.

"How do you two even know that song?" James asked us.

We looked at each other and sighed the same, "Twilight."

The boys looked at each other confused. "I don't reccoment watching it unless you're into sparkling, vegetarian, emo vampires." Mia burst out laughing. Hey, it was all true to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I put up the links to the Naruto opening and Clair de Lune because they're sweet songs and figured, 'why not?' if any of you wanted to check them out.
Alrighty, heading home for the holidays ^.^
Trouble to come after...
Comment and I update(: